Chapter 669 : I am the strongest in the world (4/6)

“we are the champion!”

Zongshen looked around, his voice rang through the audience.

At this moment.

The whole stadium burst into cheers.

“The world’s number one junior high school student!”

“Invincible Hand Zongshen!”

“The biggest dark horse in U-17 history!”

The audience cheered in excitement, and their voices went straight into the sky.

“Kikumaru, we won!”

“We won the championship!”

Oishi will hug Kikumaru excitedly, flushing with excitement.

“Hey Hey!”

Kikumaru smirked and couldn’t say a word anymore.

“ーA new record is born!

Yukimura closed her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were curved.

Although he did not play, he could feel the glory of the team’s championship.

The cheers in the ears are so wonderful.

“Yukimura, Tiejia, Fuji, and everyone!”

Sanada put his arms around his chest, his eyes flashed with blazing light: “Let’s do this too, one day we will stand on the world stage and lead the team to win the championship!”

“Do not!”

The hand’s eyes flashed, and the original calm face became more fierce: “It is three consecutive championships. Before our high school foul out, we won the World Cup three consecutive championships!”

Now the team has won a championship.

The World Cup in Australia will be held in two years.

At that time they were only in the third grade.

If you can win the Australian World Cup, it would be two consecutive championships.

When they are promoted to the third year of high school, it happens to be the Wimbledon World Cup. If they can win the championship, it will be three consecutive championships.

And three consecutive championships are their goal.

Zongshen created a miracle, allowing the Japanese team to win the championship for the first time.

And what they have to do is to create another history!

“Three three consecutive championships?!”

Everyone trembled.

Unexpectedly, the usually calm hand would have such ambitions.

“Shoujia is right!”

“Although the predecessors are strong, we must surpass them!”

Yukimura opened her eyes fiercely, the softness in her eyes disappeared, and some were just hot flames.

“Three consecutive?!”


“Let this uncle lead you to accomplish this magnificent goal!”

Atobe pressed two fingers between his eyebrows and smiled openly.

Three consecutive World Cup championships are difficult, at least ten or even a hundred times more difficult than the national three consecutive championships.

But so what?

If you don’t even dare to have your dreams, what right do you have to stand on the world stage.

“Although it’s crazy!

“But I have to say that this is a goal worth pursuing!”

Yanagi Renji narrowed his eyes.

The question of probability was not mentioned for the first time.

“As long as everyone is one mind, then we have a 100% chance of winning three consecutive championships!”

Inui Sadaharu pushed the frame and said in a deep voice.


The group’s eyes widened. They didn’t expect Inui Sadaharu to be even crazier than himself. He even dared to say 100% of the words.

“Without the determination to win 100%, it would be impossible to accomplish this dream!”

Inui Sadaharu said without blushing or breathing.


Everyone listened to this and nodded their heads.

And at this moment.

The broadcast came again.


“Individual awards and team awards will be awarded for this World Cup!”

On the big screen beside the gymnasium, the wonderful scenes of each team began to be played.

The first thing that appeared was the duel between Echizen Ryoga and Amadeus.

The two figures stood on the court.

Light shot and dark shot collide, and the ultimate power is boiling.

The screen flashed.

The ghosts of Onijujiro, the world pirates of Byodoin, the power of different dimensions shakes the court.

Until the end, Zongshen watched the Quartet and Polk finally battled.

The pictures flashed one by one, and the team members from various countries were fighting to death.

“The winners of the various awards are announced below!”

“The winner of the best team-the Japanese team!”

“The winner of the best singles player—hand Zongshen!”

“Best Doubles Player Winner–Schneider, Burku!”

“Best Coach Winner-Mifune Into the Road!”

“MVP winner of the French Contest-Hand Zongshen!”

After the announcement of the winners, there was a warm cheer from the audience.

Most people have no objection.

After all, the Japanese team won the championship, and they are indeed worthy of these awards.

“Why didn’t Byōdōin Hōō and Oni Jujiro win the award for best doubles?”

…For flowers…

Camus was puzzled.

The most important thing for the Japanese team to win the championship is doubles two.

In his opinion, the best doubles should be awarded to two people, not Schneider.

“No matter singles or doubles are individual awards!”

“For the sake of fairness, the World Cup organizers prevent awards from being swept by a team, so individual awards do not look at the team’s victory or defeat, but only look at the individual performance!”

Norman seemed to have known this a long time ago, so he explained.

“Byodoin and Oni Jujiro performed well, but not as good as Schneider and Burku!”

Luke also said something.

Schneider and Burcu have swept their opponents all the way since the World Cup.

Not to mention winning other combinations, even two points or more can not be obtained.

It usually ends 6 to 1 and 6 to 2.

This kind of standings is undoubtedly the most dazzling existence in the World Cup.

“No matter what, the Japanese team is the biggest gainer this year!”

Amadeus whispered.

At this time, the song that we are champions also rang.

The surrounding audience cheered, and everyone was yelling Zongshen’s name.

“He is so strong!”

Players from various countries looked at Zongshen and sighed in their hearts.

Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to admit that Zongshen’s strength far exceeds them.

In a look of wonder, loss, jealousy, and unwillingness.

For various awards, Zongshen has three trophies in front of one person, and he can’t hold it with two hands.

“Zongshen is really amazing!”

An army member was full of admiration.

Zongshen is probably the only one who can dominate the World Cup at the age of three in the whole world.

“bring it on!’

“This is our common glory!”

Zongshen gave the championship trophy with a big smile.

The players were taken aback for a moment, and then swarmed up.

After receiving the championship trophy, the excitement on his face could no longer be stopped.

“World number one!”

“We won the French championship!”

“Long live!”

At this moment, they are the protagonists of the world.

The championship trophy was held high above the head by all the team members, blooming with golden brilliance.

The French competition came to an end.

They are champions!

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