Chapter 771 : Son of God Yukimura (4/5)


The heavy landing sound hit people’s hearts.

The tennis ball flashed and flicked out.


Since Shoujia used the field, match has been on the sidelines.

Even if Chitose uses Shenyin, Tachibana Kippei uses the lion’s breath, but can’t penetrate the realm, and can only watch as he keeps losing points.


Tachibana kippei gritted his teeth.

This is the first time he has been so powerless since he entered middle school.

Shoujia’s strength is beyond imagination, and after using the domain, it crushes him even more.


“This game is my serve game!”

Chitose said solemnly.

He is not a fool who can be called a duo of Kyushu.

In the two games just now, something was seen.

The handicraft field is indeed strong, but two requirements must be met every time it is used.

The first is to catch the Let ball.

If you don’t receive a tennis ball, you will never be able to use the field.

The second is time.

The hand-made domain cannot be created instantaneously. After each scoring, the domain will disappear for a short time, and it will only reappear after several rounds of counterattack.

“It’s only the domain that cracks the gods, not the hands of them!’

Chitose Senri whispered, grasping the key to the problem.

Shenyin did lose the effect just now, but it was lost because of the domain.

Now that the realm has disappeared, Shenyin is naturally still effective.


Tachibana kippei exhaled and calmed himself down.

The more critical the situation, the more we need to calm down, otherwise the chaos will only give people opportunities.


The tennis ball is thrown up.

Chitose Senri’s slightly side body jumped, waving racquet in the blink of his eyes.


The hitting sound rang and the tennis flickered wildly.

The ball disappeared instantly after rushing through the net, and when it appeared again, it was already at the baseline position.

Yukimura was taken aback, and it was too late to fight back.


Chitose serve score!

“It’s really troublesome 1.!”

Yukimura sighed.

The divine disappearance just now really made him ignore some problems.

Now that the tennis ball disappeared, I remembered that they didn’t really crack Shenyin.

I was able to fight back before, entirely because of the domain.

“Don’t worry about it!”

Shoujia’s complexion was calm.

If necessary, he can think about cracking the ball.

But now they don’t need to think about this, because the next game is Yukimura’s serve game.

The conditions of that trick have been met and can be used.

“makes sense!

Yukimura chuckled lightly, knowing what Shoujia meant.


The sound rang, the tennis ball disappeared, and the serve scored.

The next scene seems to be repeated, every time Chitose swings a direct score.

However, the two players lacked interest and seemed not in the mood to hit the ball back.

“What are these two guys thinking?!”

Tachibana kippei and Chitose Senri looked at each other.

The more they were like this, the stronger their bad premonitions became.


As the final goal fell, Chitose scored a point.


“This match should be over!”

Yukimura exhaled.

His face was not lost because of losing points, but a bright smile appeared.

The player on the side retreated to the baseline and handed over the field to Yukimura.


Hearing this, Tachibana kippei’s bad premonition grew.

“Yukimura doesn’t want to use that trick, right?”

Kimijima said solemnly.

“That trick?”

All the members of Lion Music turned their heads one after another, puzzled.

“Destroy the five senses!”

Before Jundao could speak, Wugu on the side said in a condensed voice.

He knows how strong the five senses are.

Although Yukimura’s five senses did not reach the level of Zongshen, his opponents were not those world-class masters.

Once trapped in the five senses, with the power of Tachibana kippei and Chitose Senri, never want to crack it.

“Destroy the five senses?!”

The players’ hearts were stunned.

They have all heard of this trick, but the power does not know how.

on court.

Yukimura patted the tennis ball lightly, and the smile on her face grew.

“Next, this trick is called extinguishing the five senses, two of you, be careful!”


The words fell, and racquet waved.

After the tennis ball drew an arc, it landed in front of Tachibana Kippei.

Tachibana kippei was taken aback, and subconsciously swung his pat.

But when racquet received the Let ball, the sense of weightlessness came and the touch of his arm seemed to disappear.


racquet swept.

But because the sense of touch disappeared and the power of the swing was out of control, the tennis ball hit the net and never crossed the net.


Yukimura scored.

“What’s wrong?”

Chitose Senri asked suspiciously.

Because Yukimura’s ball is an ordinary flat ball, and logically speaking, it shouldn’t be a turnover.

w… 1 His sense of touch has been deprived of me!””

Yukimura chuckled lightly.

The face of Chitose who was originally puzzled changed drastically, and hurriedly looked at Tachibana kippei.

Then he found that his friend’s expression was constantly changing, and his arm was still squeezing racquet.


Chitose yelled in disbelief.

“My sense of touch is gone!”

Tachibana kippei gritted his teeth and let out a low growl in his throat.

Although it feels unbelievable, he really can’t feel the weight of racquet now, and he doesn’t seem to have anything in his hand.


Chitose Senri was taken aback, but he didn’t expect it to be true.

“Next is hearing!”

Yukimura’s soft voice came.

Without giving them time to react, quickly toss the ball and swing.


The tennis ball fell to the ground.

Tachibana kippei just wanted to fight back, but found that the sound around him was weakening, and finally the whole world fell into silence.

(Wang Nuozhao) “My hearing?!”

With a look on the arm holding the racket, the tennis ball hit the net again.


But he ignored the ball, and hurriedly looked around.

The audience was found to have their mouths open, but they could not hear any sound.

Fear spread to his heart and made him look all over.


Chitose Senri yelled welcoming.

But I found that Tachibana kippei didn’t respond at all.

Seeing this scene, a chill came straight into my heart.

He understands that his friend’s hearing is really deprived by Seiichi Yukimura.

“Is this Yukimura, the Son of God?!”

Chitose Senri murmured.

At this moment, he truly felt the horror of the strongest rookie.

The realm of the hand and the five senses!

No matter what kind of technique, there is no solution.

Now that Tachibana kippei’s sense of hearing and touch has been deprived, the game is on the sidelines, and the defeat is in sight!.

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