Chapter 785 : Current Minister Makinofuji (4/5)

PS: Something happened at home these days, so I kept running to the police station, and the update will be resumed when I’m busy.

“give it to me!”

Tohno Atsukyo’s eyes were cold.

After a loud roar, he rushed away.

To be buried alive!


The tennis ball burst out, like a crimson light, the ultimate impact force drawn a white mark in the air.

The Mutsu brothers cross-run, trying to confuse the two.

But Tohno only targeted one person, and the tennis ball quickly shot towards Mutsu Yuho on the left.


Mutsu Yuma hurriedly shouted.

Mutsu Yuho on the side saw that the tennis ball had rushed to him, and subconsciously dodged sideways.

The tennis ball turned into a beam of light passing through his side, rushing out again.


“This bastard!”

Anger flashed in Mutsu Yuho’s eyes.

He knew that if he didn’t avoid it just now, he would definitely be injured.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“This is just the beginning, I will sacrifice all of you in blood!”

Tohno Atsukyo burst out laughing, his eyes gleaming with cold light.

Hearing this furious, the two brothers quickly shot the ball out, but they received a crazy counterattack from the 25 side.


Cement and Stone Boots of Execution!


Bulls of Faorius of Execution!



Tie Lihua of Execution!

Tohno Atsukyo furiously hit various execution balls.

Before he would target one of the two brothers, but now it is different.

Attacked directly at the two, without any target.

It’s quite a way of hitting who is who.

This crazy attack caused great trouble to the Mutsu brothers.

Although the two tried their best to resolve, they were still unavoidably hurt.


With the execution balls falling, Tohno Atsukyo made the score abruptly.


“This fellow Tohno is really crazy!”

Qiuting Hongye shook his head and said.

The Mutsu brothers were clearly leading just now.

But under Tohno’s crazy attack, the two brothers began to fear and lose points.

“But it’s very effective!

Kaji Kazena said with interest.

The penalty ball greeted the person directly. If he were on the court, it would be shocking.

“No matter what means you use, as long as you can score!”

Byodoin snorted coldly.

For him, as long as Tohno can win, it doesn’t matter what method he uses.

Even if the Mutsu brothers are a member of the army.

But now is not the time to talk about the First Army.

Because both sides represent two teams, no matter whether they are training camp teammates or not, they cannot be merciful.

the other side.

Seeing Tohno’s personal attack, the Seigaku team suddenly made a noise.

“Tohno Atsukyo is too much!

“As a companion in the army, I actually carried out such a personal attack!’

“Senior Mutsu, come on!”

“Beat the opponent and let them know how good Seigaku is!”

A group of players glared at Tohno Atsukyo.

Can’t wait to rush to the court immediately and beat the opponent violently.

“Minister, seniors, are they okay?”

Fuji couldn’t help but speak.

It is the first time that he has seen such a crazy person, every goal is to attack the opponent.

“Do not worry!”

Zongshen comforted.

The three can be said to be old opponents.

They played against each other from the time of National One until now.

It was the Mutsu brothers who won before, so he believes it will be the same this time.

“Yuho and Yuma are very strong, so don’t worry!”

Oni Jujiro also spoke.

Tohno Atsukyo is indeed crazy now.

But the consequences of this madness are huge consumption.

He can remember that Tohno’s physical strength is not very strong, as long as it continues, Tohno will lose in the end.

On the field.

The Mutsu brothers looked ugly.

Seeing to win the match.

But who would have thought that Tohno Atsukyo would be so crazy, attacking them desperately.

In the face of that kind of madness and brutality, the two can only avoid their sharp edges for a while.

But this is a doubles match after all, and it is the cooperation of two people.

With the combined efforts of the Mutsu brothers, they scored again.

And even though Tohno Atsukyo is crazy, it consumes a lot of physical energy.

The two seized this defect and launched a fierce attack.





The match ended and the Mutsu brothers won.


The two breathed heavily, and a smile appeared on their faces.

Although there have been some twists and turns in this event, the final result has not changed.


Tohno Atsukyo looked ugly.

This is his fourth loss to the Mutsu brothers.

Once in the second grade and twice in the third grade, now in high school, I lost to two people again.

Angry, unwilling, frustrated.

All sorts of emotions rushed into his heart, making his whole body tremble with anger.

But he didn’t yell.

Instead, he was silent, and then turned and went off, like a wounded lone wolf.

“Senior Tohno!”

Seeing this, the other members of Makinofuji wanted to comfort them.

But before he could say his words, he was stopped by Byodoin’s eyes.

He knew that the pride in Tohno’s heart was stronger than anyone else, and to comfort him was only a humiliation to Tohno.

“We have lost two games!”

703 Byodoin was sitting upright with his arms folded, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The defeat in two matches put Makinofuji in desperation.

If they lose one more game, they will stop at the semi-finals of the national competition.

Not even able to enter the finals is an unforgivable thing for him.

“Mukai, you go!”

Finally, Byodoin turned his head to look at Mukai Masato.

Masato Mukai is the minister of Makinofuji this year, and one of the few masters in the team.


Masato Mukai nodded, picked up racquet, and strode towards the court.

“It’s Makinofuji’s minister!”

When the opponent walked onto the field, Seigaku’s group was alarmed.

“Mukai Masato?”

Zongshen looked at the other party and recalled the other party’s information.

Masato Mukai, the current Minister of Makinofuji.

Although the strength of Makinofuji has been greatly reduced this year, there are still a few strong players to support it.

And Masato Mukai in front of him is one of them, and his strength is at the national level.

“give it to me!”

Shoujia stood up, his expression calm.

He was the second singles player, but he didn’t panic because of who his opponent was.


Zongshen nodded.

Although the opponent’s strength is good, his own brother is also very strong.

So there is no need to worry at all. .

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