Chapter 829 : Champions Cup Final Battle (3/5)

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The tennis ball flew back and forth on both sides, making noises.

Date Guy and Ban Li also blocked them with all their strength, but they still couldn’t stop Tokugawa who opened the other dimension.


“Game, Tokugawa Kazuya, 4 to 5!”



“Game, Tokugawa Kazuya, 5 to 5!”


“Game, Tokugawa Kazuya, 6 to 5!”

But in just ten minutes, Tokugawa pulled the score back and surpassed.


The two of Banli gasped, and sweat slipped from the corners of their foreheads.

Looking up at Tokugawa, I saw that there was not much sweat on the opponent’s face at all, and it was obviously not very expensive.

“Is this world class?

Ban Li also clenched his fists, his eyes full of “seven thirty zero” is unwilling.

When watching the World Cup, he knew that he was world-class strong.

But watching and experiencing in person are two different feelings.

He really felt the power of this kind of player only when he fought against a real world-class master.


The last ball fell.

The two couldn’t fight back, they could only watch the tennis rush out.


When the match is over, Seigaku wins.

The audience was silent at first, and then there was an uproar.

“Seigaku won!

“Tokugawa Kazuya almost defeated the two of Rikkai by himself!”

“This is world-class strength. Players who have not entered this field are not opponents at all!”

“Don’t forget, Tokugawa is a third-year student, and the third-year student has this kind of strength. It’s really terrifying!

The audience talked a lot, looking at Tokugawa with shock.


“Get the key point!”

“Seigaku must win, Rikkai defeated!”

All the members of Seigaku cheered.

This match can be said to be a battle that determines the outcome of the battle.

Now Seigaku has two wins, one loss and one tie, temporarily taking the lead.

The next match is the final singles one, even if Seigaku loses, he will not lose.

“The Tokugawa-senpai is really amazing!

“Oishi, did you see it?”

Kikumaru put his hands on Oishi’s shoulders, shaking excitedly.

“Yeah, Eiji let me go!”

Oishi’s head was stunned.


A hint of apology flashed in Kikumaru’s eyes, but was soon overwhelmed by excitement.

Because they are only one step away from the championship.

“Senior Tokugawa’s different dimension, even a world-class player, is probably difficult to defeat, right?”

Yukimura’s eyes lit up.

The defense of the King Kong Buddha statue is extremely amazing.

Otherwise, the offense of the two men with the companion force, how can they win the game.

But under Wushuang’s defense, the offense was ineffective and ultimately failed miserably.

“During the World Cup, even the masters of other countries had a headache for Tokugawa’s move!”

Mutsu Yuho laughed.

And at this moment.

Tokugawa and Tejia also returned to the rest area.

“Good job”

Zongshen nodded in satisfaction.

“Thanks to Senior Tokugawa for this match, I didn’t help much!”

The hand shook his head.

Although he scored two points, he couldn’t get in at all.

As a junior high school student, there is still some gap between him and high school students.

“Know your shortcomings to make progress!”

Zongshen said, then stood up.

The doubles one has ended, and the singles one comes next.

The singles will determine the outcome of the two teams, and Zongshen will also play in person.

“Is the minister coming on stage?”

Kikumaru’s eyes lit up.

When this word fell, it instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

The team members looked at Zongshen with hope in their eyes.

If this match can be won, Seigaku will win two consecutive championships, creating a new history for the team.

“The final victory must belong to Seigaku!”

The corners of Zongshen’s mouth were drawn out.

Then grabbed the racquet on the side and strode towards the court.

As soon as he left, he immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

“It’s the hand Zongshen!

“Sure enough, he is the singles one!”

“Seigaku is coming menacingly, the sword points to the champion!”

“Of course, this is the final. Who doesn’t want to win the championship!”

The audience was very excited.

Zongshen is a real professional-level master, the strongest presence in the entire Champions League.

Everyone believes that this match will be extremely intense

“Jun Zongshen is finally on the court!”

Shiba Saori hurriedly picked up the camera.

At least half of the match between Rikkai Yama and Seigaku is Zongshen.

Now that Zongshen finally appeared, she was not excited.

In fact, not only Shiba Saori was like this, but other reporters on the sidelines also did the same, and discovered that Zongshen was on the scene and hurriedly filmed.

Even the live camera was aimed at Zongshen, making him the focus of the audience.

“Come on Zongshen!”

“Senior, we must defeat the opponent!”

“Master Zongshen, look here!”

The beautiful girl of the support team screamed, making the atmosphere of the arena gradually hot.

Zongshen looked in the direction of the support group, and then waved.

The excited girl suddenly screamed again and again.


“Why is this guy Zongshen so popular!”

“It’s enviable!”

The male compatriots all around were jealous.

These are one or two hundred beautiful girls. For some male audiences, it is estimated that they will never get this kind of scream for a lifetime.

“What a terrifying popularity!”

Akuto sighed.

“Senior won’t be envious, right?”

Atobe put his arms around his chest and said with a hint of teasing.

“Don’t Atobe envy you?”

Akuto did not deny it.

After all, this kind of popularity, as long as a male player is more or less envious.


5.1 “How could this uncle be envious!”

Atobe’s brows twitched, and he replied without a smile.


Oshitari Yuushi on the side looked at Atobe with a faint smile, and the doubts in his tone were fully expressed.


“Are you questioning my uncle?”

Atobe looked unhappy.


Oshitari Yuushi smiled, then looked in the general direction of Rikkai.

Atobe didn’t say anything any more, and looked at it the same way.

Everyone wants to know that Rikkai will play.

Under the attention of the public, a figure stood up from the seat, picked up the racquet, and strode onto the field.

Echizen Ryoga!

It was called the little samurai during the World Series.

In the face of professional Zongshen, he will serve as a singles match. ,

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