Chapter 841 : Youth without regrets (5/5)

“we are the champion!”

Zongshen’s clear voice spread throughout the audience.

The whole arena was silent at first, then burst into cheers.

“The world’s first middle school student!”

“Who can stop Zongshen today?”

“The first person in high school!”

The audience cheered and their voices went straight into the sky.

“We really won the championship!”

Kikumaru smiled silly, and now he feels a little unreal, as if he is in a dream.

“Two consecutive championships!”

The corners of Yukimura’s mouth were curved.

Although he had won the World Cup, he didn’t get much excitement about that championship.

But this time the championship is different, because he participated in the match and contributed a piece of strength to the team, so he can deeply feel the joy of winning.

“This is not the end!”

Sanada’s eyes were scorching, and it seemed that there was other ambition: “After the minister foul out, we must keep the results and win three consecutive championships!”

“Do not!”

The hand’s eyes flashed, and a sharp look appeared on his face: “It is four consecutive championships. Before our junior high school foul out, set a new record!”

“Four consecutive championships?!”

There was a tremor in everyone’s heart, and then a trace of fire rose.

“Shoujia is right!”

“When we are still in junior high school, we must win all the championships!”

Yukimura nodded her head.

Zongshen was able to lead Seigaku to rise and win the championship.

Naturally, he is not to be outdone, and hopes to create a new record just like Zongshen.

“Sounds fun!”

Fuji smiled.

His teammates all have this idea, and he will naturally not hold back.

“With Seigaku’s current strength, the probability of winning four consecutive championships is 90%!”

Inui Sadaharu pushed the frame and said in a deep voice.

“We will succeed!”

Kawamura Takashi smiled honestly.

Although he is inconspicuous in Seigaku, he is also eager to win.

When everyone was discussing, the voice of the broadcast came.

“The individual awards and team awards of this year’s Champions Cup will be awarded below!”

On the big screen by the side of the arena, the wonderful scenes of each team began to be played.

The first to appear are Tsukimitsu Ochi and Tanegashima Shūji.

The figures of the two stood on both sides.

Both sides use Mach serve and Extinction, the two different stunts are shocking.

The screen flashed.

Tokugawa’s King Kong Buddha statue, Oni Jujiro’s ghosts and gods, the power of different dimensions swept all over the place.

Until the end, Zongshen coerced the entire field and had a decisive battle with Echizen Ryoga.

One by one screen flashes, making the audience exclaim in bursts.

“The winners of the various awards of the Champions Cup are announced below!”

“Best Team Winner-Youth Gakuen!”

“Best Coach Winner – Ryūzaki Sumire!”

“The winner of the best singles player—hand Zongshen!”

“Best Doubles Player Winner – Mutsu Yuho, Mutsu Yuma!”

“Zongshen Champions Cup MVP Winner-Hand Zongshen!”

After the announcement of the winners, the audience greeted them with enthusiasm again.

“Seigaku became the biggest winner.

Irie sighed.

Seeing everyone cheering on the court, a touch of envy flashed in his eyes.

He also thought about leading the team to win the championship.

But because of his strength, he can only leave regrets.

“They are worthy of these honors!”

Tsukimitsu Ochi spoke coldly.

Seigaku is the champion, so naturally the best team.

Zongshen is a professional player, and his strength is the strongest among all. At the same time, he also led the team to win the championship, fully worthy of the best singles and MVP.

As for the Mutsu brothers, the strength of the two is obvious to all, and the best doubles deserves their name.

Coach Ryūzaki is Seigaku’s coach, and the best coach naturally belongs to her.

“This year’s Seigaku is too strong!”

The members of the school sighed.

Zongshen, Oni Jujiro, Tokugawa Kazuya, Mutsu brothers.

There are also the handicrafts of the first grade, Yukimura, Sanada, and Fuji.

Regardless of senior or lower grades, the strength is impeccable and far surpasses other teams.

Seigaku won the championship this year and they have nothing to say.

Under everyone’s amazed eyes.

Various awards were awarded, Zongshen won two trophies alone.

“The Minister is too good!”

All the members of Seigaku admired.

“bring it on!”

“Pass the trophy!”

The corners of Zongshen’s mouth were drawn to lift the championship trophy.

The players were taken aback for a moment, and then swarmed up.

After receiving the championship trophy, the excitement on his face can no longer be concealed.

Even Yukimura and Shoujia couldn’t bear to let go after they got the trophy.

“No. 1 in the country!”

“We won the Champions League!”

“Long live Seigaku!”

“Long live Minister!”

The team members cheered loudly.

The championship trophy was held high above their heads, blooming with golden brilliance.

“”1 Do you remember that time?

Mutsu Yuma chuckled, and a flash of memory flashed in his eyes: “At that time, Seigaku was barely able to enter the Kanto Contest. At that time, I complained to Yuho. Why should I believe you and come to Seigaku?”

“Ha ha ”

Zongshen smiled awkwardly.

At the beginning, Seigaku’s strength was not very good, so he naturally wanted to fool some masters.

At that time, I met the Mutsu brothers.

So under the three-inch tongue, they abruptly abducted the two.

However, after the two brothers arrived, they found that Seigaku was not a strong school at all, and was depressed for a long time.

“That time is the most memorable time!”

Mutsu Yuho chuckled lightly.

It is indeed a pleasure to win the championship now.

But what really impressed him was when he was defeated horribly by Makinofuji.

It was also at that time that several people made up their minds to win the national championship and prove their strength to everyone.

“Speaking of which, we have to thank the guy from Byodoin Temple!’

Zongshen (赵好赵) chuckled.

When he was in the first grade, he was crazy too.

Thinking that he is the protagonist, the whole world revolves around him.

But as the national competition was held, although he defeated Byodoin Temple, Seigaku was defeated by Makinofuji, which made him suffer the first blow in his life.

Knowing that this is a real world, Byodoin is the pride of this era.

So determined to defeat Makinofuji.

That’s why I trained hard later and invited Oni Jujiro.


The two sighed with emotion.

“However, my junior high school career has no regrets!”

Zongshen smiled.

Although in National One, Seigaku failed to win the championship.

But in the next two years he won the championship.

Now the National One students have grown up and can shoulder the burden of the team.

Now he can foul out with peace of mind and no longer have to worry about anything. .

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