Chapter 939 : Go home for the New Year (3/3)

“The leader is back!”

An exclamation sounded in the training camp.

The players in each arena stopped their movements and rushed towards the gate of the base.

Soon the two groups met halfway through.

“What are you doing here, don’t go back!”

Mifune entered the road and looked at the surrounding players, and immediately let out an angry roar.

Everyone was taken aback, and only now remembered that the leader of the team this time was Head Coach Mifune.

“Yes, coach!”

The team members of each court shivered, did not dare to take another look, turned around and ran.

“Wait a moment!”

Mifune entered the road and shouted again.

The team member who turned to escape shivered, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

Thought Mifune entered the Dao and wanted to punish them.

Everyone shuddered at the thought of the other party’s devil’s methods.

“All the team members gather at the central court, and we will announce something later!”

Mifune entered the way and said.


The team members breathed a sigh of relief, as if an amnesty was imminent.

A group of people came to the central court of the 25th, and Kurobe Yukio had already been waiting there.

“Did the match go well?”

Kurobe Yukio greeted him.

“Three winning streak!”

Mifune entered the road and replied, then walked to the balcony of the villa, looking down at the people: “All the team members gather!”

A loud roar resounded throughout the audience.

The team members who came here hurried over to arrange the team neatly.

“I don’t talk nonsense. The Chinese New Year will be in a few days, so the training camp will be off for a month, and I will return to the training camp in early February!

Mifune entered the Dao without ink marks, and directly said what was going to be said.

“Have a holiday?”

“Speaking of which is really going to be New Year!”

“Time flies!”

The players heard the discussion.

“You can pack your things now, and the training camp will close in three days, so you must leave within three days!”

Mifune entered the Tao to convey the matter, then turned and left.

When everyone saw the coach leaving, they finally talked loudly.

“Unexpectedly, the training camp will also have a holiday!

“Isn’t this nonsense, who will stay here for training during the Chinese New Year, and who will run overseas expeditions!”

“That’s right, even if we are not young, coaching them will have to celebrate the New Year!

The group talked a lot.

“Shoujia, when are you going back?”

Oishi looked at the hands of several people and asked.

“My brother said to pack things now, and then go home in the afternoon.

Shoujia quickly replied.

“Then let’s be together!”

Oishi spoke hurriedly.

All of them are Seigaku students, so naturally they live not far away.


Shoujia nodded.

“I live in Kanagawa with Sanada, so we won’t go back to Tokyo.”

Yukimura on the side spoke.

Although he and Sanada went to study at Seigaku, they stayed with relatives.

New Year’s Eve is coming soon, naturally it is impossible to stay with relatives.

“Yukimura and Sanada want to be together?”

Marui Bunta next to him smiled.

“We are also in Kanagawa, so we can go back together!”

Yanagi Renji also spoke.


Yukimura and Sanada looked at each other, then nodded.

“Then divide into groups and leave with people in the same place!”

Zongshen said.

Everyone walks together with a companion and is safe.

“It seems that I have gone to Okayama Prefecture alone.

Oni Jujiro sighed.

“You can go with Byodoin and them first, and it’s not too late to separate after you get to Kansai!”

Zongshen smiled.


Oni Jujiro thought for a while and nodded.

Although it doesn’t deal with the Byodoin Temple very much, it is better to go home together than to be boring alone.

“After the New Year, I will go back to the ancestral home in Kansai with my parents.

Tanegashima, who hadn’t seen him for a long time, said.


“Are Tanegashima-senpai from Kansai?”

Shiraishi was a little curious when he heard this.


“But because of my parents’ work, I settled in Kanagawa.

“Chinese New Year is coming soon, so naturally I have to go back to Kansai.”

Tanegashima nodded.

“All right!”

“I’m going back to Tokyo to pack things now, we will leave at 2 o’clock in the afternoon!”

Zongshen shouted to the entire arena.


Everyone immediately replied upon hearing this.

Tokyo is the capital of Japan, and many players come from this place, or from the counties and cities surrounding Tokyo.

Following Zongshen’s words, half of the players on the field moved into action.

“If you go to the Kansai area, you don’t have to clean up so quickly, we will leave tomorrow!”

At this time, Byodoin also spoke.

The Kansai team nodded and then dispersed.

“When shall we leave?

Wugu asked.


Kimijima replied, and then turned to look at the Tachibana Kippei group: “When do you want to leave, let’s go together in Kyushu.”

“This afternoon!”

Kite Eishirou said.

Kyushu also belongs to the Kansai direction, but it is further south than Osaka Prefecture, and belongs to the southernmost point of Japan’s narrow and long land.

But this place does not belong to Kansai, and the train going there is also different from Kansai. 803

So they are different from the Byodoin group.

“Then leave at two o’clock, and it will happen to be on Kyushu Island in the evening.

Tachibana kippei has no objection.

The members of the team started to take action, all of a sudden.

Soon people packed their things and gathered as soon as the time came.

“Then let’s go first, see you next year!”

Zongshen said with a group of players in the Kanto direction.


“Be careful on the road!”

Oni Jujiro nodded.

The Chinese New Year will be in a few days, and the next meeting will naturally be next year.

“We are gone too!”

Kimijima and other Kyushu players are also preparing to leave.

“Be careful on the road!”

The team members who only set off tomorrow exhorted again.


The two groups boarded the bus one after another, waved away.

The training camp, which was originally quite lively, immediately became deserted with the departure of two-thirds of the players.

“Let’s prepare too, and we will leave early tomorrow morning!”

Byodoin thought for a while, temporarily changed his mind, and decided to leave early tomorrow morning.

It has been more than half a year since I came to the training camp.

He didn’t go back for half a year. He was also a little homesick and missed his crying sister. ,

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