Chapter 968 : Shock of freshmen

“It’s a handicraft field!”

“Shoujia finally used this trick!”

“It seems that the outcome of this match has not been resolved so quickly, there will be a good show next!”

The players looked excited.

In fact, many people want to know who is better, Tezuka or Yukimura.

However, the two are in the same team and rarely have a chance to fight, so this idea is buried in people’s hearts.

Today the two finally played against each other, and the players were naturally extremely excited.


There was a bad feeling in Yukimura’s heart.

“Now my most important thing is not to score, but to consume Yukimura as much as possible!”

The hand whispered.

The current situation is very bad for him.

He has already lost four rounds because of falling into the elimination of the five senses.

No matter how confident he is in himself, he dare not say that he can chase four games in a row and win the final victory.

Because Yukimura is not a good player.

There is no doubt about the strength of the opponent who is called the Son of God.

So now he must not do it recklessly, otherwise Yukimura will find a chance to score the last two points.

The ability to control the ball in the field of hands is the key to his counterattack.

Through this trick, Yukimura’s stamina is constantly consumed, creating an advantage for herself.


The hand who thought of this waved.

At this time Yukimura was at the baseline position, so he immediately hit a short ball.

The opponent wants to fight back, so he can only rush to the net from the baseline.

“Short ball?”

A trace of doubt flashed in Yukimura’s eyes.

Seeing nothing special, I immediately fought back online.


The vortex of the field pulled around, and the tennis ball that had just crossed the net came to the hand before it hit the ground.

There is no movement at the hand, and the racquet is waved from the bottom up.


The tennis ball went straight up and fell towards the baseline.

Yukimura just came to the net and saw that the tennis ball fell on the baseline and could only move back.

After returning the ball, the players used the same method to make Yukimura run back and forth.

However, within five or six minutes, a lot of fine sweat appeared on Yukimura’s forehead.

He took a deep breath and wiped off his sweat.

But when the palm of the hand touched the cheek, the eyes narrowed.

“How can I sweat so much?”

Yukimura sucked in air.

Finally know what the hand family is playing attention.

If this continues, even if he doesn’t lose points, he will fall into a huge passivity.

After all, his physical strength is huge, but the hand is not. When the time comes, it will not be easy for the opponent to score.

“The hand-senior is really draining Yukimura-senpai’s stamina!”

Kirihara Akaya said excitedly.

“Why does tennis take the initiative to return to the hand of the senior?”

Momoshiro Takeshi on the side couldn’t help asking.

He just noticed something was wrong.

Because after the player hits the tennis ball, the range of activity gets smaller and smaller, and in the end he stays motionless.

Now that five or six minutes have passed, an incredible scene has appeared.

The player did not move, but the tennis ball came voluntarily.

“That’s the realm!”

Kirihara Akaya opened the mouth and explained, with a flash of admiration in his eyes: “After the master of the hand has opened the field, it is equivalent to mastering the course of the senior Yukimura. No matter how the senior Yukimura hits back, the tennis will eventually return to the senior of the hand!


The new students heard this wide-eyed.

The elimination of the five senses just now gave them enough shock.

Unexpectedly, the hand master also mastered such a terrible stunt.

“Doesn’t that mean that Senior Master Yukimura can run back and forth on the court without even moving?”

Kaidoh Kaoru asked in disbelief.

“Isn’t it obvious?”

Kirihara Akaya replied.

Everyone heard this stunned, and then found that the situation is indeed the case now.

Yukimura ran back and forth on the court, consuming a lot of physical energy, but was unable to score.

“If you continue, Yukimura-senpai’s stamina will definitely be consumed!”

Momoshiro Takeshi was shocked.

I thought that killing the five senses was the most terrifying skill.

But who would have thought that the field will not be too much.

If you can’t crack this trick and have been stuck in the field, even if you don’t score, you can drag the opponent down.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the shock of the freshmen, the match between the two continued.

“The realm must be broken!

Yukimura gritted her teeth.

Knowing that if this continues, the advantages that have finally been built may be completely consumed.

The two are companions and know each other’s skills very well.

Knowing the realm is not magic, but a technique of using rotation to control the ball.

As long as this rotation is resolved, the domain can be broken.


racquet sweeps, fast cutting.

But when racquet touched the tennis ball, Yukimura felt a strong spinning force.

This kind of rotational force is not something he can resolve at all.


The arms waved.

After the tennis ball rushed over the net, it returned to the hand’s house.

“The biggest advantage of the hand is the ability to control the ball. Yukimura wants to resolve the spinning power of tennis, I am afraid it is not so easy!

Fuji sighed.

Yukimura’s spin is not weak, 827, but compared with the hand, there is a certain gap.

It is unlikely to use cutting to resolve spin.

“Among my peers, the spin of the hand is the first!”

Sanada spoke in a deep voice.

Tejia and Yukimura are almost the same in terms of skills.

However, the hand family has been in contact with the field since elementary school, so it far surpasses any peers in rotation.

Yukimura wanted to resolve the spinning power of tennis, but the difficulty was not so great.


The consumption continues.

Compared to the hand, Yukimura’s physical stamina is much weaker.

With the consumption of the hand field, the sweat on the forehead is getting more and more.

“I can only give up this ball!

Yukimura sighed.

Although the domain is difficult to crack, as long as you give up the fight back, the domain will naturally disappear.

If the handists want to continue to create the field, they must re-establish the rotation.


The tennis ball passed halftime and Yukimura did not catch the ball.


“Do you dissolve the field by giving up the catch?”

Shoujia’s eyes flashed.

But he was not disappointed, because after months of training, his control of tennis has long been different from the past.

He is confident that he can create the field again.

And as long as such consumption is maintained, the scales of victory will definitely lean towards him. .

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