“If I could, I wouldn’t want to play, but Chiseki you are a strong opponent, so we don’t pay attention to it!” Tetsuya Hara spoke.

“No matter what, I will go all out and ask the seniors for more advice!” Qianshi said with a somewhat serious look.

Tetsuya Hara, the minister of the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple, this is a real national player, if he changes to someone else from the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple, he still has the power to fight, but in the face of this one, he has almost no chance of victory.

No matter what, he will give his all to fight.

“You’re welcome!” Hara Tetsuya said with a smile.

“The match is over, Tetsuya Hara won, the score is 6-2!”

In the face of Tetsuya Hara, who has national strength, let alone the current Senishi, even the Chiseki who made changes in the original work may not be an opponent, and he quickly lost.

“Doubles 2-0 singles 1-0, total 3-0!

“Well done!”

Everyone couldn’t help but cheer, although they only defeated a weak Yamabuki, they also advanced to the top four, and the four finals were already the best results in the history of their Four Heavenly Treasure Temple, and this alone was worth celebrating.

“Don’t be happy too early, it’s just the final four, let’s cheer when we win the championship!” Watanabe Xiu said with a calm face.

“It’s also said that the opponents before were not strong, but the next ones we face are all real strong enemies!” Shiraishi said.

“The opponent in the next round won’t be Lihai Da!” Kuroba Kong suddenly asked.

If he remembers correctly, in the original book, the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple met Lihaida in the semifinals, and the result was directly swept 3-0 and stopped at the final four, otherwise with their strength, even if they are not champions, that page is at least a runner-up.

“You little ghost, can’t you pay a little attention to the game!” Watanabe repaired his forehead and said with some helplessness, this little devil really doesn’t pay attention to the schedule at all, and this coach is really derelict enough.

Hearing this, Hei Yukong couldn’t help but roll his eyes, this kind of thing, he didn’t bother to pay attention to it.

“Our semi-final opponent is Makinoto Middle School, which will be played in three days, while the other side is Lion Le Middle School, and the winning team will advance to the final, and the final will be held in a week’s time.” Tetsuya Hara said.

“This is really…” Kuroba Kong couldn’t help but be a little speechless, it seems that there is still some gap between reality and the plot, the semifinals of the four Tianbao Temple Helihai University actually did not meet, but this is good, the strongest two teams, should collide at the end, otherwise they will not be picked up by others.

However, this year’s national competition is really boring enough, even Makinoto without Phoenix and Lion Le without Kyushu can reach the semifinals, it is really weak, and he can only hope that the final Tachikai University will bring him some surprises.

“Xiu, anyway, how to say that we have also advanced to the final four! How wild should be celebrated!” Shinobu also looked at Shu Watanabe, his face full of expectation.

“Barbecue, let’s go eat barbecue!” Hara Tetsuya was the first to shout, being able to slaughter Watanabe for a meal, this kind of opportunity she will never let go.

“Barbecue, what a joke, I don’t have any money, no one here is poorer than me!” Watanabe refused without hesitation.

“I don’t believe it! But you have a job, don’t you have any savings? Yuji Ichiji shouted, he didn’t believe that Watanabe had no money, how could he be a working person without a deposit.

“Deposit!” Watanabe Shu’s heart trembled for no reason, but his eyes looked at Shiraishi faintly.

Shiraishi smiled and touched the bandage on his left hand, he really wanted to help Watanabe Shu testify, this guy is now a poor man, he has to save money in this life, he has already taken it back to himself, but obviously, he can’t do it now.

“Barbecue, barbecue, I’ll treat you!” It should be a reward for your hard work in the past half month!” Kuroba said.

“Hey, really?” Everyone was somewhat excited, so many people went to eat a barbecue, it was not cheap, could it be that Hei Yukong was also the same as those guys of the Ice Emperor who were rich in the second generation.

Watanabe Xiu’s gaze was also a little bright when he looked at the black feather, she almost forgot, this little ghost is also a rich man, as the top professional coach, this little ghost’s income is definitely something that he looks up to, and absolutely slaughters him a few times.

“Love doesn’t go!” The corner of Hei Yu’s empty mouth tugged and said.

“Hooray!” The crowd immediately cheered.

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