“Game, Koishikawa, ratio 4-4!”


With a beautiful volley by Koishikawa, Koishikawa cleanly took the point, saved his serve and equalized the score again.

“You guy…” Sagawa Sukero looked angrily at Kenjiro Ishikawa in front of him, sweat couldn’t stop falling on his forehead, he really didn’t expect that a random person shot by the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple would be so difficult, and he could actually fight with him so anxiously.

In the face of Sagawa Sukero’s angry eyes, Kenjiro Koishikawa was full of calm, and he wanted this effect.

Tennis is a sport related to psychological quality, and in terms of strength, he may not be the opponent of Sagawa Sukero, but the current situation is in them.

Obviously, due to the previous two doubles losses, now Sagawa Sukero’s heart is chaotic, once the heart is chaotic, the movements will also be chaotic, and the strength will naturally decline, which is why he can fight with Sagawa Sukero, so he only needs to continue to maintain this trend, even if his strength is not as good as the other party, but the final win will still be him.

“What, thanks to this guy who was still yelling at his teammates so loudly just now, now it seems that he himself is also a waste, he hasn’t won the game for so long!”

“It’s just, I think I’m awesome!”

At this time, there was also a mockery of the melon-eating masses around, they had originally seen Saekawa Jiro yelling at his teammate’s behavior was very unhappy, and now seeing this guy eating away, it was naturally unceremoniously ridiculed.

“What do you say!” Sagawa was furious, directly threw away the tennis ball in his hand, and walked towards the melon-eating crowd who had ridiculed him just now.

“Classmate, please go back and continue the game immediately! Otherwise, I’m going to disqualify you!” Seeing Zuo Chuan Sukero go violently, the referee quickly stopped him.

Sagawa Sukero suddenly froze there, gritted his teeth and thought for a moment, and finally retreated back, if he was disqualified from the competition, then he would definitely be torn to pieces by that person.

“Hmph, the winner is decided!” Kuroba sneered and said, what can Zuogawa Sukero in this state take to defeat calm Xiao Ishikawa, not to mention the strength gap between the two of them, which is not too big in itself.

“Game, Koishikawa, ratio 5-4!”




Sure enough, as Kuroba expected, Sagawa Sukero, who was completely disturbed by the events outside the field, became more and more chaotic, made frequent mistakes, and was soon taken by Koishikawa to the end of the game.

“Zuo Chuan, you guy, it’s really humiliating!”

“Your face has been lost by you!”

At this moment, even his own teammates couldn’t help but scold Sagawa Sukero, they were originally very upset with their own minister, and now this situation has arisen, naturally they don’t want to endure it anymore, anyway, after today’s game, whether he wins or loses, this guy will no longer be Makinoto’s minister.

“You bastards!” Sagawa Sukero roared angrily, but his heart was panicked all of a sudden, this kind of situation of betrayal and separation of relatives, he also encountered for the first time.

“I can’t lose, I definitely can’t lose!” Zuo Chuan Jielang muttered, but a domineering and terrifying figure appeared in his heart, and he shivered for no reason.

Their former minister has now given up playing tennis, and the reason is because last year’s Makinoto, led by him, lost to Tachikai Daisuki Junior High School in the finals and lost his seat as king.

If this year, under his leadership, Makinoto loses to Shitenhoji in the semifinals, then what kind of end he will have can be imagined, that domineering existence will definitely not reason with you, so he does not want to lose, and he must not lose.

“I must not lose! I must not lose!” Sagawa Sukero roared in a low voice, but his eyes and around his body gradually turned red.

“Just use this ball, let’s finish!” However, Koishikawa Kenjiro did not notice the slightest abnormality of Sagawa Sukero, and shook the tennis ball in his hand a little nervously, and this ball was won, and they were able to advance to the finals in four days, and a ball was sent immediately.

“This feeling, is it… Senior Koishikawa, be careful!” Others can’t see it, but how can Kurobaku, who has white eyes, not see it, and subconsciously shouted at Koishikawa.

“You guy, let me die…” However, in the end, he was still one step slower, and in a roar, the reddened Sagawa Sukero threw his racket directly towards Kenjiro Koishikawa.

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