“Who told you this is tiger rice!” Hara Tetsuya said with a sneer.

“What! Could this be…” Mori Shouzaburo couldn’t help but flicker, and then he realized that Hara Tetsuya, who had already made a smashing posture, did not smash, but turned around and fell to the ground, making a somewhat strange pose.

But it was this posture, he was so familiar, it was when he was still in the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple in the first grade, he had seen this move countless times.

“Bullets!” Hara Tetsuya shouted angrily, and with a swing, the tennis ball flew towards Mori Shouzaburo like a cannonball.

“That’s Minister Heeishun’s bullet!” Shiraishi blurted out.

Taira Yoshiyuki, Tetsuya Hara’s previous minister of the Four Tenhoji Temple, has a funny sniper name, and his masterpiece is this trick, which has unparalleled penetrating power, enough to penetrate the rackets of two people.

This move has always been a unique move of Heizen, but no one expected that this move would actually be used from the hands of Hara Tetsuya now.

“This guy said surprise, is this it!” Watanabe Shu muttered to himself, when everyone was training before, Harazu also once took a special leave of absence for two days to go out, at first he didn’t know what Harato Tetsuya did, but now it is clear that he specifically went to their former minister Heizenyuki to learn this trick, in order to win this most crucial point at this critical juncture.

“You actually learned the guns of Pingshan’s predecessors!” Looking at the oncoming bullets, Maori Shouzaburō’s shocked eyes were even more excited.

In his mind, he couldn’t help but recall what happened when he was still in the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple.

At that time, he was only in the first grade, and as a genius, he was naturally unrivaled in the first grade, and even Hara Tetsuya was easily defeated by him, but since that person appeared, his nightmares had appeared.

Hei Yingzhi, he chose to challenge Hei Zenzhi in the second grade, but even if he tried his best, he was still not Hei Yoshi’s opponent, and the rackets in his hand were pierced by his bullets one by one.

As a genius, he is naturally unwilling to accept defeat, just as Tetsuya Hara has always wanted to defeat Mori Shouzaburō, and he Mori Shouzaburo has always wanted to defeat Hei Yoshiyuki and shoot his gun back, but unfortunately, until he transferred to Likai University, he did not succeed in returning this trick.

After that, in the days of Lihai, he never had the opportunity to fight peacefully and kindly, nor did he have the opportunity to experience his gun again.

But what surprised him was that today, he was actually here, and even Tetsuya Hara saw this move in his hands again, although this was not a bullet from Hei Yoshi, but it was enough, and today was the best time for him to respond to this move.

“It’s useless, Maori, you should know the power of this move, your racket will be pierced!” Hara Tetsuya shouted loudly.

“Yuan Zhe, don’t underestimate me, I haven’t been in vain all these years!” Mori Shouzaburo shouted angrily and slapped a head-on shot to stop Tetsuya Hara’s bullet.

“This… How is it possible…” Hara Tetsuya looked at the tennis ball attached to the racket with a shocked face, and the expected scene of the racket being pierced did not appear, but the power of the bullet was being dissolved little by little by the shaking of Maori Shouzaburo’s elbow joint.

“That is… Joint technique…,” Kuroba said a little bit.

In the original work, Mori Shouzaburo is best at joint skills, and Hi once directly removed his joints and used to crack the Trace Kingdom.

Originally, he thought that Maori began to learn joint skills after entering high school, but what people didn’t expect was that he actually knew the use of joint skills when he was in junior high school, although it was certainly not as pure as he was when he was No.10, but now it is more than enough to face gunshots.

“Senior Heishan, this is my response to your bullets!” Mori Shouzaburo shouted and swung his racket abruptly.

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