U17 training camp monitoring room.

In front of the full screen of monitoring, two figures drank coffee while looking at the figure on the screen.

And these two are two of the four coaches of the U17 training camp, tactical guidance coach Yukio Kurobe and spiritual coach Yuki Saito.

“Oh, are the last two newcomers already here too?” Saito glanced at the figure on the screen and spoke, and at this moment, the figure walking on the screen was none other than Hei Yoshiyuki and Kuroba.

“Taira Yoshiyuki, the first year of Shitenhoji High School (PS: The current Taira Yoshiyuki, it’s only the first year of high school, Japanese schools are divided into three semesters, April to July, August to December, January to March, so until next April, is the new 9th year, that is, the plot of the original book. ), one of the rising stars of this year’s high school national competition, extremely powerful, the trick is a gun bullet, with enough power to penetrate the racket!” Kurobe tapped on the keyboard for a while, and all the information of Heizen suddenly appeared on the screen.

The All Japan High School National Competition, which is one of their U17 most concerned competitions, after all, their personnel for the World Cup are basically selected from here, so they have comprehensive information for every potential player.

“Well, he is…” However, when Kurobe’s camera fell on Kuroba’s body, he immediately froze, everyone they invited to U17 was recorded in his mind, if there was Kurobaku, he would definitely not be impressed.

But now he can’t remember it at all, which means that there must be no black feather in their list, and this kid’s appearance is not too young.

“Where did this child come from, how did he grow so tender, just like a junior high school student?” Saito glanced at Kurobaku, and said casually, he didn’t care much, after all, there are old high school students here (ghosts), and there are many high school students with tender faces (Irie), and it is not surprising that Kurobako grows a little tender.

“No, Saito, this little ghost, I’m afraid he’s really a junior high school student!” Kurobe shook his head and said, but there was a smile at the corner of his mouth, because he found something, the uniform worn by Kurobayuki is exactly the same as Hei Zenzhi, but Hei Zenzhi is from the high school and Kuroba Sora is from the junior high school, obviously this little ghost, nine times out of ten, is the junior brought by Hei Zenzhi.

Although I don’t know what is going on, they suddenly broke into a junior high school student in the training camp, which is really the first time in history, and it is really interesting.

“Junior high school student, won’t it…” exclaimed Saito in surprise, staring at the black feather sky on the screen with wide eyes, this little ghost is really a junior high school student.

“Well, Kurobe, why, I think this kid is so familiar!” Saito carefully glanced at Kurobako a few times and spoke, he always felt as if he had seen Kurobako somewhere.

“Well! When you say this, I seem to have a little impression!” Kurobe frowned and said, his memory is very good, being mentioned by Saito, he always feels as if he has seen Kurobako somewhere, but for a while he really can’t remember.

“Forget it, why do you think so much, just ask directly when the time comes!” Saito rubbed his head and said, since you can’t think of it, you don’t want to, anyway, you will always know in the end.

“That’s right, well, it’s almost time, Saito, you should go and prepare!” Kurobe said to Saito.

“Got it, knew it, I’m really working hard!” Saito underestimated and came out to monitor the room.

“Well, it’s kind of interesting, I don’t know if there will be any interesting players among this year’s newcomers!” Kurobe smiled and took a sip of coffee, and the screen in front of him suddenly turned to the main stadium, where countless players had already gathered.

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