With a ray of sunlight lighting up the sky, a new day has begun. Kuroba got out of bed early in the morning, and after washing, went directly to Elizabeth’s room to get her up.

And then woke up little Finod. Lest they wake up late and miss the game. When the two finished cleaning up and washing, Kuroba had already set off with the members of the Japanese team.

The tournament was played on the tennis court of the Greek University. When Kuroba and the Japanese team arrived at the school in a special car, they found that the entire tennis court was full. The Greek players have already started warming up on the pitch.

When the members of the Japanese team got out of the car, all the Greeks present looked at the Japanese team members.

Kuroba was the last to get out of the car, and when he got out of the car, he obviously felt a gaze coming from the direction of the court.

Kuroba followed his gaze. At a glance, I saw that it was Zeus, who had curly hair and looked very sunny.

Zeus saw Kurobakuko looking at him and smiled at Kurobaku. If you don’t know the inside story of yesterday, I believe that Kuroba Kong will have a very good impression of this sunshine boy.

However, Kuroba Sora knew the true face of Zeus, and he felt a little disgusted to see him laugh like that.

Kuroba ignored Zeus and looked at the rest of the Greek team. Through the white eyes, I saw through the strength of most people.

Very strong, the Greek team deserves to be tenth in the world.

Then, a group of Japanese players began to warm up. At this time, Zeus walked towards the black feather.

“Kuroba, I hope to be able to play you today, and I will be in the third singles field.” Zeus said with a smile on his face to the black feather.

Kuroba nodded and agreed to appear in the third singles. He also hopes to compete with this Zeus. 10 minutes later, in the case of all attention. The high school group began with the number two singles playing first.

Japan played against the Greek team’s No. 2 doubles player, the two brothers Mutsu Yuma.

The match kicked off first by the Greek team. I saw one of the longer, slightly fatter players serve first. As soon as it came up, he used a mirage trick serve.

And the two brothers Mutsu Yuma, Mutsu Yobu, already knew this trick in yesterday’s meeting. So there was no rush.

I saw Mutsu Yuma in the back with his eyes closed, while Mutsu Yubu in the front court looked back at the trajectory of the ball. At the same time, the two men used homology.

The two brothers had already figured it out, let alone after turning on homology. I saw Mutsu Yuma accurately hit the ball back with his eyes closed.

“Nice, it’s a twin. Coming up with this method restrained the Greek team’s trick. Kuroba looked at Mutsu Yuma on the field and praised.

Because restraining the Greek team’s serve solved the biggest problem. The two brothers Mutsu Yuma, Mutsu Yobu, easily won the match with tacit cooperation.

In the second game, it was served by Mutsu Yuma. The skinny player of the Greek team began to exert his strength. I saw that he was extremely fast, intercepting the return balls of the Mutsu brothers in various ways in the field.

Finally, with the merit of grabbing, he got a point from the Mutsu brothers. “Can’t be careless, after all, the Greek team is among the top ten in the world, and the strength of the players themselves is very strong. You can’t take it lightly just because you restrained a serve. Mifune in the field roared loudly.

The Mutsu brothers, of course, also understood, so they began to go all out.






After a long confrontation, the score finally came to 5-3, Japan’s Mutsu brothers’ match point.

This was when it came to the Greek serve on the opposite side. The fat player continued to use the mirage serve, and the two brothers Mutsu Yuma, Mutsu Yobu, disappeared in homology mode due to lack of physical strength. Didn’t break this serve.

“It’s over, the time for the Mutsu brothers’ homology is up, and this is trouble.” Kuroba said worriedly.

Indeed, all tricks are limited and cannot be used all the time. Now the Mutsu brothers have ushered in the most difficult stop.

The Mutsu brothers, who lost their homology, were quickly taken out by the Greek team with a serve.

“Calm down, have to be calm, we can do it, the next game is our serve.” The Mutsu brothers encouraged each other.


Came to the serve of the Mutsu brothers. In this match, the Mutsu brothers used an Australian formation. Through tacit cooperation and tenacious suppression, it resisted the attack of the Greek team.

In the end, the thin man was exhausted by his physical strength, and his attack could no longer pose a threat to the Mutsu brothers.

Game, Japan Team, Mutsu Yuma, Mutsu Yobu, 6-3.

The Mutsu brothers play first.

In the second game, the Japanese team played two players, Koshichi Moonlight and Ryūji Daiqu.

As soon as the players of the Greek team appeared, Kuroba immediately recognized one of them. The bearded man, Hercules.

Kuroba immediately cheered up and watched the game. He knew that Hercules was one of the strongest men in the Greek team.

Among the people in the Greek team, as long as they are named after the twelve main gods in Greek mythology, their strength is very strong.

At the beginning of the match, the first serve is served by the Japanese team.

Yue Zhi Yueguang is one meter and nine meters tall, and when he saw him throw away the ball high, he used his masterpiece Mach serve. I saw the ball fly past at a speed of 260 kilometers per hour.

The first time Greece received the ball was another player, so before he could react, the ball flew to his feet.


Then, in this serve, Yue Zhi Moonlight’s Mach serve directly shattered the Greek doubles defense. Directly won the first game.

Hercules saw the Mach serve of Yue Zhi Moonlight in the first game and directly pierced them.

So he said to his teammates next to him, “It’s okay, the opponent’s serve is very strong, it’s normal that you can’t catch it, and I’ll pay tribute to them in the next game.” ”

His teammates nodded. Then stood on the front court.

Hercules served the ball, and saw that with the tennis ball flew towards the Japanese team’s court, it did not shine after landing, but flew away to the left.

This is Hercules’ fame stunt, naïve tail.

Yue Zhi Yueguang looked at the flying tennis ball and said to himself, “Oh~ very strong spin, good serve.” Then he looked at Hercules with fighting spirit.

On the second ball, Hercules also served with a naïve tail. But Yue Zhi Yueguang took a big step to the left in advance, ready to catch the ball.

However, this time the ball flew to the right.

Black Feather Kong opened his eyes off the court to look at this trick, and said, “It is worthy of being called a naïve tail, which can make the tennis ball fly in any direction by adding rotation.” ”

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