
This mountain head slowly collapsed like this.

The scene is very magnificent.

Absolutely spectacular.

Dugu Taichu’s figure also slowly left.

Leave the mess of the land.

After a long time.

The figure of the dark part also appears here.

“The mountains are gone? Such a big move must be reported to Naruto-sama immediately. ”

The dark part also looked at the scene in front of him, and immediately, it also left quickly.


Time also passes slowly.

These days, for Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai, it is a very happy thing, because Xiao Huandan has made her strength rise, and there are some inconspicuous civilians in the school.

Even, after practicing this basic internal skill, the cultivation speed was more than ten times that of ordinary people, and the speed was very fast.

She felt that her status was going to be lost.


Two small pills go down.

Those guys have to shut up obediently.

In itself, the amount of her Chakra is a lot, converted into internal force, and her strength is also stable and enduring, Xiao Huan Dan, it is already a state where her internal strength is about to reach the peak of the innate middle period.

The only thing that is bad is the combat experience.

Therefore, these people, after coming together, in school, the classmates who had been bullied because of mocking Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai came to the door one after another, but the final result was that they were severely taught by her.

It was beaten like a pig’s head.

Then, Uzumaki Jiu Shinai left with a smile on his face.


Of course, that was the first two days.

The day when Dugu Taichu’s store was going to open.

When she came to the door of Dugu Taichu, she was deeply shocked by the pile of queues, what kind of shop is this, there are so many customers, and they are constantly crowding over.

Especially when she stood at the door, the group of guests in line all looked at her in unison.

That dense gaze.

She also couldn’t help but feel a tingling in her scalp.

“That, me, I’m an employee hired by the owner of this shop.” She swallowed her saliva and whispered.

The voice fell.

“So that’s the case, the boss is finally going to hire employees.”

“Come on, come here, it’s closer to the store.”

“By the way, little girl, do you know when the boss will come to open the door?”


The people in line immediately became enthusiastic and asked one by one with concern.

This enthusiasm made Uzumaki Jiu Shinna also a little unbearable, too enthusiastic, she is still the first time in history, after coming to Konoha, so many people have this enthusiastic look for her.

Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai also spoke to these people.


It didn’t take long to pass.


The door of the store, opened.

“Look what, come and do things quickly.”

Dugu Taichu stood in the store, looking at Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai like this, seeing that the latter was still chatting with the group of people, he couldn’t help frowning and said.

“Ah! Good. ”

Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai was called in by Dugu Taichu in a daze.


It was her bitter life that began.

From day to dark.

Finally, the goods, all gone.

The door of the store is also closed.

Outside the door, many people looked regretful, as if they were regretting why they didn’t come earlier, otherwise, maybe they would have bought it.

Dugu Taichu’s store will never lose its popularity.

It’s just a Qi Nourishing Pill.

This time, most of the people came aiming at the two things of basic internal strength and qi nourishing pill, and the first thing that sold out was these two things, and the others were slowly sold out.

Because what increases the Qi Cultivation Pill is the speed of cultivation.

Some rich people, for their children, basically come for this.

Some come for themselves.

This is all some nonsense.




Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai sat on the ground without any image, looking desperate, her stomach made a scream, her cheeks were also slightly red, embarrassed, how could her stomach growl.

However, when she thought of today’s exhaustion, her heart suddenly fell silent.

It’s so ruthless.

According to this workload, she had to die here.

“Boss, I strongly demand, I want to raise my salary, your workload here is too big.” Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai At this time, if she didn’t know who Dugu Taichu was, she would really be stupid.

She had seen this thing with her own eyes.

Moreover, I also learned a copy.

But the thought that the big bad guy who bullied Mikoto like this was actually the seller of this thing, she was very unhappy in her heart.

How can the world be so unfair.

The big bad guy actually made this thing of internal force.

It’s so infuriating.


That’s what was in her mind.

“Don’t think about raising your salary.”

Dugu Taichu said lightly.

Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai’s heart was half cold, she was just asking for a salary increase, as for how difficult it was? She still remembered in her heart that Xiao Huandan could eat three pieces.

She has only eaten two small pills now.

So, she can also eat one.

So tired today.

She wondered if she could knock a small Huan Dan from where Dugu Taichu was.

However, the results do not seem to be very promising.


Dugu Taichu spoke again.

“…… But well, I think that you are doing things here alone, it seems a little busy, I want to feel that there is still someone else in the store, if you find me an employee to come over, I can reward you with an additional small pill. ”

Dugu Taichu said slowly.

As for why he didn’t personally hang a message about hiring employees? Does this still need to be said?

If his recruitment news hangs up.

So, how many people will apply?

That’s unimaginable.

He didn’t bother to go to the review one by one, it was too troublesome.

Therefore, he still just gave this little girl a little task, as for the reward of the task, if it is completed, a small return pill is just a small pill, and it is not an important thing for him.


Uzumaki Jiu Shinai stood up on the spot, looked at him excitedly, and said.

“Of course, my words count.”

Dugu Taichu also nodded and said.

“In a word.”

Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai was also excited and ran outside.


Uzumaki Jiu Shinai is gone.


What Dugu didn’t know at the beginning was that at this time.

The gust of wind and clouds he rolled up was already making the Ninja Village begin to turmoil.



Tsuchinoku, Iwahide Village.

“Have all the pieces lurking in Konoha been taken out? Internal force? A power that is purer than Chakra, divided into the acquired realm and the innate realm, and the life span of stepping into the innate realm can reach one hundred and fifty years. ”

Iwain Village Tukage, two days of weighing Onoki looked at this piece of information in his hand, almost laughed, but he wanted to laugh, but he couldn’t laugh.

Because, there is always a feeling in his heart.

After Konoha began bloodbathing other Shinobi village spies within Konoha, this was a big deal.

When I saw this information.

If you are a ninja, you will only want to laugh.

They also practiced Chakra how hard they practiced to become ninjas, but this information said that the new energy, moreover, was a purer energy than Chakra.

In all words, this energy is more powerful than Chakra.

They ninjas, how could they believe it?

This is naturally impossible.


Two days to weigh Onoki, but there is some belief.

Coupled with this matter, it can be perfectly matched with the actions made by Konoha some time ago.

“Is it true?”

The two-day scale Onoki is also very entangled, in his heart, very reluctant, unwilling to believe this matter, but, on the other hand, only in this way, the strange behavior made by Konoha has a perfect explanation.


He didn’t believe it.

It’s because he doesn’t want to believe it.

His vision is to take a long-term view, and if a new power system emerges, even more powerful than the chakra practiced by ninjas, it will cause the whole world to be in turmoil.

It’s not just that.

As the saying goes, the first to divide the cake is definitely the heaviest portion.

If Konoha is the first person to share this piece of cake.

Then, it is even more important to pay attention.

Konoha itself is very powerful.

If they gain more power and take a step or two ahead of the other Shinobi villages, then they will need to take time to catch up with the gap.


Ohnogi also knocked on the table for two days, and then, a figure appeared in front of him, it was the costume of the dark department, and each ninja village had its own dark department.

Most of these departments belong to the direct descendants of the major ninja villages.


The dark part just said respectfully, and then did not speak, he was waiting for the order of the earth shadow, as the dark part, the only task is to ignore it, just need to complete the task.

“Send an investigation force to Konoha to investigate this matter.” For two days, Ohnogi also put down the letter with internal strength and said lightly.


The dark part also took the letter, read it again, put it back in its place, and left immediately.

It’s not just here.

There were other ninja villages, whether it was a small ninja village or a large ninja village, they all ruled out their own investigation troops, and one by one, they were all heading towards Konoha.

They just want to investigate this one thing.

Because, if you can live to be one hundred and fifty years old, no matter who you are, you can’t resist the temptation of life.

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