Could it be that with different sword techniques, the effect of the demon sword Apophis is also different?

Seeing this scene, Dugu Taichu thought in his heart.

When Fang Cai was using the Immortal Sword Technique, the magic sword Apophis hit the enemy’s body, but it contracted or burst the enemy.

And now in the use of the wind spirit sword method, the skeleton body came out, black flame, if you change another sword technique, then the demon sword Apophis will have a different effect?

Thinking of this, Dugu Taichu began to be eager to try.

If each sword technique had a different effect, then his combat power would increase geometrically.

Now he was looking forward to it, if the sword art he cultivated became stronger and stronger, then would the damage attached to the demon sword Apophis also become higher and higher?

But thinking of this, Dugu Taichu sighed, because he remembered that this was in the copy, and the demon sword Apophis might not be brought out to the real world by him.

If only you knew a few more sword techniques, you could enjoy it in this copy.

However, the copy did not give him time to dream, and a second monster appeared in the room.

A large group of giant caterpillar-like monsters slowly wriggled towards Dugu Taichu, and several of them were devouring each other, forming an even larger bug.

Dugu Taichu knew that this was a slaughter larvae and an adult worm, and the damage of the larvae was not very high, but they would devour each other’s adult worms.

The damage of adult insects is very high, they will not only escape the ground, but also stab and spin under his feet, and at the same time spray bombs in his mouth, if you are not careful, you are likely to fail the level.

Seeing the decreasing larvae and increasing number of adults in front of him, Dugu Taichu frowned and put the demon sword Apophis body in front of him.

Although he had used the Immortal Sword Technique to eliminate most of the larvae, many larvae still survived and synthesized brutal adult worms.

And now the densely packed giant adult worms are constantly squirming in front of Dugu Taichu’s eyes, which makes Dugu Taichu’s scalp numb and goosebumps all over his body.

If it’s a cute species, then a huge bug, and thousands of huge bugs, no one can bear it.

As if summoned by some kind, half of the adult worms entered the ground, while the other half of the adult worms spewed bombs from their mouths to attack Dugu Taichu.

Seeing thousands of bombs flying towards him, Dugu Taichu’s face changed and changed.

He has not learned too strong defensive skills, and even if he learns defensive skills, in the face of thousands of bombs, he can only be blasted into slag, and there is no ash left.

Although this is only a copy, if Dugu Taichu is blasted into slag, it will be shameful enough.

Without the slightest hesitation, Dugu Taichu slowly opened his left hand, and the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan flashed with golden light, constantly jumping in the palm of his hand.

The Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan, which was originally a big palm, constantly shrunk in his hand, shrunk and shrunk, and finally turned into a bean-sized flame, which was the fire spirit of the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan and the essence of the entire flame.

Seeing those bombs coming to his eyes, Dugu Taichu stuffed the fire spirit in his hand into his mouth.

“Burning Heaven Flame Dragon Breath!”

A huge golden flame erupted from Dugu Taichu’s mouth, instantly covering the tens of thousands of bombs in front of him.

This is the skill he learned from the incineration duel, by compressing the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan, in order to obtain the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan’s Fire Spirit, and swallow the Fire Spirit.

And now his Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan has reached 83%, so he already has a certain spiritual intelligence, and the fire spirit will not hurt Dugu Taichu at all, so Dugu Taichu can easily use the fire spirit to carry out powerful attacks.

Tens of thousands of bombs exploded instantly after high temperature, and a huge explosion heat wave came towards Dugu Taichu.

It was at this time that Dugu Taichu clenched the magic sword Apophis in his hand, and the demon sword Apophis seemed to feel the call of the master, and his body emitted a strange scarlet light, shrouding Dugu Taichu inside.

The heat wave continued to lap on the scarlet light mask formed by the demon sword Apophis, and the Dugu Taichu inside was not damaged in any way, and he didn’t even feel the temperature at all, as if he was watching a movie.

After the smoke of the explosion dissipated, there were adult corpses everywhere, and the corpses of those adults were incomplete, most of them were broken into dozens of pieces, and green plasma was everywhere, and the air was foul.

As soon as Dugu Taichu’s mind moved, the scarlet light mask dissipated, and at the same time, a milky white circular light mask covered the entire head, isolating the air in the room from him.

“I fuck, I didn’t expect this to be okay, it seems that this demon sword Apophis is really a treasure.” Seeing that his head was shrouded in milky white light, Dugu Taichu burst into a foul mouth.

Fang Cai’s scarlet light mask was just to isolate the injury, but it did not isolate the air, and the first time he smelled that stench, Dugu Taichu had some nausea.

At that time, he thought to himself, how can this smell so bad, if only he could breathe fresh air.

But he did not expect that it was the appearance of this thought of him, and without seeing Apophis, he felt the need of the master, and then a milky white light mask covered his head.

“O Apophis! Apophis! I don’t know what else you can’t do. Dugu Taichu gently stroked the body of the demon sword Apophis, and muttered.

He originally thought that it would be good to obtain the Demon Sword Apophis, as long as it could enhance his strength, but he did not expect that the Demon Sword Apophis actually had so many functions.

Not only can it change the form of his sword art, but it can also increase his damage, and his mind can appear a protective shield to resist the damage in front of him, which is really the same as opening the plug-in.

If only he could bring it to the real world, his strength would definitely rise sharply, and there was no need to be afraid that there would be others who could catch up with him.

It’s really a pity, Dugu Taichu sighed.

It was at this time that the remaining adult worms came out of the ground and rotated their bodies.

Their bodies carry sharp thorns, and now they rotate to enhance their attack, and if they are hit, their bodies may be pierced through a large hole.

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