"Doomsday emergency?" the fat man and Zheng Yan asked in unison.

I know their doubts, because in recent days, our preparations and reserves have been carried out in a hurry.

The words zombie crisis and apocalypse never seem to be in sight, and this crisis feels like it's only a distant future. We just need to prepare slowly and unhurriedly.

Therefore, I usually have to work and go to work, even if I have to come out to do something, and I have to skip work, I have to ask for leave from the original unit. This is all because the timing of the outbreak of this crisis is uncertain. It could be next week, but it could also be next year.

So in this case, we are still supplemented by this reserve work, and the normal work is the mainstay. Keeping one's job is a very important place. The premise of carrying out all kinds of reserve work is not to affect the normal work.

For example, every time I make a purchase or go out on a working day, I ask my boss for leave. For example, I usually go to work on time.

For example, my reserves in the past were all used in normal ways, and the money spent was also my own money, anyway, everything was subject to legal compliance.

But now it's different. At this intersection, when I saw the special combat team members sent by the UBM company hurrying to the north of the city with loaded guns and ammunition, it seemed that there was only one possibility that the company would take such a big risk - that is, something big happened in the north of the city.

If something happens, five cars of Maozi special combat team members will be dispatched, there is only one possibility, the zombie virus has leaked out.

Or maybe a zombie escaped.

To put it more simply, the crisis has sprouted and will explode immediately!

Even if the crisis in the north of the city is controlled by the Russian Maozi, there are two if there is one, and this thing is the same as doing something shameful, as long as you do it once, you will think about doing it a second time, and if you have a second time, you will think about the third time, and your children and grandchildren will be endless. Hey.

In the same way, as long as one zombie escapes, then there must be a second zombie that escapes. And the zombies that run out, as long as there is a fish that slips through the net, it will be a great threat to the entire city.

The key is that this mode of transmission will spread the virus at a very fast speed, and it is very likely that the entire city will become a human purgatory in three days.

If you follow the model, then the first day will be like this:

the first zombie runs out, wanders the street for a short time, and then sees a passerby, and then catches up and bites. Passers-by may not have noticed, and immediately turned into zombies after being bitten. Then the two zombies began to wander the road together. When you come across someone passing by, you take a bite.

This process on the road will last for a few hours, and then citizens will call the police. Then the police arrived at the scene, hoping that the guns could kill these zombies, but unfortunately they couldn't kill them, and then they reported it.

Zombies will not be in one place, and this night, zombies will show radioactive mobile transmission. But there were not many people at night, and there were not many bites. But the number has increased dramatically. At this time, the authorities have not received enough attention, so other citizens are still unclear.

The next morning, the police had already begun to carry out the pursuit, but because it was too scattered to comb and search, the area where the outbreak occurred, because it was the morning rush hour, in the crowded places, there would be explosive zombie infections, and a large number of citizens would be infected in the process. Then there was the chaos of the crowd, the riots. Then there was the chaos in the northern part of the city.

This is when the media will step in, and the military will be notified and ask for support. After this chaos. About 1/4 of the people in the north of the city have become zombies, and every moment a new person suffers misfortune. and zombies continue to spread radioactively.

The police were understaffed, the military was notified, and the mayor declared a state of emergency and a curfew in the city.

That night, there was a curfew and a state of emergency in the city. The military intervened that night. In the streets and alleys, zombies are rounded up with heavy weapons.

But these are only applicable to ordinary zombies, and there is no good way to face mutant zombies. Therefore, the military also killed 1,000 enemies and injured 800 themselves.

The next night, the whole city was in a hail of gunfire. Of course, the place with the most zombies is in the north of the city.

So far, the number of infected people in the north of the city has reached about 1/3

On the third day, the zombies began to spread throughout the city, and everyone hid at home because the TV station broadcast the zombie epidemic in the north of the city in advance. But there are also people who don't know what to do when they go out and are killed by zombies.

On the afternoon of the third day, there were more zombies that had mutated, and even more powerful zombies had evolved. The army was overwhelmed. And had to retreat, defensively. Relocate key government employees.

At night, the TV station was surrounded by zombies and attacked. The whole city was no longer covered on television. And on the night of the third day, the power was unmaintained and the zombies destroyed it, and the whole city was thrown into chaos.

People in their own homes began to have enough food to eat. And prepare to take risks the next day, go to the supermarket, commissary, etc. to get food. There are also some who are preparing to make a drive-and-run plan the next day, preparing to escape from the city.

At this point, the whole city is in crisis. To add insult to injury, there was no constant supply to their homes. There was no water, electricity, gas, food. In this way, you have to face the attack of zombies to get food, etc. At that time, everyone went to get food, and instead of being killed by the zombies, they were attacked by the surviving others. After all, food and water are very important things in the apocalypse.

In the end, many people escaped the attack of the first wave of zombies, but could not escape the test of the second wave, food and supplies. Eventually die from zombies, other surviving robbers, starvation.

And the reason I make a reserve is to save myself in the early and middle stages of a crisis.

And survive the ensuing urban survivor riot.

And come out in the last lull and begin the life of the end times.

Now this kind of unhurried, slowly swallowing, the regular state of reserves is no longer suitable for the current situation. That is, the zombie crisis is about to break out.

I also want to live and work, and save and work at the same time, but the times do not allow this, people's time and energy are always limited, especially the time before the outbreak of this zombie crisis, which is even more precious.

Therefore, it is necessary to enter the state of emergency doomsday reserve, and all the resources that can be used must be used to make a rapid reserve.

In a picture expression, it is a cat lying on the steering wheel with both hands, and then looking at you anxiously and saying: Get in the car, it's too late to explain!

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