Back to reality.

Just now Yang salesman asked me about various configurations

, the solar panel is a square meter of nominal 200 watts, but this estimate is the best value that can come out of direct sunlight at noon in summer. And when these unscrupulous merchants promote, they like to use this ideal value as a gimmick.

In fact, in most cases, 200 watts of electricity cannot be generated.


First, it can't be summer every day, and the sun won't shine directly all the time.

Second, the solar panel is generally fixed on the shelf, and in this way it cannot follow the rotation of the sun, so it may not shine very much in the morning, or the angle is very bad, so there is little power generation.

Third, we can't clean the dust on the solar panels all the time. And over time, there must be a layer of dust or all kinds of bugs on it. This blocks a lot of sunlight and reduces power generation.

Fourth, it is not a cloudless sunny day every day, and most of the situations here in Lin'an are cloudy, cloudy, or rainy. Of course, sunny days are not impossible. Like the one with dark clouds, although it can also generate electricity, but this thing has very little power generation.

Fifth, the solar panel will have a loss, that is, after a long time, the power generation power will decrease.

To sum up, when I calculate the power generation, I usually refer to this ideal power generation and multiply it by a ratio to get the comprehensive power generation, that is, the daily average power generation.

For the environment here in Lin'an, I choose to divide it directly by 4, that is, the average power generation here is 200/4 = 50 watts per square meter of solar panels

, and we use electricity, according to the normal model, 120 kWh a month, which can basically meet the same life as usual.

And 120 kilowatt-hours of electricity divided by 30 is 4 kilowatt-hours of electricity per day.

Based on the calculation of 4 hours of effective sunlight a day, it needs to generate 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity. In other words, at least 1000W of real power generation is required.

Then 1000/50 = 20 square meters, so as long as 20 square meters of photovoltaic power generation panels, it can just meet our daily use.

The outside yard has a total of 60 square meters, and in addition to the vegetable garden and the well, which occupy 20 square meters, there are still 40 square meters left.

Anyway, I'm in a doomsday emergency now, and I won't be able to buy enough things. Generally, it is to buy double, that is, to buy double copies, to prevent one from hanging, and there is another one that can be used.

So the 40 square meters of space in this yard is just enough for me to install two sets of 20 square meters of solar panels.

Of course, it's not just laid on the ground. I plan to ask them to bring stainless steel brackets, and of course, these things are usually carried by their installers in the car. It's just that I need to bring more this time. I also told them to bring more.

I plan to build a stainless steel canopy for the 40 square meters near the house, but this canopy is not covered with transparent glass, but with pieces of solar panels.

So the plan is this:

first, make a few deep foundation holes on this side near the house,

and second, insert stainless steel into this deep hole and pour cement.

Third, on the basis of this, build a stainless steel canopy frame with a span of 6 meters. I found a frame close to the inside of the house to be taller, and near the courtyard door to be shorter. In this way, rainwater can be poured into the outside yard, and secondly, the solar panels can be as perpendicular to the sun as possible, which is conducive to power generation efficiency.

Fourth, this canopy is built at the height of one floor, so that my car can also drive in.

Fifth, the solar panels, piece by piece, are laid on top of the stainless steel canopy.

Sixth, all the power generation lines of the solar panels are introduced into the house from under the canopy.

Seventh, the connection of the indoor battery pack and the inverter

eighth, change the line in the house to one-key switching of mains power supply or solar power supply

, of course, the 40 square meters of solar panels outside the house are divided into two systems, each system is independent.

The battery and inverter system in the house are independent. This ensures that even if one fails, there is another system available on backup.

Solar panels, basically set at 40 square meters, need to spend 600 * 40 = 24,000 for special solar cells, it costs me 24,000 yuan. However, after the start of the doomsday emergency economy, I have almost millions of available funds here, so I don't look at the more than 20,000 yuan, hehe.

As for the battery, if you use 4 kWh of electricity every day, you need at least 4 kWh of battery, otherwise it will run out of power every night of the day, and this deep discharge will damage the battery very much.

And if it rains next week, the power generation will be insufficient, so 4 kWh of electricity will last for two days at most. So a battery of 4 kWh is far from enough.

So according to the characteristics of the rainy season in Lin'an, the longest half a month is generally the longest, and I won't count the kind of historical extreme 1 month. I'm out of luck.

Half a month is 15 days, 4 kilowatt-hours of electricity per day, then 60 kilowatt-hours of electricity is needed. If the power generation on a rainy day is a quarter of that on a sunny day, then at least 60/4*3=45 kWh of electricity needs to be stored. Of course, we can no longer use 4 kilowatt-hours of electricity a day when it rains continuously, and in this case, we will generally refrain from using electricity. Then subtract 15 kWh of electricity, then we need 45-15=30 kWh, which can make our electricity worry-free.

And this 200A solar special deep discharge battery can store 2.4 kWh of electricity each. All I need is 30 kilowatt-hours of electricity. So a total of 30/2.4=12.5 is needed

, so as long as 13 of these 200A batteries can meet our basic needs. But I still need a few batteries as a backup, and they have to be split into two parts to back up each other. So in the end, I decided to get 20 of these 200A batteries.

The 16 are divided into two groups of 8 each, so that each group of 8 batteries and their respective controllers, inverters and solar panels form a separate system of power generation, storage and transformation.

The remaining 4 batteries are fully charged and stored in a cool, dry place. As a battery backup, in case one of these 8 is broken, there is still a save. Or in case of problems, you can also rely on this battery to support the power supply.

These 20 batteries cost a total of 2000*20=40000, which is 40,000 yuan. Hey, it's a little meaning. Once Doomsday Emergency Mode is activated, I'm a millionaire, hehe.

I feel that the inverter is a wearing part, and this works 24 days a day, so I also ordered 10 inverters very generously. 6000W each. This cost me a total of 1000*10=10000, which is 10,000 yuan.

Since the wires, shelves, and installation fees are all free, I spent a total of 74,000 yen.

Considering that the amount of work in my outdoor "sun shed" is still relatively large, to prevent the ticket from jumping at that time, I will prepare an additional installation fee of 6000, or benefit fee. This part of the money actually goes into the pockets of these installers as a benefit fee, because for the company, they still go to reimburse the cost of materials.

I spent an extra 6,000 yuan so that these workers would do things well for me when the time came, and I would also supervise the work at that time, and I would point out if I didn't do well. Because they took my money, they also worked very seriously.

Eh, how cool it would be if you didn't have to think about money when you buy things.

Sorry, the happiness of the rich, we don't understand!

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