Operation Cobra was an Allied operation in Normandy, France, during World War II. "Operation Cobra" is starting at 9:30 a.m. on the 25th. The U.S. military sent 1,500 bombers to launch a heavy bombardment of German positions. German positions were bombed beyond recognition, more than 1,000 people were killed in air raids, and more than 1,000 others were wounded.

- However

, the "Cobra Project" of the Umbrella Company has nothing to do with this well-known Normandy landing.

As for why Comrade Aso, the leader of our special operations team, chose such a name, I think the truth is - pretend to be 13

Receiving instructions from the sexy little secretary of Greater America, the middle-level leaders here did not dare to slack off. Quickly called the lower-level leaders - our Comrade Aso.

“The virus of the North City Research Center has leaked. It is estimated that there are many zombies in it. Now you need to eliminate them. Please act immediately." The gist is:

"The virus in the Chengbei Research Center has leaked, it is estimated that there are a lot of zombies in it now, and now you need to destroy them, please act immediately, over

" Comrade Aso listened to it, and said very calmly

, "The last battle with the zombies was a terrible loss, and the morale of the soldiers is not." high now." On the surface, it is to the effect:

"The last battle with the zombies suffered heavy losses, and the morale of the soldiers is not high now". The real intention is:

"For the sake of us sacrificing our lives and forgetting our deaths, we must give more money." I almost received a boxed lunch last time, "

This middle-level naturally knows what these outlaws are pursuing, and what else can they have." traveled thousands of miles to the Celestial Empire, but he didn't come to eat the gutter oil here and drink the poisoned milk powder here. It's here to make money.

So he said

, "There's a lot of money, with a budget of $100,000 per person." There is a lot of money, and the budget per person is $100,000

to "Guarantee the completion of tasks" to ensure the completion of tasks.

Asso stood up and saluted.

If you see it, you will hear that there is a lot of money, and this will immediately salute you.

Just like the traffic police, if you are saluted when you are seen on the road, then nine times out of ten, you should quickly prepare money to pay the fine.

Of course, there are reasons why this middle level is so generous:

first, this operation was directly ordered by the secretary of the boss of the American headquarters, representing the will of the boss. In order to do good deeds, it is also worth spending a little more.

Second, it is because the research center in the north of the city and the scientific research funds here are independent, that is, the special operations force dispatched this time is not in vain, and it will be necessary to knock on a bamboo pole over there when the time comes. Hehe, when the time comes, the lion will open his mouth to come with a sum of money, which will be nothing compared to giving these lower-level soldiers. It's a little bit of money to give you that little more. The most earning is still the middle level here. Sitting in the office and chatting with the secretary, millions of dollars are progressing in seconds.

Of course, despite the promise of so much money, the advance payment was still required, and Asso continued

, "Nowadays, these people are not so noisy. I hope they can give some encouragement first. I can lead the team." Now these people are not very moving, I hope to give some encouragement first, and I can lead the team.

This middle-level naturally knows that these old fritters will only sell their lives to you if they see real money, and they have nothing to say.

“Yes, I'll give you two million dollars first, and the remaining three million dollars and so on. Then I'll call you back." Yes, I'll give you $2 million first, and I'll call you when the remaining $3 million is done.

After Asso got $2 million, he accepted $1 million of it, and then the remaining $1 million was divided equally among all the brothers, with a deposit of $20,000 each. Normal operation.

After arranging it, Aso walked into the dormitory building, and woke up the soldiers who were still sleeping lazily one by one. Among them, Mao Zi and Lao Mei's soldiers were still sleeping, and when they saw their leaders coming, they had to get up very reluctantly.

The Vietnamese monkeys and the UN troops, on the other hand, got up relatively early, and were all washing or reading.

"Brothers, I got a business today, I don't know if you are interested," Comrade Aso said very calmly.

There have been no tasks here for a while, so everyone can only receive a fixed monthly salary every month, and everyone is looking forward to another plant vs. zombie when there will be a lot of money to spend. As soon as I heard that there was business here, I suddenly had a sense of energy. One after another

, "waiting for a long time"

of course Maozi does not know this advanced Chinese idiom, I directly translated this meaning here.

"Okay, then why are you still stunned, give you 5 minutes to wash, and immediately gather in the special operations garage on the basement floor of the company after 5 minutes. Asso said, then pressed the chronograph button on his watch.

In the general army, when it is required to assemble at what time, or how many hours is required to assemble urgently, it is generally said that those who do not arrive on time will be punished.

On the Asso side, since he is taking the brothers to "do business", if you don't arrive on time, then I'm sorry, this trip will not be your share.

After saying this, Asso walked to the basement floor without looking back.

There were five Mercedes Spints parked in that place.

This kind of car is very tall, more than 2 meters high, and it is also very long, Mercedes-Benz brand, purely imported. A low-profile car also costs 600,000. This car is generally used by special police and armed police to perform tasks, because of its strong power, it can carry many people, and its performance is also very strong.

Asso chose the second car in the middle and sat down, only to see him roll down the window, then took out a cigar from his pocket, removed it with cigar scissors, and then lit it with a long match for cigars, and took a deep breath.

Then he put his hand on the window, shook off the cigarette ash, looked ahead, and pondered a very important question - what to name the operation.

After seeing and thinking about it for a while, Asso chose

"Operation Cobra", although the name has been used by him, but every operation has to be named a name, which is worthy of this operation.

A sense of ritual is also very important for a team, especially in the army.

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