Today I went to see "The Return of the Great Sage". A little kid next to me asked his mother, isn't this a cartoon, why are so many adults watching, and her mother answered patiently, because they have been waiting for "The Return of the Great Sage", waiting, waiting, waiting, and growing up.

——Excerpt from the domestic animation "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage". However, there is still a lot of gap between the protagonist of our chapter and the Monkey King, he is called the Three and Great God.

Aso also immediately called the Delta Force, although the word must be added, but they are generally not called former Delta Force soldiers, but directly called the Delta Force. For example, Lin Chong in the Water Margin has already been wanted for Kou, but he is still the head of the 800,000 forbidden army. It can be seen that from ancient times to the present, they like to say it in a high place.

Aso called the Delta Force to go to the gate with him to check what was going on, while Maozi continued to search for the dormitory area here, after all, this dormitory area is really a bit big, and there are still places that have not been searched.

When Asso walked quickly to the iron gate of the gate, the sound of "whooshing" outside became louder, and

there was a sound of thick breathing, "hula hula" like a dilapidated accordion.

The monkeys had already raised their guns high and were ready for battle.

And here Asso also put his hand on his golden pistol.

We can meet love around the corner, but this poor god zombie, because he heard a noise here, wanted to come over and see if there were any beautiful women. At the corner, he encountered a well-trained, well-equipped, and powerful special combat team. It's really unfortunate to go back to my hometown.

Although everyone on Aso's side is mentally prepared for the possible scenario. But when the zombie in front of him came out of the corner, it still made many special combat soldiers here very uncomfortable.

I saw that this great god zombie, because he also sucked the leftover scraps of a lot of spider mutants on this floor, so now he has also obtained part of the evolution.

The most obvious point is that the whole person has become taller and thicker. And his intestines are still dragging outside, and they have become much larger than before, and the small intestine has become the large intestine, and the large intestine has become a tube the size of a hot water bottle.

Now he was grinning hoarsely, with a big hole in his stomach and an empty inside, holding a large intestine in his hand and dragging a intestine the size of a thermos bottle behind him.

And due to the infection of the virus, or the necrosis of the intestines, now his intestines are black, like a gas pipe, leading from his body to the ground, leaving a black liquid on the white and tidy ground.

And the great god saw that there were fresh ingredients here, so he left his intestines and wanted to run over.

But this side of the intestines is still connected to his stomach, and now when he throws it like this, the drag resistance on the ground has become much greater, so that there are not many pieces of running.

On the monkey side, Asso gave an order in advance to directly kill all the zombies, so he picked up the M16 without any scruples, and aimed at the zombies is a shuttle bullet.

Some of the bullets hit the ground, then bounced again, rattling through the entire passage.

And most of the bullets hit the zombies. The great god didn't hold on for 3 seconds before he was knocked away by the powerful force of the bullet.

And now, the intestines in the stomach have also been beaten to pieces. Now they all fell to the ground, a pool of black, slimy black sesame paste.

After being inexplicably hit by a shuttle bullet, the great god suddenly found that his intestines had been cut. In an instant, the stomach was smooth. People are also a lot more refreshed. Appetite has grown, it's time for dinner.

Because the great god was infected by the T virus, his body was also strengthened, and he sucked a lot of leftovers from spider mutants, which can be regarded as a part of his growth. Therefore, although the bullet just now also broke his intestines, it did not hurt other strengthened muscles.

Now the great god immediately stood up as a carp, got up, and rushed towards the dormitory area.

Since a shuttle of bullets has been fired just now, so now these monkeys are nervously changing the magazine, and some monkeys, thinking that they have not even changed the bullets, this zombie rushed over.

Say it's too late, then it's too fast. Asso pulled up the Ruan monkey who was still outside and retreated, and then immediately closed the door with lightning speed.

"Bang" The zombie slammed into the iron door.

This zombie bitten by the mutant body is still flesh and blood in the final analysis, and it is almost impossible to break through this iron gate with his body.

The great god still didn't realize the horror of these special combat soldiers, and he was still lying on the gate and screaming with his mouth wide open and screaming inside.

"Roar, silk, roar"

The monkey here was also startled just now, but now he was saved by Asuo, and after hiding in, he also wanted to find the field. Untied an M67 grenade from his waist, and then pulled the bracelet, and stuffed it into the zombie's mouth while the zombie opened its mouth and roared.

The M67 grenade is a circular tactical defensive grenade with extremely lethal power within a radius of 45 meters.

Since the grenade is round, like a light bulb, the monkey stuffs this thing into the mouth of the zombie, and the zombie can never take it out on its own -

there is a saying: the light bulb can't be taken out of the mouth. Why can the light bulb be put in the mouth but not taken out?

In fact, the most important thing is the temporomandibular joint, which is the most complex joint in the whole body, and it is the only compound joint that can both rotate and slide, when the mouth is opened within 2cm, the temporomandibular joint is rotating in its own socket. More than 2cm of the joint will come out of the socket and slide forward, which is fine when you swallow the bulb, but when you take the bulb, the bulb prevents the temporomandibular joint from sliding forward, and there is no room for the mouth to open wider, so the bulb can't come out.

Ah Suo saw this Ruan monkey, it was really a trouble-making machine, and wave after wave of unsettled.

You TMD stuffed grenades at such close range, and you're not afraid that we will reimburse them all here.

In the midst of the lightning, Asso immediately shouted "fire in the hole".

Of course, the other special operators were not stupid, and when they saw this monkey unleashing the grenade, they all ran back desperately, trying to run 50 meters before detonating.

And this great god, inexplicably stuffed a grenade into his mouth, can be regarded as a word of suffering.

It was quite uncomfortable. No longer lying on the door, but turning his back and trying to pull it out with his hands, of course, it was all in vain. However, as soon as the great god turned around and lowered his head, he could be regarded as saving a lot of special combat personnel. The impact of shrapnel is minimized as much as possible.

If you want to say that the miraculous operation just now, only a flexible monkey can do it. If it was a clumsy hair, his arm would have been bitten by this zombie a long time ago.


" "Crackling"

This grenade directly blew this zombie into pieces, and this great god can no longer be found. The god is now attached to the walls, on the floor, and in the air.

And because this grenade is too powerful, this big iron gate was also directly blown down, making a "crackling" sound.

It was less than 3 minutes after the return of the great god, and he left the scene so gloomily, and since then, there has been no legend of the great god in the rivers and lakes.

As everyone got up to celebrate their first victory, Asso looked back to see that the iron fence had been blown down, frowned, and said, "What the fu ck."

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