On the night of this day, Fat Man and I were surrounded by these arms dealers of the underworld forces, and we had to fight back in self-defense to protect the safety of myself and Fat Man's own personnel.

On the evening of this day, the entire valley reverberated with the sound of explosions of various weapons.

Most of the people outside the valley are still asleep, and occasionally a few who stay up late or work night shifts hear this heavy or light explosion, and they think that some family is setting off fireworks somewhere. No one will notice it.

After a fierce offensive, the fat man and I basically wiped out all the arms dealers.

This was quite surprising to me, I just wanted to teach a lesson, thinking that they would run away while I was switching weapons, but I didn't expect that in this flash of lightning, no one succeeded in escaping, and all of them became the souls of our men.

War is brutal, perhaps even more brutal than zombies. Zombies are aliens, the common enemies of mankind. And war, the one who kills you is the same kind.

In this fierce and brutal battle, most of the 4,50 people are married and parents. Among them, there are many newlywed wives who have lost their husbands at once, and many 8 or 90-year-old people have lost their sons at once. There are many 7 or 8-year-old children who have lost their fathers all at once.

However, if I don't kill you, then I will be killed by you, and I will have to be this negative person.

As soon as the fat man saw that the following had been almost dealt with, he picked up the AK47 and prepared to go down to see the situation.

"Dao Chief, you fill up the grenade launcher ammunition and cover me in the back, I'll go down and see the situation

" "Be careful"

I reminded.

Since just now a few cars were bombarded by RPG rockets, which ignited the fuel tanks, now there are several cars burning down there. It's also a clear spot now.

"It's okay, I'm in the dark, he's in the light. The

fat man crept down.

I also took advantage of the gap between the fat man climbing down to unload 6 grenades from the bullet belt.

Then open the magazine, hole by hole.

This grenade launcher is a bit like a large revolver. It's just that the revolver has a pistol bullet on it, and this grenade launcher has a grenade.

This grenade launcher, which has six bullet holes, allows the use of six grenades at a time.

After I loaded the grenade, I pressed the launcher forward, and with a click, the grenade was loaded and ready to be fired.

At this time, the fat man also climbed to the dirt road below, and then saw him lying on the side of a dark road, motionless.

I didn't see it very clearly above, but after about a cigarette, the fat man slowly stood up, and walked over to an overturned car.

After taking a look, he ran to another car and looked at it.

In fact, there is hardly a complete car down there now, it's a complete pile of stinky copper and rotten iron. There are also two cars burning, and it looks like they will explode after a while.

After the fat man had gone around underneath, probably already making sure that there were no survivors, he gestured at me, presumably telling me to go down.

I didn't understand for a while, and then the fat man simply shouted:

"Come down, it's all dead"

So, I also slipped down.

When I saw the scene of the battle, I was a little shocked.

Some of the corpses in the car were still wearing seat belts, but their heads had been blown off, and the whole car was filled with the smell of blood and gunsmoke.

In some cars, there were pieces of corpses, and intestines were flowing everywhere. And the head is no longer found.

Inside the burning car, there were two shadows of corpses, which were relatively intact, but now they were charred black, and even the cremation fee was saved.

Of course, there are 4 or 50 people below, and there are not so many corpses that we can see in the car now, and many more people are actually left with scum that have long been blown up by RPG rockets.

I can only go to the ditch next to me, or on the hillside, and occasionally I can find half a hand, or a foot, or half a head, half a intestine and so on.

It was also the first time I had seen such a tragic battle scene. I used to fight like this in games, but in games, I just shoot and throw grenades. The person who dies on the opposite side will disappear immediately.

It's different here, they're gone, but their bodies are still there. It's unsettling.

"Poor and uncertain riverside bones, like a person in a spring boudoir dream!" I

didn't know what was going on, so I said such a poem.

When the fat man heard one of my poems, he was also sentimental, and his mouth muttered:

"Nan no Amitabha, brothers, as the saying goes, if you don't go to hell, who will go to hell." Rest assured, your wife can rest assured, my fat brother is not an unreasonable person, they will take care of the adoption, then I will take care of it, if not, then I will also introduce them to the object, now we have an imbalance between men and women here, rest assured that there will always be someone to take care of your wife and children. "

I hate war because this kind of war will cause many girls, children, and women to lose their husbands. As a result, it is these women and children who are ultimately injured.

Of course, except for the struggle for justice, those who fight against the evil forces for the sake of a better life for the masses are very righteous acts. Because if we don't fight against these underworld forces, more of us will be harmed by these underworld forces. This time, in the face of these arms dealers, I and the fat man had to fight back in self-defense, and I still felt very hearty. However, afterwards, we still decided to call the police in time to deal with it, otherwise the grass will not be cut and the roots will be removed, and the spring breeze will blow and grow again. It is still necessary to rely on the professional investigation of the police comrades and strive to destroy all the forces that are causing the harm.

is in love with these big sisters freely, so that you can fully feel the warmth of that intimate big sister.

"I said fatty, don't worry about other people's wives all the time. Let's deal with the scene with me first, I don't want to go to jail tomorrow.

My words can be regarded as pulling the fat man who was drooling and thinking about his big sister back from outside the clouds, so he smiled obscenely:

"Haha, listen to you".

At this time, higher up behind us, a young and beautiful girl with a good figure, dressed in a white sports skirt, stepping on Zong-colored hiking shoes, with 5 grenades and 5 magazines hanging on the tactical belt around her waist, and holding an AK47 rifle in her hand, showed a disgusted expression on her face, and then gently "hummed", and then said: "Men don't have a good thing" and lifted her steps and walked gently down the slope.

Just now the fat man fired 3 RPG rockets, so now 3 large craters have been blown up below, each with a diameter of about 3 meters.

Plus the craters that I threw out of some grenades that exploded on the ground, and now this one is counted as a pit everywhere.

I looked at the scene in front of me, and I couldn't help but feel a little helpless, so I beckoned the fat man to find a big stone and sat down.

"A cigarette"

The fat man took my cigarette, lit it, and then the two of us swallowed the clouds and smoked here.

After a deep sip, China is China, and the soft smoke suddenly relieved my nervousness:

"Digging a pit and burying it, or burying these 10 cars, this is an unlikely thing, first, this car is too much and too heavy, and second, some cars were blown up and flew to the foot of the mountain, or on the slope of the cliff, this is not easy to deal with." Now the bombed fragments and some large whole can't be moved now

" The fat man looked at the two cars that were still burning outside, and suddenly thought of an idea, and said to me:

"Why don't you just burn the rest of the cars, destroy the corpses, and burn them out, and when they are burned, there will be an empty shell left, and they will be pushed down the cliff directly, and there is a dense forest below, who will find out" The fat man's

idea is still okay. Now the main thing is that it is too heavy to push and not move, and it is directly burned on fire, and it is a lot lighter after it is extinguished, and it can be regarded as a matter of destroying corpses and destroying traces.

After all, I don't want to do such a thing as carrying corpses.

Then there was simple violence, I took the grenade launcher directly and shot it at the fuel tank of the car from a distance.

"Bang Dang~" As the sparks flying out everywhere, the fuel tank was also dryly exploded, and there was a burst of deflagration "

boom", and the whole car was surrounded by flames.

The rest of the cars were set on fire by us. Some cars could not even withstand the grenade attack and were directly blown in half. Some cars were blown to pieces by gasoline explosions.

The fire burned for two hours, and the fat man and I were doing a very disgusting thing during this time, which was to pick up the corpses scattered everywhere.

Sometimes, you will pick up a head from the grass ...

Sometimes it's a hand or foot out of a ditch. But it's all big guys.

The most of the stuff was some unknown part of the meat, and as soon as we picked it up, we threw it directly into the fire. It's kind of free cremation work for them.

After 2 hours, some of the burned debris was pushed directly down the cliff, and some small pieces were thrown into three large pits. After about another hour, there was no sign of a fierce battle at all.

And the pine tree that was moved away by Boss Wu's younger brother was moved back by the fat man, which can be regarded as a temporary road closure, for fear that someone will fall into the big pit by mistake. After all, we haven't had time to fill these three holes.

The fat man said that this is also a public morality.


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the number of paid words: Destroy you, what does it have to do with you! "The Strongest Reserve of the Doomsday" Everyone doesn't follow me, remember to follow me, I will send pictures and texts from time to time to introduce the latest plot and related. Thank you for your support

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