Looking at the table below, it's 8 o'clock in the evening, and since we have a whole day off, we are all in better shape now.

In order to go out as soon as possible tomorrow morning, we directly turned on several flashlights to illuminate the whole room, and prepared to sort out the equipment that we will take out tomorrow. Choose some items that are urgently needed and necessary to take with you.

Honestly, if I could, I'd say this: children are the only ones who choose, and the adults are all about it.

However, the traffic here is inconvenient, there are no cars and no roads, so it is all transported by manpower, and it is quite difficult to get all the people down.

So I had to make a trade-off. But what to take or not to take, I don't have the final say, I still have to take care of all people's ideas.

But I, a good way to get along

: "Fatty, Zheng Yan, there is a lot of equipment here, you look around, if you can only carry it once, what will you

take" Zheng Yan walked around this room, and said:

"First of all, I will take off my coat, then change into a jacket and pants and hiking shoes here, and then take a hiking bag, abandon the tent inside, and only keep the sleeping bag."

Then inside this hiking bag, it is equipped with emergency medicine, a flashlight, charging equipment, and solar cells.

Put a few bags of individual food and compressed ready-to-eat food into the backpack, fill a few bags of ultra-purified water in the side pocket of the backpack, and bring a bag of effervescent tablets for water purification and disinfection.

Inside the backpack are a few boxes of AK47 bullets. Then carry a few packets of salt, a few kilograms of rice, and a few bags of pickles.

Then carry an AK47 on your shoulder, a tactical belt around your waist, 10 magazines and a tactical dagger, 10 grenades, a tactical water bottle, and a frying pan outside your backpack.

And on the outermost, body armor, bulletproof helmets, and cut-resistant gloves are also necessary. If you can still carry it, then bring a tactical offensive and defensive explosion-proof shield"

Zheng Yan's arrangement can be regarded as a more suitable individual weapon. And it was the equipment of hoplites behind enemy lines.

The only drawback to this arrangement is that it is too heavy, and the equipment is estimated to add up to 3 or 40 kilograms.

Then I went back to the fat man and asked

, "Fat man, what about you?"

The fat man looked around and said,

"First of all, I'm going to bring a few hundred packs of cigarettes." I also got the backpack that Zheng Yan said, but I want two, one for cigarettes and the other for equipment.

As for the contents of the other bag, I will bring a flashlight and batteries, and the rest of the space is all used to hold food, self-heating food for individual soldiers, as well as beef jerky, as well as compressed food

, and ultra-clean water, as for the equipment on the body, body armor, bulletproof helmets, anti-cut gloves and protective shields, I naturally have to bring these

, weapons, I want to add an RPG rocket, and on the backpack, I will not carry the pan, I will carry 5 rockets. AK was also a handful, and the bullets were also made into 10 magazines,

and a few boxes of AK ammunition. Add a grenade launcher and two grenade belts. "

The equipment that the fat man said adds up to about 5 or 60 kilograms, and the functions are not as many as Zheng Yan's, but the firepower is very fierce. The most important thing is that big bag of spiritual food - China.

I have seen the hiking bags here, the volume is 55+15L, which is equivalent to a capacity of 70 liters, and the shell specifications of a pack of soft China are: the box is 85mm long, 53mm wide, and 22mm thick.

That is, the volume of a pack of soft China is: 0.85dm * 0.53dm * 0.22dm = 0.09911L. With a volume of 70 liters, it is theoretically possible to fit: 70/0.09911 = 706 boxes.

It's just cool and crooked, because this spiritual food is not very heavy, so I am also going to get two big bags, one for spiritual food. In the end, we calculated that we could take away all the spiritual food.

And if I only had one chance, I would choose:

"Carry two solar cells, a lead-acid battery, and a 12V LED light for the night market." The backpack is to carry two, one is all carrying spiritual food, and the other is carrying

a backpack of AK47 bullets. Later, I calculated that all the Chinese we have here, and the fat man can almost fill a backpack, so after I loaded the rest of the Chinese in this backpack, I

filled it with a grenade. Then body armor, cut-resistant gloves, bulletproof helmets, tactical shields, and poke-resistant leather boots with steel plates are naturally standard.

In the neck, two AKs are on the back, and 10 more magazines and 10 grenades are carried on the waist. A grenade bullet belt was put over his shoulder. "

The reason for my arrangement is that it is the early stage of the crisis, and this place has just experienced a nuclear explosion, so there is no shortage of food here, and when the time comes, you can go to the supermarket or food store at the bottom of the mountain to open treasure chests

, but bullets are not regenerated when they are used, and they will be used as much as they are used, so these non-renewable important resources should be brought with us, and we should bring as many as we want.

But everyone has their own thoughts, as for the living materials brought by Zheng Yan, and the spiritual materials brought by the fat man. I also have no right to say about the troops they bring. After all, it's hard to buy a thousand dollars, and I'm willing.

And I'm not a DU cutter

, so I said, "So that's it, you guys pack everything you just said, and then try to memorize it, don't be embarrassed when you can't carry

it," so we took the equipment out of the boxes, and then put it on the ground, put it in a backpack, or put it on our bodies.

At this time, Zheng Yan asked in confusion:

"Do I want to wear this jacket?"

I didn't even think about it, and said:

"Of course, everything must be the same as tomorrow morning"

Just when Zheng Yan was about to take off her outer clothes, she was preparing to take off. When the pants, she suddenly thought of something, so she put on

the pants: "Hmph, you want me to take it off, pants, think beautiful" I didn't expect this scene, I was embarrassed to be said by her, and hurriedly made a round and said:

"Well, you don't need to take off your pants,

just the right clothes." The pants are

the same anyway" "Hmph, the ghost is the same as you!"


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the number of words charged: Shen chanting and plucking the strings, tidying up the clothes and gathering the appearance. "The Strongest Reserve of the Apocalypse" Doomsday Move Preparations Completed! Thank you for your support! Click on my name,Enter my homepage and select serialization.,There's below.,The first 80 chapters are free.。

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