I hugged Zheng Qian, covered my head, and rushed towards the small dirt slope on Zheng Yan's side.

And now, the corpse emperor of the sewers has discovered me, and the zombies from all directions are now even more united and are surrounding me.

Remember, it wasn't rushing over, it was surrounding, and a half-moon-shaped wave of zombies rushed towards me. If you look at it from the air, it's still spectacular.

At this time, I don't have time to fight back. Moreover, if at this time, I stop and fight back with AK, it is really the worst option, because stopping now is undoubtedly a sheep into the mouth of a tiger, a mud cow into the sea, and there is no return.


fat man is now resisting to the death on the second floor, and at this time, he also discovered that the grenade is the strongest weapon against these zombies, and he has been filling it up and firing grenades downstairs.

Prevent these zombies from climbing up, but for now, it won't be able to resist for long.

At this moment, the zombies all ran towards the south side of the lawn, and no longer attacked the fat man's castle.

The fat man was also confused at first, so he picked up the grenade launcher and came - it is advisable to chase the poor man with the remaining bravery.

Grenades are constantly fired from behind, and groups of zombies are falling.

These zombies, after being attacked and bombed by the fat man from behind, also grinned hoarsely at the fat man, but they also glanced back, and immediately continued to walk towards the south.

"I'll copy it, it's broken~"

The fat man was fighting the zombies just now, and suddenly remembered that the people of Nanyang Dao are still saving people on the south side of the lawn.

These zombies ran over like this, could it be that the Dao Leader has been exposed? Nima, I have to quickly find a way to help the Dao Leader delay time.

At this time, the fat man saw that these grenade launchers and AK47 and other weapons had a limited range, and only the RPG in the corner could reach such a long distance.

RPG just now the fat man didn't use it, and there was a reason for him, because later these zombies were too many, and they had rushed to the bottom of the balcony on the second floor, and now in this close situation, you can't use RPG, otherwise, you won't have time to run away, and you will be blown up directly.

The two RPGs placed in the corner, the fat man had already loaded the rocket early, and the fat man also absorbed two shots to hit together, and it was difficult to aim, so this time he picked up a launcher and pressed the launch button against the zombies in the south.

Then he immediately picked up another launcher, aiming at the zombies rushing to the west with a rocket.


Two rockets, with dazzling blue tongues of fire, flew out of the balcony on the second floor. A shot flew towards the north of my side.

By the time I did, it was too late.

"Copy!" The

huge explosion did resist the zombies in the north, but I am also on the periphery now, blown away by the shock wave generated by the explosion, holding Zheng Qian, and falling into the mud.

Immediately after that, a second RPG rocket exploded to the west of me.

I'm on the ground, looking back, these two RPGs can be regarded as effective, and they can be regarded as resisting the first round of defense and the first wave of tide against these zombies.

Now look at the effect, because as far as the eye can see, these nearby zombies were blown up by the shock wave and fell to the ground.

Just when I picked up Zheng Qian, who had fallen to the ground, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, these zombies that had just been blown up and crawled down actually stood up again.

"The baby's life is hard

" I hurriedly forced my spirits, a princess hugged her, and filled Zheng Qian again:

"How do you know my name?"

Zheng Qian is now in my arms, probably thinking of something, so he asked me this question.

"It's a long story, it's too late to explain now, I'll talk about it later!" I

hurriedly replied, picked it up and ran. Because now the zombies who had just fallen under the shockwave explosion stood up again and rushed towards me with a roar.

Just then, a third RPG rocket exploded in the middle of the lawn. In an instant, a large number of zombies fell.

But some of them fell, and the other part got back on their feet

, and there was no end to the children and grandchildren! The fat man was also anxious to look at it, and hurriedly filled it with RPG rockets.

"Fatty, get down the drain!" I

see that this fat man is now firing rockets randomly, as if he is covering me.

However, our plan, this is not the case. Zheng Yan is the one who covered for me, you fat man TMD is the one who is going to blow up the corpse emperor, okay?

I think the fat man is probably fighting zombies, and he forgot about this matter.

So while running, he shouted loudly, anyway, it was already exposed, so what's the harm in shouting a few more:

"Fatty, hurry up and get down the sewer!"

The fat man heard my three words "sewer" upstairs, and immediately remembered.

I picked up the RPG launcher that I had just loaded with rockets, aimed it at the sewer in the middle of the lawn, and pressed the trigger.


A bright light shot out from the second floor.

"Bang Dang~"

This rocket, impartial, is right in the middle of the lawn sewer entrance. It exploded from under the sewer with a thud.

And what happened to the zombies below?


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the number of words charged: I can't bear it~ "The Strongest Reserve of the Doomsday" This is one of the chapters of my novel, if you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to go to my homepage, and select serialization below!

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