The fat man saw these zombies rushing over from outside the door, and he didn't dare to be careless, so he hurriedly threw his backpack or something on the side of the road, smeared oil on the soles of his feet, and ran away along the community road to the west.

This lures away the zombies and walks the zombies, but it is not an Olympic track and field competition 100-meter flyer or something, and it is not a competitive activity in which whoever runs fast and who runs far is who wins. Instead, it is like carrying a sedan chair to serve the bride, three steps tighter and three steps slower, not too far away from the zombies, nor too close to the zombies.

If you get too close, it is easy for the horse to stumble, and when the time comes, the zombies will catch up and give you a hammer from behind, and it will be more than worth the loss.

And if you run too far, it won't have the effect of walking zombies. These zombies can't keep up, and when you look back, what about the zombies?

So this fat man, it's not that he runs too fast, and it's not that he runs too slow. So the fat man is now turning back three times in one step, and occasionally he will deliberately stop and walk with twisting and pinching catwalks. If you put the lights on the fat man now, it will definitely be Chaplin's second!

When he was about to turn the corner, the fat man saw that he was still 50 meters away from the zombies, and the fat man was thinking about the zombies at this time, afraid that these zombies would not know how to turn when the time came.

At this time, the fat man simply stopped at the turn, and originally wanted to stand here and sing a song to these zombie fans, but he couldn't think of what song to sing for a while, so he gave up.

Then the fat man touched the things on his body, took out the emergency rescue whistle he carried with him, bit it on his mouth, and

blew it "doodoo, doodoo, doodoo".

This voice, to be honest, if no one sees the fat man, it is very similar to the whistle sound of the instructor during military training. I thought this community was some kind of military training base or something, and now it is being held and walking.

However, the instructor taught the students in the academy to walk in a positive way, and the fat man was blowing it for the zombies who rushed over.

"Numb, will you take the right steps, it all depends on what you have become?

Just when the fat man was about to go up to the small bamboo forest next to him to get a whip, he suddenly found that TMD was not a cute student, but a group of zombies in TMD.

He woke up from his instructor's dream all of a sudden

, and now these zombies, the nearest one is only 10 meters away from the fat man.

It can be regarded as within 5 steps, and my zombies splash the fat man with the blood on their necks!

The fat man is also not good, but the time is still not ripe enough.

Because these zombies are now too widely distributed, maybe different zombies run at different speeds, these fast ones are only 10 meters away from the fat man, and other old, weak, sick and disabled zombies are now 4,50 meters away from the fat man.

The fat man is also afraid that he will run away from this corner later, and the zombies behind him will not be able to keep up and go back, and then he will be in trouble.

The fat man now simply folded a bamboo from the bamboo forest next to him, removed the head and tail, and made it into a dog-beating stick in seconds.

At this time, these zombies rushing in front were already very close, and the fat man immediately stretched out the freshly made dog-beating stick, and poked one side of a zombie's body with one end of the stick.

The zombie immediately lost its balance and fell to the ground.

As soon as the fat man hit it, he immediately turned the dog stick and poked at another zombie, and the other zombie also fell in response.

Although this method has almost zero damage to zombies, the effect on the zombies is extraordinary!

Presumably, when Hong Qigong created the dog stick method, if he referred to this usage, it is estimated that a book of "Dog Poking Stick Method" will come out.

The fat man used this method of poking the dog stick to deal with the zombies here.

It is estimated that after 1 minute, seeing that there are more and more zombies at this time, the fat man's poke dog stick method is already very difficult to deal with.

After poking down a zombie in front of him, the fat man rushed to a zombie on the side with a Scud, and then used the reaction force of this Scud to slip along the community road towards the south.

Now the appetite of these zombies has been completely stimulated by this fat man, and one by one they rushed towards the fat man as if they hadn't eaten for hundreds of years.

The fat man was around the corner, and when I saw it, I was obedient and ran really fast.

The fat man looked at the zombies running behind him, and then looked at the dog-beating stick in his hand. Eyes rolled.

Then the fat man did a very damaging thing, which was to turn this bamboo pole sideways and get stuck on both sides of the road.

After the fat man smiled, he sneaked around the corner and ran towards the east side of the community.

And the zombies in the back, how do you know that this fat man also put one for them on the road.

Although there is moonlight lighting now, there is a shield under this building, and the location of this trap is very low, so no one can find it, let alone zombies.

rushed towards the fat man one by one, and when he saw the fat man disappearing into the corner, he ran forward with all his energy.

"Bang bang bang~"

The first zombie tripped and fell, and a dog gnawed mud in front of him.

And the zombies in the back were not spared, and they were tripped one after another. And at this time, the zombies that fell to the ground in front have not yet gotten up, and the zombies behind have come.

So, one by one, they tripped and fell up, and the zombies at the bottom were the worst. was directly pressed to gasp and cut off his breath alive.

However, these zombies are not dead as if they are nothing. Breath is just a symbol.

The fat man was busy running, and he didn't know much about the exciting battle situation behind.


The author has something to say

:The following content is not included in the number of charged words:Zombie A:Who TMD made a stumbling block here!"The strongest reserve of the apocalypse" This is one of the chapters of my novel,If you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel,You can click on my name to my homepage,Select serialization below!

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