If I had known, this Comrade Arthur was so perfunctory, and Comrade Chekov was so unreliable. I don't have to run in such a hurry. When I left this time, I didn't go to the supermarket to search for it, and I only brought some individual rations. . . But I also have to thank these mercenaries, if I hadn't found them, I wouldn't have been able to hold Zheng Yan's hand. Because I'm a person, I don't know why, I always can't do

anything to my sister! Ah Suo gave half of his gold and silver treasures to the monkey Ruan Qian'an, and the other half was brought with him. This is also so that when there is a conflict, the whole army will not be wiped out.

This Boss Wu in Asuo's mouth is naturally the Boss Wu who was wiped out in the forest reserve behind the green mountains by the Taoist chief and the fat man on the night before the apocalypse.

The business is very big, but unfortunately he gave birth to a son who is not angry, so he gave his life in vain and became the soul of the fat man.

Now Ah Suo went to the outskirts of Little Raccoon City to find this unjust soul, and naturally he couldn't find it. But if you go to the monk, you can't go to the temple.

Mr. Wu's family has a big business, and now his nest is still there, as for the business, it is now Sister Fang Yao, the general manager of Wu Tian Hardware Department Store, a bewitching young woman I call a fairy sister, who has taken over with full authority.

Of course, there is also a ruthless and cunning old lady on her head, manipulating behind the scenes.

And if I hadn't calmed down and suppressed the gun at that time, I would have almost been seduced by this little goblin.

Of course, these things, Asso naturally does not know anything now.

Hehe, but I want to say that all this was done by Lao Tzu. After

descending the mountain, the troops divided into two ways, and the business negotiation army led by Asso drove towards Mr. Wu's lair. The monkeys of the reconnaissance team cleared the bus and drove to the UBM Chengdong Base in Little Raccoon City. After all, it's too far to go here, and it's not realistic to go over here, so it's better to clear the roadblocks and drive over.

When I got down the hill, the sun was already high in the sky.

"How far is it to Lao Wu's house?" one

of his subordinates took out the GPS locator, calculated the distance, and said

, "Report to the captain, there are still 10 kilometers left."

Asso looked at the day, and walked 10 kilometers to the outskirts of Little Raccoon City, so he couldn't walk before dark.

"Bill, go get a car!"

Bill is a lockpicking expert in this old American team, generally the fighters in each special operations team not only use weapons to kill people, but most of them also have another technology, such as this Bill, is an expert in lockpicking.

"yes sir!"

After saying that, Bill ran towards the cars parked on the street around him, but the cars here are all high-end cars, all of which have engine anti-theft systems, and the cars with this system are not impossible to steal, but it is too difficult to require special tools. But now Bill has nothing but a piece of wire, so now Bill wants the kind of car with mechanical locks. Bill searched for a long time and finally found a magic car Wuling Light at the door of a vegetable market, so he happily walked over, and was about to take out the wire to unlock the keyhole of the gate, Aso who followed behind fell with a rifle butt, directly knocking the window glass to smash.

"I'll open this lock. With that

, he knocked off the remaining glass with the butt of his gun to prevent the handle from being cut, and then reached in and opened the door from the inside.

"This lock inside, you can open it!" "


This Bill is also smiling on his face, and he is in his heart.

But Bill took out the guy who was eating again, a wire, and inserted it into the keyhole of the car of the Wuling Light.

"Fight Fight ~ Kari Granules ~ Xili Ancient Road

~" Bill was busy working in it for a while

, "Squeak squeak

~ squeak ~ squeak ~ " A sound of a car motor came out of

the car, "Wow ~

" Everyone cheered together, only Aso was alone, did not cheer, but calmly walked to the co-pilot, sat in, and shouted:

"Hurry up and get in the car!"


soon as Bill saw that the captain was already firmly seated in the Blue House, he immediately asked:

"Report to the captain, I am an old driver, and I apply to drive."

Seeing that Bill had done a good job of unlocking, Aso agreed,


and Bill sat down in the cab.

And some of his slow reactions, smoking outside, and urinating outside, all ended up honestly squeezing in the back pocket.

A van with 10 people is okay, but with 20 or 30 people, it's really a bit crowded.

In the end, Asso asked everyone to tear down the back door of the car, and then there were 5 or 6 people left who couldn't sit down, all of whom sat on the roof of the car. In this way, a carload of people was barely pulled down.


woo ~ woo woo ~ woo woo ~ " On the streets of Doomsday Castle Mountain, a Wuling Light van roared, carrying more than 20 American GIs, at a maximum speed of about 15 yards per hour, towards the old house of Boss Wu on the outskirts of Little Raccoon City.

"Comrades, turn on the air conditioning for you!" After

Ah Suo finished speaking, he calmly turned on the air conditioning of the car, and the maximum speed also changed from 15 yards to 10 yards.

A group of American GIs on the roof of the car are really hehe!


The author has something to say

: My other novel: "The Strange Land of Yuxi" I am not telling an ordinary story, but writing the legend of a Taoist priest in the third person. This book strives to have no superfluous words, never irrigated, word by word, sentence by sentence, and strive to make it a high-quality product. This book has been invited by the editor to sign a contract, and the editor's vision is clear!

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