After shouting "The Power of Demacia", I rushed towards the gate of the Four Seasons Mansion.

The villa area is the villa area, and the gate of the community has a width of 50 meters, which is very magnificent, and there are two lanes in the middle, one in and one out. A green belt more than one meter wide separates the lanes in both directions.

There is also a bicycle path on both sides of the driveway, and next to the bicycle path, there is a marble-paved sidewalk.

There are two security booths next to the sidewalk, looking at the momentum of this security booth, it is estimated that there will be no less than 10 security guards here.

Both lanes are equipped with vehicle identification poles, while bicycle lanes and sidewalks are open.

However, ordinary people can't get in, and if you want to enter, you have to go to the security booth to register.

But now in the last days, for people like me with grenades in their hands, registration, this does not exist.

As soon as I slipped into the community, I slipped along the sidewalk east of the neighborhood from the side of the road. While running in an S-shape, I look at my surroundings with the peripheral vision of my eyes.

Nima, it's really a mansion~ It's full of towering trees and all kinds of well-cut precious flowers and shrubs. The gate of the whole community looks in here, and you can't see a house, it's a garden community.

I ran around the gate of the community, but I didn't find any movement, so I ran to the front of the security room on the east side of the gate of the community.

This security booth has only one floor, and there is a large translucent window facing the entrance, which is so reflective that I can't see anything inside from the outside for a while.

When I got closer, I blocked the sunlight with my hand, and I was able to see that there was nothing inside, at least from the outside.

I beckoned to the fat man and told him to come over.

So far, no shots have been fired, which means that there is basically no ambush at the entrance here.

I pulled the security door, and the door didn't lock and squeaked open.

"It looks like the security guards have managed to escape"

I walked in and walked around, the inside of the security room was quite cluttered, with a lot of uniforms hanging on the walls, and a few camp beds in the back room. In the front room there is a long table under the window. Above the window are rows of monitors.

However, at this time, due to a power outage, these displays are black. Hanging on the top of the head, it is also depressing enough.

There is also a square table in the middle of this room in front of this security room, on which some snacks are placed. I looked closer, and it was a few packets of chips and a few bottles of Coke.

At this time, the fat man also walked in from outside. I hurriedly grabbed a packet of potato chips, tore them open, and ate them.

As soon as the fat man came in from outside, he didn't know what was going on, and when he saw me sitting on a chair eating potato chips, he asked

, "Dao Chief, where did you find it, and is there anything else?"

After all, pushing an electric car in the ravine just now consumed a lot of physical strength, and it was already afternoon, and we hadn't eaten lunch yet, and our hungry chests were pressed against our backs.

Seeing this fat man grab a handful, I hurriedly said

, "Keep it, there are two girls outside waiting to be fed!"

After saying that, I took two packs and put them in my jacket pocket.

The amount of the hemp egg.,The task is not completed.,Here's the first to eat.。。。

"Fatty, get to work after eating!"

I said as I walked into the room inside the security room.


This kid actually opened a bottle of Coke...

"Dao Chief, I'll set off when I'm done drinking, and I'm hungry. "

Hearing the fat man's words, it also makes me afraid, you are still using RPG to kill me with an RPG

in the back of the fat man?

I took advantage of the fact that the kid was eating in front of me, and went to the back room to look through the good things here.

The furnishings in this room are even more cluttered than the outside. The owner of the outside room may still want to come and see, but no one comes inside, so basically no one cleans the room inside.

Inside, under the window on the south side, there are five camp beds.

There was a row of cabinets under the east wall, but they were all locked. I looked to the front for an unlocked cabinet and opened it to see that it was full of clothes, hats, pants and other miscellaneous items.

I guess that's the case with the other cabinets, so I didn't look through them again.

In the middle of the house, there were some things that led to the sewers and cleared the lawn and trimmed the branches.

Next to the door, there is a refrigerator of unknown brand with two doors. The door for refrigeration above and the door for freezing below are open.

I looked at the cabinet above, and there were a lot of Coke, Sprite, Fanta, and beer. The cold room below was empty.

After walking around the inside, I said at the door,

"I don't think anyone has been here yet." The

fat man also turned around at this time and asked,

"How do you know?"

I casually took out a can of beer from the refrigerator, and opened the

pull ring with a "poof~"


He took a sip and said

, "If there were anyone, this rare treasure would never exist!" "

Is there anything else?"

said the fat man.


The author has something to say:

Everyone pay attention to me, and I will send the latest plot introduction from time to time in the headlines. Advertisement: I'm not telling an ordinary story, I'm writing a legend of a Taoist priest. This "Yuxi Strange Realm" will be 5-100,000 words. Strive to have no superfluous words, never irrigate, scrutinize every word, verify every sentence, and strive to make a high-quality product.

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