This gossip is not another gossip.

This gossip is gossip between the sister and the sister, and it has nothing to do with Taoism.

Yibian fought again, when the fat man and I were exploring this community, Zheng Qian and Zheng Yan had already found a hidden place on the northern slope of this community and squatted down.

There are two of them, condescending, and the entire villa area is in full view.

From above, it is a rectangular community, about 400 meters long from east to west, and about 200 meters wide from north to south. The whole community, from the top looks like a big forest, because most of the houses in the community are only two floors plus an attic, not very high. So from above, the roof is basically covered by trees, and the privacy is very good.

And to the south of this community, there is a small river, not small because the width of this river is almost 150 meters, so it is not small.

Further south, there are steep peaks one after another.

"Zheng Qian, are you tutoring here?"

Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian have now found a shady place on the hillside to do it, alerting the movement below. When there is nothing to do, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian are homely.

"Oh, I teach English. "

Haha~ I didn't see it, your English is very good~

" "Well, I wanted to study abroad, but something happened at home...

"Every house has a scripture that is difficult to read. Do you teach English to the kids here or junior high school students?"

Originally, he asked me to come over and teach his children, but when his children went to the training class, the male host of the family called me over to teach him English. "


Zheng Yan, an old fritter, naturally knows, what English the male owner learns, it is simply a bubble girl, so it is not good to continue to ask.

"Zheng Qian, did the fat man do anything to you at that time?"

This is not that Zheng Yan doesn't open a pot, but a thing that girls like to do very much-gossip! And for gossip between the sexes and gossip between the opposite sex, it is even more interesting. This kind of love and gossip heart comes from life, as long as it is a girl, all of them are deeply trapped in it and can't extricate themselves.

And Zheng Yan's willingness to gossip is too strong now, so she couldn't control it and asked. Although, this question is a bit private.


" Zheng Qian said a little embarrassed

, "That day, I was shopping at the gate of the Wei School, met the fat brother, and accosted me and said that we were going to play cards together, and then I was called into the car by the fat brother and went to the hotel to play cards with the other two girls."

We first played cards, and the fat guy called me to the rooftop, chatted with me for a while, and then helped me solve my boyfriend's problem. Then he gave me the card to withdraw the money, and when I came back, the fat brother said that he was leaving.

That's it that day, the fat guy didn't do anything. But I asked for the fat brother's phone, and he still wouldn't give it to me.

Then I asked for an address. Haha~

" After Zheng Yan listened to this gossip, she said with a wicked smile

, "This fat man is still pretending to be an uncle! But this kid is still very good for girls, but I don't know, why didn't he find a girlfriend." He's also quite good at coaxing girls to be happy, unlike the Taoist, just a dead wood!"

"Haha~ I don't know about this~ I may not have found the person I like.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the gift from the old brother who "eats my grandson's stick". Each gift-giver will leave a permanent mark in the novel as a memento to express their special gratitude. Recently, it has been busy, and the time of update is basically after 10 o'clock. If there is more than one reminder on the day, a new chapter will be added. Thank you for your support!

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