Life, where can there be so much perfection, I also want to end this UBM's Qingshan base at once, but the strength does not allow it, if I continue to do this, I can't do my own life, and I will be ruined here.

Don't think about it, think about it often.

Since you can't destroy all the data here, then you have to hurt the vitality of this base.

"Let's go, fatty, you go to the computer room inside, as long as it's the kind of computer that is placed on the rack, it's all smashed, or it's smashed with AK, or blown up, whatever you want, the bigger the damage, the better." But remember, keep some bullets and it will be useful to go out later!"


Walking out of this corridor, there is the computer room, but now, because we just burned down the disk array storage room, the fire protection system below has been activated, and all kinds of blade machines on the shelves in the computer room outside have stopped running. It's a lot quieter.

After the fat man went out, without saying a word, he picked up the AK and rifle, and pointed at these racks is a shuttle of bullets

, "crackle ~ "

Once the blade computer on the rack was hit, it immediately fell apart.

After firing a shuttle bullet, the fat man was not in a hurry to change the magazine, but kicked directly at the first row of racks near the corridor

, and directly kicked the racks backwards, and with a "bang~"

sound, it fell together with the racks in the back row.

The fat man repeated his old trick, and after kicking down the entire row in front, he took out a grenade, pulled the fuse, and threw it into the middle position,


and instantly blew up the racks of the two rows together. Not to mention repairing, it is impossible to find it out, and it is impossible to put it together.

After the fat man did this, he planned to set a fire here with a lighter. It's a pity that just now, we have already set off the automatic fire system here, so there is water everywhere in the download room, and it is wet, so it can't be lit.

The fat man saw that the ignition trick was not working, so he replaced the magazine again, exploded a motherboard with one shot, and constantly mended the knife in this machine room one by one.

After I took a look at the fat man's masterpiece, I retreated from the computer room, ready to separate from the fat man, I ran along this internal corridor towards the west, where the power generation room of the entire building was provided.

And just now, because the fat man and I have destroyed the high-voltage distribution line here, so now, it turns out that several electricians on duty here have gone upstairs to check the circuit and repair the circuit, so now I guess there is no one on duty here.

As I approached the door of the power room, a wave of heat swept over me.

The door of the power room is now hidden, and the heat is constantly bubbling from the inside to the outside.

As soon as I pushed the door open, the people inside said to me without looking back

, "Come on, help me. The boiler's going to blow up." At

this time, I was also confused, hehe, I guess I was mistaken for the group of people who went upstairs to repair the circuit just now.

I glanced inside, and saw that there was only a young foreign engineer in his 20s in the entire generator room, but he didn't look like an engineer, but more like the son of an engineer or something.

Now he is busy on the side of the boiler, digging coal from the inside of the boiler to the outside.

“Now there's a lot of pressure, what can we do about it?"

I've gone behind him, and this young kid hasn't realized that I'm not one of his co-workers. I didn't bother to explain to him, wasting time on him, so I said,

"It's better to blow up the old one if it doesn't go away and the new one doesn't come." (The old doesn't go, the new doesn't come, it's good to blow up!)

"What?" (What?)

In this afterlife, when I was about to turn back, and before I could see my true face, I smashed the butt of a gun.


this posterity was afraid of me fainting.

I hurriedly tied it with a rope and threw the man on a chair at the door.

I took a general look at the configuration of the entire generator room, which is a very traditional, or very primitive and backward generator room.

This engine room consisted of a boiler, a steam turbine, and a generator. On the side of the boiler and to the right of the boiler, coal was piled up half the size of a room and about 5 or 6 meters high.

And now, because the high-voltage line has been destroyed by us, the load of the boiler is very small, but once the boiler burns up, it is not so easy to extinguish, and the power is always there.

Because too much heat is generated and too little heat is consumed, the steam pressure in the boiler is also increasing. And this posterity, constantly taking out the burning coal from the boiler, also has some effect, which can reduce the heat of the boiler and slowly reduce the pressure of the boiler.

But now, it's impossible, I looked at the current boiler pressure, it's about 20 megapascals, it's already at the red line of the meter, and the kid said it's going to explode? I estimate that as long as the range of this meter is exceeded, that is, to 25 megapascals, it is estimated that this small goal will be reached.

I looked at the pressure gauge and saw that the indicator was slowly rising.

"Come on, come on, brother is here to contribute to the cause of power generation!" I

laughed, rolled up my sleeves, picked up a shovel, and poured the best coal into the boiler with a shovel.

Because the coal on the outside is cold, and when I throw it in, it will cover up the burning coal inside, so when I throw coal into it so frantically, the pressure inside the boiler stagnates.

But I know that this is just a performance, and as long as it takes another 3 minutes for the coal I shoveled in to burn, it will be called a bang.

I thought as I added more coal to it. After about three minutes, I estimated that I had heated about 300 pounds of coal inside, and then closed the door of the boiler.

After dragging this offspring outside, I locked the door of the generator room and trotted all the way to the engine room where the fat man was.

I estimated that the time for the 300 catties of coal I added to reach the maximum calorific value was estimated to be about 3 minutes.

There are still 3 minutes! I don't know what the boiler will be like if it blows up under this pressure, but I know that if the boiler blows up, it's no joke! I guess that's at least the same as the power of dozens of high-explosive grenades.

"Fatty! The operation is over, call it a day!"

I shouted to the fat man as I pushed open the door to the computer room.

I saw that at this time, the fat man had already disposed of most of the racks in this computer room, and only a few racks in the corner had not been processed.

I untied a high-explosive grenade from my belt, pinched it in my hand and shouted, I have a grenade, quickly withdraw it!


After speaking, the fat man put down the steel chair in his hand, picked up his backpack and rushed towards me.

I saw that I was almost done, so I pulled on the fuse and threw it towards the rows of racks in the corner.

Then the fat man and I ran out of the door, and not long after, there was a sound of


from behind.

I looked at my watch, and it had taken us almost 20 minutes from the time we entered the base.

"Dao Chief, how much time do we have?" the

fat man asked, looking at my watch.

"There are still 10 minutes, but we have to go up from the fifth basement in two and a half minutes. "


"Because the boiler in the generator room is about to blow up." I estimate that the entire five underground floors are going to be blown up!"

Really! That's great! Isn't the computer room completely finished?"

"Theoretically, that's it. But we'll have to hurry up, or we'll die here heroically." "


from the machine room to the special elevator to go up here, the distance is only less than 100 meters, we ran for almost 20 seconds, then came to the elevator entrance, the elevator does not need to swipe the card, the fat man directly pressed the button to go up, the elevator was opened.

The fat man and I hurriedly jumped into the elevator, afraid that we would be too late to enter and be blown into slag.

After we entered the elevator, the fat man hurriedly pressed the door closing button, and then was about to press the button on the fourth basement floor, I suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly stopped

, "Wait! There is no one upstairs waiting for us to go out!" "

What should we do?"

"If we go up, we must go up, but it can't be exposed so directly." It's hard to say if there is anyone out there, maybe no one.

"We won't be able to go up if it blows up later... The

fat man said this, and was about to press it, but I hurriedly stopped

, "You climb up first!" I

said, pointing to the ceiling of the elevator.

The fat man also understood my intentions at this time, so he directly raised the AK rifle and stabbed it at the ceiling, and then stabbed the ceiling down, because the fat man was relatively tall, he stretched out his hands and held the steel bar above the ceiling, and then with the help of my shoulder, he climbed up, and at this time I also hurriedly pressed the button on the fourth floor of the basement, and then the elevator started up and slowly moved towards it.

After the fat man went up, he stretched out his hand, and I grabbed it, and then climbed to the top of the elevator, and said,

"Later, if there is someone with a gun, then we can just lie down and shoot outside with a gun." If it's a general crowd of onlookers outside, then you throw a smoke bomb, I'll throw a flashbang. "


After saying that, the fat man and I lay on the top of the elevator, holding the gun in the direction of the elevator door, always ready to come and get on the shuttle.

Because most people, when the elevator opens, they won't notice that there are two obscene people lying on the top of the elevator. So this trick can be described as foolproof!


The author has something to say:

a boiler with a pressure of 0.9MPa is equivalent to 350 kg of TNT explosives, and a boiler with a pressure of 11MPa is equivalent to 2.47 tons of TNT explosives, so a boiler of 25Mpa is equivalent to ?

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