At this time, the fat man also got the equipment right, and I saw that he was carrying three rockets, an RPG launcher, and a grenade launcher.

This, together we have two rocket launchers, plus 6 rockets.

"Damn, fat man, you took out all the goods we pressed at the bottom of the box

!" "Haha~ That's, Dao Chief, how is this crossfire?" "

It's just delicious, it's great!" The

fat man and I carried six rockets and walked back the way we came.

"Dao Chief, you say, will the UBM send a helicopter over?" said

the fat man to me as he walked.

"I don't think UBM will send helicopters anymore. We have shot down so many helicopters, and the landlord's family has no surplus food

!" "Damn, how boring this is!" Then what are we going to do?" "

I'm not afraid of 10,000, I'm afraid of just in case, if a UBM has a pressure box bottom come out, we can take it all according to the order!" After all, we have taken a lot of demolition costs, and we always have to be dedicated. "

Haha, exactly! My fat man is the most dedicated!"

"If UBM's plane doesn't come, then UBM will definitely send a team to investigate the situation and support."

"Then what are we going to do?"

"Come and don't be rude, since you're here, eat them all." This Lao Tzu plans to make a splash if he doesn't make a hit, and if he doesn't fly, he will soar into the sky. Fatty, this is our battle, TMD is going to fight for 50 years of peace. "

Haha, that's exactly, children are disobedient and want to spank their butts. How can you let the land be trampled on, fat man, I take up the mission, bandits have always invaded, and they will eventually die. Fuck it!" "

Haha, the words are not coarse!" "The fat man, this kid, although he speaks, does not leave the swear words, but this word is not coarse,

and the little fat person still has a very sense of justice.

"Fatty, this time in the ambush battle, we must completely annihilate the enemy!"

"Guarantee the completion of the mission!" After

speaking, the two of us carried RPG launcher rockets and walked side by side towards the location where the helicopter fell.

Helicopters, I don't think there will be, because one flew over just now, and it's a lone seedling.

As for the ground troops, I guess there are still some people, but from the Qingshan side, it will take at least 10 minutes, and I still have about 7 or 8 minutes to go with the fat man, so I can find a favorable position and ambush first.

I was afraid that these UBM cars would drive in the wrong place when the time came, and they deliberately got a big rock and blocked it in the middle of the road. Block the way.

Entering the village from the outside, the first house is naturally the best place to see it. But at the same time, this location is also the most visible and easily exposed. Naturally, no, here.

The second building is a very good choice.

So, the fat man and I opened the door of the second house, climbed the stairs directly to the second floor, came to the balcony on the second floor, and set up an ambush.

"Dao Chief, this building seems to be a bit low, and it will blow down later, I'm afraid I'll hurt myself by mistake. "

The fat man can be regarded as a wise man, and this one immediately blew up the helicopter from the top down the last time, but he was burned again. So now on the second floor, it's closer to the ground, and if it blows up, I won't have to suffer.

"What's the panic, it's not that you are being hit from the top of your head. If only one car is approaching, then when they come in from outside the village, about 50 meters away from here, they will be bombarded

with RPG! If there are multiple cars approaching, then when their cars are driving into the barricade in this alley, we will stand up and bombard them with RPG in the back. "

Uh-huh" "Eh

, squat down, don't let people find us!" "Oh, how do you look when you squat down?"


look at it, just listen to the sound." Calm down~

" After speaking, the fat man and I were here without saying a word, and even breathing was a lot busier, and after a while

, "squeak squeak ~ squeak ~ squeak ~ squeak ~ "

A not very obvious sound of a car engine came from a distance, gradually approaching.

"Dao Chief, they are coming~

" "Uh-huh, there is only one car listening to the voice. Keep waiting~

" "Uh-huh"

After almost 2 minutes, I felt that the car had driven onto the road into the village, because the sound of the car engine was not as continuous as before, but with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake.

"Dao Chief, do you want to act?"

"Don't, let him in~ There are still big fish in the back." "

Hmm. Less

than 1 minute later,


the car was bought from our downstairs and drove over.

"Squeak squeak~"

Then it stopped, needless to say, to the position of our barricade.

"Get up and get to work!" I

whispered, then stood up, glanced at the entrance of the village, there were no other vehicles, and then picked up the RPG and faced the inside, the military off-road vehicle that was stopped by our barricade pulled the trigger, and

with a "whoosh~"

sound, the rocket rushed out of the launcher to the front.

Less than a second later, with a

sound of "coax~",

the entire off-road vehicle was directly blown apart and flew up.

"Well played!"

"Don't be in a hurry to celebrate yet, there will be big fish later." Squat down first. "

The first car to track us on Qingshan Road, and the car that came in this time, I guess they are both UBM vehicles responsible for patrolling on Qingshan City Road, so there should be more than one car, but because it is located in different locations, it just came in at different times.

In that case, there is a good chance that there are other cars behind that are still on the road.

Anyway, now that we have enough weapons and ammunition, I plan to wipe out all those who dare to come in.

Five minutes later

, "Squeak squeak ~ squeak squeak ~ squeak ~ "

Not far away, the roar of car engines was heard again, and this time it sounded like two or three cars were driving towards me at the same time.

"Fatty, I'll aim at the front car later, you aim at the car at the back, and come directly to a hundred steps through the Yang, and string these three cars into a sugar gourd

!" "A certain gate!" (Cantonese, no problem!)

Although there are many cars, many people. But no matter how high the kung fu is, he is also afraid of kitchen knives. You're here in multiplayer, just enough for me to consume more of the UBM's living power.


" The first car whizzed past us downstairs, and at this time the fat man suddenly stood up in front of me

, "Damn, don't expose the target!"

I hurriedly shouted. But I see that the fat man's eyes are not right

now, because he is not looking at me now, as if he is looking behind me! And the fat man at this time, it seems that he did not pay attention to my call, but immediately raised his foot and kicked towards

me, and I immediately faintly felt that there seemed to be something behind me, and hurriedly lay down in front.

Then, looking back, I, Nima, a zombie was grinning hoarsely and lunging at me, and it almost came into close contact with me.

It's too late, it's fast, the fat man just raised this Foshan shadowless foot

, just kicked the zombie in the abdomen, and kicked it directly, with a muffled sound

of "bang~",

he kicked the zombie who rushed in front of me and flew up. Fell down

from the balcony, "poof~",

and fell heavily on the road below

, "squeak~"

and at this time, the second car just happened to pass under our building, and when I saw this zombie falling from the sky, I was immediately scared to brake.

When this was over, these five words popped into my head.

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