After listening to the fat man's unfazed and calm narration, I was about to go crazy, and someone in Nima reported to me so slowly, and quickly raised the gun and rushed inside!

I raised the AK rifle again 0.003 seconds after listening to the fat man's words, and then kicked the door open, and then yelled

, "Don't move, stand up!"

When I kicked open the door, I did see that in the southwest corner of this room, with his back to the wall, sat a person, who was not a zombie from the current situation.

However, after my warning, this person didn't seem to hear what was going on, and in any case, he didn't pay attention to me.

"Sock, tell you to stand up, do you hear me!" I

raised my voice a few more decibels and yelled inside.

After a short while, the fat man took out a strong flashlight, pressed it and shone it inside.

I saw that a large distribution cabinet was placed in the middle of this distribution room, and on the side of the distribution cabinet, against the southwest corner, there was a person, to be precise, a man.

His head drooped, and his long hair covered his face.

"Dao Chief, is this man dead!" With

that, the fat man took out his crowbar from behind the quilt and walked in.

Seeing the fat man walk in, I can't watch a good show outside, otherwise it would be too unrighteous. I had to follow the fat man in.

The fat man walked straight towards the man, and when the distance was only about a meter or two, he used a crowbar as a temporary fire stick to poke the man.

This burning stick is not an ordinary burning stick, but an iron stick weighing more than 10 or 20 pounds, under such a poke, although the fat man is already very light, but the person who is poked, the feeling is very different.

Seeing the fat man poke like this, the man fell inside. Then, the walkie-talkie in his hand also fell from his hand, making a sound of ticking Dada.

And at this time, I also saw the true face of this person through the fat man's flashlight.

This is indeed a person, not a zombie, but looking at it like this, it is not much better than a zombie.

I saw that this person's entire chin was exposed, which means that this person's chin was attacked by zombies or other things, and the muscles of his face were lacerations, and his jaw fell off and bled nonstop.

But I haven't seen any battles with fat people, this kind of scene is a little interesting.

It's just that after the initial shock, the mentality immediately calmed down.

"Fatty, look at it, have you lost your breath!" "Numb, why am

I again!" "I'll cover you in

the back, what are you talking about!" "Fatty

!" The fat man cursed as he put his hand on the unlucky man's nose, probed it for a moment, and said to me without looking back:

"It's already out of breath!"

I said with a sigh.

But at this time, the fat man did not get up, but still squatted on the ground over there, groping for something.

I took a closer look

, and this kid seemed to be touching gold!"What are you doing?"

The fat man was now working on this man, and from time to time he put things on this man in his pocket, and when he heard me ask him in the back, he thought for a while, and then returned:

"Check what clues there are on this person!"


Although, I know, the fat man is clearly making a fortune from the dead. I also checked the clues, and what I said was very righteous.

At this time, I also put down my AK rifle and turned on my own flashlight.

Since this room has no windows, it is still a bit dim now, and I can only see this room clearly by turning on the flashlight.

What this person just fell out of his hand is indeed a walkie-talkie of our type, and you can't be wrong.

And I think that the reason why this person sends us a knock signal and a signal to scratch the microphone is not because this kid doesn't want to shout for help directly with us, but because this kid's minibus has fallen and he can't speak at all, so he will use the international distress signal instead.

Judging from the person's clothing, this person is dressed in American-style jungle camouflage costume, and there is an American-style M4 rifle on the side, but the bullets are all gone.

He also had a few needles left on his thigh, which looked like they were supposed to be for pain relief like morphine.

Why do these things look so familiar!

"Fat man, get out of the way, I'll take a look at this person again!" The

fat man was almost touching the gold at this time, so he stood up, I walked over and turned this person over with my hands, and the fat man and I were surprised when we saw the scene in front of us.

"UBM people?" asked

the fat man.

"This man's clothes are all printed with the UBM umbrella logo, it should be, it can't be wrong!"

I said to the fat man when I saw that the collar of the military camouflage uniform this man was wearing had the logo of UBM's company.

When we first came in, we didn't look carefully at the person's dress, and when the fat man pushed this person, we also focused on the person's chin and didn't look at the person's appearance carefully.

And now when we take a closer look, we see that this man is actually a brown-haired American.


Chief, UBM people, why did you run here!" "I don't know, it stands to reason, what are the people from the Qingshan Base doing here, looking for death?"

"It's numb, Dao Chief, it seems that UBM is not dead!"

After saying that, the fat man stepped on the body of this UBM special combat team member and stepped on the corpse for a moment.

"Damn, fatty, a little bit of morality, the dead are big, you TMD should also pay attention!"

"I TMD... Before

the fat man's swear words came out, the UBM special combat team member who was lying on the ground suddenly burst out without warning and bit down on the fat man's thigh.

At this time, the fat man was also scared out of six and a half souls, because this zombie was too fast, the fat man didn't have time to react, and he was bitten on the thigh by this zombie.

"Numb!" After

0.1 seconds, the fat man immediately slammed the crowbar he had been holding in his right hand into the zombie's head.


the crowbar passed directly through the zombie's head, nailing the zombie straight to the ground, and into the wood.

After the fat man got this zombie, he also sat down, and said with a sad face:

"Dao Chief, my life is really crying! I just made a small fortune and I want to go to the West Heaven to learn scriptures from the Buddha, numb, Dao Chief, you still give me a good time! In the future, Qingming 15, remember to burn more paper money for my fat man, I want the largest denomination, if I can burn a beautiful woman over, it would be the best, and the villa, and...

"Don't let the White Emperor City be lonely first, let me see the wound!" The

fat man was overturned in this gutter and bitten by this zombie, and my own heart was also very depressed.

After saying that, I took out the knife, walked to the fat man's side, and examined the fat man's wound first, if the wound is not big, the amputation should still be saved.

As soon as the fat man saw me take out the knife, he cried even more fiercely, and said:

"Dao Chief, don't use the knife, Lao Tzu is not dead yet!"



the fat man almost fainted with fright when he heard the word.

"It's better to die than to live, let it go!" After speaking,

the fat man stretched out his retreat, looked at the top of the fat man's pants, and found no holes, and then turned the fat man's trouser leg up, checked it around, except for some blood and tofu brain, there were no other wounds. I looked at the zombie heads on the bottom of the wood, and I suddenly understood.

He stood up, let out a long sigh, and said

, "Fatty, you kid won't be able to die for a while."

When the fat man heard this, he was first overjoyed

: "Really

?" and then a burst of sadness:

"Dao Chief, just tell me, how many hours can I live?" "

You are now 24 or 5 years old, so according to the 90-year-old braids, then you can live for about 65 years, but looking at your cigarettes and alcohol, you have to get a little bit of it, and it is estimated that you will not live for so long." "

Dao Chief, don't make me happy!"

"This zombie's facial muscles are torn, his jaw has fallen off, there is no bite force at all, you don't have a hand at all, take a look for yourself!

"Haha! I'll just say it! My fat master is blessed with all the heavens, how can I just say goodbye and bury here? Dao Chief, do you say yes

, yes, yes! "Mack!" After

the fat man got up, he didn't forget to kick the zombie by the way, and directly lifted the corpse of the zombie to the south wall, making a



At this time, I also followed the zombie towards the south wall, "


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