Seeing that the group of people below had retreated from the square, I immediately controlled the plane and followed from behind.

Since the plane has been specially processed by me, the weight has been reduced a lot, and two batteries have been connected in parallel. It's a lot lighter to fly all of a sudden, and it's more than enough to keep up with these UBM convoys on the ground.

And because there are the headlights of these UBM off-road vehicles shining below, I can see the situation clearly from above.

Will this giant zombie let these people go? To be sure, absolutely not!

The two cars drove out of the square and drove along the streets of the city to a roundabout, and in the middle of this intersection was, if there was no mistake, a large flower bed. When all the cars pass through this intersection, they have to go around this flower bed, counterclockwise half a circle, or a circle.

As long as the vehicles of the UBM special operators go around this flower bed from below, then the front is where the third vehicle disappeared just now.

It stands to reason that the three cars were not very far away when they came

, but the third car disappeared with a "boom~",

and the people in the two cars in front of them didn't feel anything? Could it be that they were sitting on a tractor, the kind of noise that went to the sky? I didn't

figure it out for a while, but it doesn't matter. We'll find out in a moment.

Because I was now in control of the plane, I was about to fly over this flower bed, and when the UBM convoy behind me drove over, their two headlights shone past, and it was clear what had happened on the road.

But for some reason, after I flew over this flower bed, these UBM people were still slowly swaying behind, and the first car just drove to this intersection, and the car behind didn't know where to run.

I had to hover over the place, then turn around and look behind me.

I saw that the second car of UBM was now about 30 meters behind the flower bed, and it was driving towards this direction.

And at this moment, suddenly in the street on the right-hand side of the car behind, a huge black hand unconsciously stretched out to the outside.

Since there was only the scattering of the light of the headlights, it was not clear what was going on over there, and I didn't know what it was, but I felt a long black shadow attacking the UBM car below.

And Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian next to me also discovered such a scene, and they didn't dare to come out of the atmosphere, and unconsciously, these two little girls, holding one of my arms and elbows, slowly leaned over. As if worried that something was going to happen.

I can't see it clearly, and UBM doesn't know it. But they immediately felt the warmth from her.


the big hand suddenly slapped down from above to down, just on the back half of the car, and the second half of the whole car was slapped under the cement pavement.

The front of the car was photographed and bent towards the sky, and two dazzling lights just shot straight at my drone, causing my mobile phone screen to be snow-white in an instant.

"I'll copy Nima!"

I hurriedly controlled the plane and adjusted the posture of the broadcast, otherwise I would not be able to watch the live show.

By the time I adjusted the plane and refocused the camera, the UBM guys below were already engaged in the giant zombie.

It turned out that the team of people who were photographed under the cement pavement naturally had no combat effectiveness, and they were all filmed half to death, even if they were not dead, they were stuck in their seats and couldn't move.

And the team in front, because this time they drove slower and leaned tighter, so they also saw the tragic image directly in the rearview mirror, and immediately turned the front of the car and drove towards this side.

"Da Da ~ "

What weapon is easy to use, seeing that his teammates were all shot to death by this zombie, he directly picked up the assault rifle in his hand and shot at this giant zombie.

"Papa~ Papa

~ Papa~Papapa~Papapa~" The bullet dragged the dazzling phosphorescence and shot towards the zombie, hitting the zombie's body with a crisp impact sound.

This zombie was just checking whose blood it was shedding from the mosquito he had sprung to death, and when he was hit by such a shuttle bullet, he instantly lost interest, and he turned around and rushed towards this side.

I saw these rifle bullets, but they couldn't hurt this giant zombie at all! Where have these soldiers seen this formation, the biggest zombie they have ever seen is just the level of an undead soldier, and the height is about 3 meters, where have I seen this kind of zombie as tall as a 7 or 8-story building. And TMD is not afraid of bullet attacks.

After shooting the first shuttle bullet, they immediately retreated to the back, and suddenly lost the spirit of the little zombie just now.

At this time, our squad leader, Comrade Jerry, was holding a celebration cigarette that he had just smoked, standing on top of the car, carrying an RPG on his shoulder, squinting at this giant zombie, and pulling the trigger,


~". The muzzle velocity of the RPG rocket is not very fast, and it can be seen very clearly in this night, only to see that the tail of this RPG is shining with a dazzling white light, dragging a white flying smoke, and it flies straight towards this giant zombie.


impartially hitting the arm of this giant zombie stretched out in front of him.

In an instant, the arm stretched out by the entire giant zombie was surrounded by a sea of fire.

And that arm was completely beaten off by this Comrade Jerry. With a thud, it fell to the ground.

And it was in this electric flint that I saw that with the help of the dazzling light produced by the RPG explosion, and the blazing fireball later, I saw clearly that this was the giant zombie that attacked our aircraft just now, and he was indeed blown off a hand by us with a grenade just now, but now, it has grown magically.

But these are momentary things.

The giant zombie was hurt by this Jerry's hit, and immediately retreated back silently, disappearing into the alley, without a single roar.

As the saying goes, poor Kou Mo chases, this truth our Captain Jerry understands better than anyone else, although this zombie has been beaten away by Captain Jerry, but he knows that there is no point in chasing it, because if you kill this zombie, you won't give a penny. And the subordinates below have long been scared by this zombie, who dares to catch up.

However, if you win the battle, it is natural that the sycophants below will follow, especially if the squad leader has made a meritorious service this time. I saw that the veteran fritter Tom immediately stepped forward and said:

"Captain Jerry is amazing! I can get rid of this giant zombie with one shot! My admiration for you is like a surging river, and like the Yellow River flooding out of control!"

The two of you go and check to see if there are any brothers alive over there! We can't lose any of them! The others should take their weapons and keep watch around them!"

"Crazy eggs, it's the same as the truth, and you can't lose any of them? Where have you gone?

After this Captain Jerry finished speaking, the people under his hands all held guns and slowly approached the car that had just been slapped to the ground with a palm, and some people also immediately returned to the car, carrying out several RPG launchers and rockets. Then he turned on the flashlight and scattered to carry out the vigilance mission.

was successfully attacked by this giant zombie just now, and the people sitting in the back two rows of this car received a boxed lunch at once, and they were naturally dead.

The person sitting in the front row, because he was not directly photographed, was just stunned, and in the pinching of the car man in front, after slapping him, he woke up, and then crawled out of the window crying and screaming.

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