In my opinion, the current matter of building an RV has to be stopped, because the current situation of the Taoist chief and his party can be described as having tigers in front and chasing soldiers in the back. Imprisoned, I don't know it. Not only is he embattled, but he doesn't know where he is. In between, the doomsday RV series is suspended, and the mountain trail series begins. What kind of story will happen around these special white-clothed girl zombies, so stay tuned.


I went back into the room and sat down on the couch with the fat man.

"Dao Chief, what should I do?"

"There is a map, don't panic, it's just a bit troublesome." Oh, by the way, fat man, you go to the second floor to keep a sentry, don't wait to be surrounded by people, we still don't know anything inside. "

This... The Taoist Chief... As

soon as I saw that this dead fat man began to twitter again at this time, he pushed back and forth, so he smiled and said: "I said

fatty, you are not afraid of death, not to mention that you still have a gun in your hand, tell you to go upstairs What are you afraid of."

"It's not that I'm afraid, but there is ,,, chief in the building of this barren mountain and wild ridge, have you seen

Silent Hill?" When the fat man mentioned the three words of Silent Hill, his voice was obviously quieter. I'm afraid to say it loudly, this place has really become Silent Hill.

"I usually don't do bad things, and I'm not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door at night. I think you kid must have done too much bad things! Okay, okay, Lao Tzu will go up with you, okay! Don't preach feudal superstition to me here. "

Hehe, there is a labor chief, there is a labor chief.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!" After

speaking, I got up from the sofa, picked up the fat man's flashlight and walked towards the stairs behind the house, the fat man saw that I had gone, and more importantly, the flashlight had been taken away

by me, and the room on the first floor was instantly dark, and the fat man saw that the situation was not good, so he quickly chased after him, shouting:

"Wait for me, wait for me." "

This small building is a two-story building.

On the second floor there are two rooms, one of which is a bathroom and toilet, and the other is a larger room with a master bedroom.

Inside, there are two wardrobes, a large desk, a make-up table, a European double bed, and a leather sofa for one person to sit on. The tone of the whole room, which is that dull brown, gives people the feeling of a calm old man. But inside, it's also a bit depressing.

The furniture is very simple, but from the texture of these furniture, it seems that the person who lives here is definitely not small.

"Fatty, I'll just sit here and look at the map, you give me the window to look at the wind, and turn off the flashlight for me!"

Although it was dark outside, the moon was now rising, and it was shining right outside this small courtyard, where we parked.

This way, we can easily monitor the situation on the path outside through the window.

And now that I was basically sure that the little house was safe inside, I asked the fat man to quickly turn off the flashlight.

One is to hide our whereabouts, and the other is to save some electricity, after all, if the battery runs out later, then if you run into any zombies or something, it will be really difficult.

The fat man was now leaning against the window, smoking a cigarette, and obscenely leaning sideways to look outside.

And I sat in front of the desk, took out my mobile phone, opened

the map, first found Lin'an, and then found the three-way intersection to Xiaoya Village, completed these two steps, did not take too much time

, and then enlarged the map to the maximum level, and then walked along the provincial road to the east, to see where there are forks in the road, where to go.

On the map, the location of Xiangyun Hotel, I have collected and marked, so from the intersection of Xiaoya Village to Xiangyun Hotel, I

checked it carefully from beginning to end.

The length of this section of the road is about 1.5 kilometers, and there are 5 forks in it.

Of the 5 forks, 3 are very small, and it's a village inside, so it won't be here.

The remaining two forks, one of them, I looked at, was going south, and there was a tunnel over there, and there was no bridge or river, so it could be ruled out.

Now, then, there is only one possibility.

That's the last remaining road, which stretches towards the mountains to the north.

Halfway through the road, I looked at the river, and after 2 or 3 kilometers, I entered the mountains.

If the fat man and I hadn't passed by the Xiangyun Hotel, then nine times out of ten, we would have turned here!

I followed the path and continued to look for it into the mountain.

I've forgotten how many corners I turned when I came with the fat man, so I can't pinpoint our position very accurately now.

I can only take a general look at the situation around us now.

There are not many such recessed cols, and there are only 2 or 3 of them in the vicinity of 10 kilometers.

But the problem is that there is no house in the map of these two or three cols.

"Is it because the map is too old, or because this house is too remote to be painted?"

It stands to reason that in such a barren mountain and wilderness, such an obvious house, the cartographer should not go unnoticed. So I'm more inclined to the former, which is that the house is newly built, or that the house is protected from being surveyed by cartographers.

Now that we've roughly determined our position, we'll be able to get things out of here. We just have to wait for this storm to pass, and in the dead of night, drive back to the way we came, and then take a detour to the provincial road again, and then we can go home for dinner.

But when I switched to the desktop, the wallpaper of a girl wearing a white T-shirt and a blue pleated miniskirt jumped in front of me, maybe the white T-shirt was too eye-catching, reflecting the whole room brightly.

I hurriedly put my phone down and covered it with my hand.

And just as I flipped my phone, the bright light of the phone screen hit the desk.

Through the peripheral vision of my eyes, I seemed to see an acquaintance in the picture frame placed on this desk.

"Who is this?"

Although the feeling at that moment made me a little surprised, but I couldn't remember who this person was with such a shocking glance.

So, I slowly opened my tightly covered phone and shone the screen towards the inside of the desk.

I saw that on the side of the desk against the wall, there were almost 3 photo frames.

The first of these is a picture of an old man with a white beard and his son and grandson, frolicking together in the yard. It's full of Americans, and this backyard doesn't look like this side, it's more like the old American side.

The other is a wedding photo of a young man in his 20s wearing a suit and bow tie, and another beautiful blonde girl in a wedding dress about the same age. This photo is a little old, and the surroundings are yellow.

The third is a group photo of this white-bearded old man and another skinny old man wearing glasses, wearing a white coat, in a laboratory. On the side of this photograph is the inscription:

"With Dr KaiLi, UBM T virus Office, 2012, 12, 12," (with Dr. Carey, Umbrella Corporation's T-virus Research Laboratory, December 12, 2012)

I don't recognize who this white-bearded old man is, but I do recognize the old man with round-framed eyes and blank eyes!

Moreover, judging from the remarks in the lower right corner of this photo, my thoughts should be correct

, that is, in the photo, the old man on the right is the person who left us the biochemical virus data - Dr

. Carey! Dr. Carey, as one of the main researchers of biochemical viruses and T viruses, was later coerced by UBM and had to participate in the improvement of biological and chemical weapons T viruses.

And now, the old man who appeared in the photo of Dr. Ha Carrie can't run away, and I guess he is also a core researcher of UBM.

Then this house, and the American decoration in this house, can be completely explained.

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