When I had taken refuge here, Comrade Kate from the river had also gone ashore without incident, and

after cursing his commander softly, he walked towards us.

As the footsteps approached, the light of the flashlight flickered above my head, and my

position was diagonally behind the fat man's rock, so if Kate had searched for me,

she would have passed through the fat man's ghost gate. And now, with the help of the flickering light from the flashlight in Kate's hand, I can also see that the fat man is already raising the iron rod over there,

ready to give this uninvited guest a dull stick at any time.

Actually, I don't want to put people to death now, I think about this man more now, don't look too carefully, just fool his leader and pass.

So, hello, hello, hello, everyone.

However, judging from the sound of footsteps coming from the front and the change in the intensity of the flashlight's light,

this short-lived ghost is walking quickly towards us impartially.

I saw that the fat man was ready to tap at any time at this time.

And now I have opened the safety of the flashbang and pinched it in my hand, ready to launch a spell attack at any time.


, click, click~" "Oh~ don't run, stop! Stop!"

Just when the unlucky ghost was about to step into the fat man's ghost gate, the team leader shouted loudly.

"Dr. Charlie ran away, chase me after me!"

Then, Comrade Kate, who was just in front of the ghost gate, immediately put down the matter on our side and ran quickly towards the other side of the river.

I also took the opportunity to poke my head out from behind the rocks and look across the river.

Now I saw three or four people over there, all holding flashlights, running towards the stone cone area.

And the old man who ran away with a flashlight at the front should be Dr. Charlie.

Judging from the current situation, although Dr. Charlie won the opportunity, he was old and frail, and he couldn't outrun the group of mercenaries behind, and the distance between him and the mercenaries behind him was getting closer and closer.

It's about to catch up.

And at this moment, a very sharp scream came from inside the cave. It's a scream, but it sounds more like a person blowing a whistle.

It was almost 3 seconds over,


There was a very loud and low roar from the entrance of the cave to the north.

I'm familiar with this sound, when I first entered this cave, the fat man and I disturbed the zombie ladies in the cave at the entrance of the cave, and at that time, I remember that this sound came from the hole.

It's just that at that time, I heard the sound inside the cave from the outside of the cave, and now, I hear this sound coming from the outside of the cave from the inside of the cave.

"Why are these zombie sisters suddenly awakened now? I copy it, it can't be the order given by this Dr. Charlie, that whistle just now?"

Although the cave was very large, I could still see what was happening at the northernmost entrance, when I stood behind the southernmost rock, and when I poked my head out.

When I heard the voice, I fixed my eyes on the position.

Sure enough, only 5 seconds after this voice appeared, the first white-clothed zombie lady rushed in from the entrance of the cave.

At this time, Dr. Charlie also passed through the stone cone area just now, and just arrived at the entrance of the cave. Seeing that he was about to reconcile with his zombie sister Beauty Tiantuan, suddenly

, "Papa~Papa~"

A series of M4 rifle explosions came from the air

, and then I saw Dr. Charlie fall to the ground,

moaning in pain over there.

"I'll copy it! Doesn't it mean that you can't move this Dr. Charlie without the boss's order? Why are you shooting again?" The

fat boy didn't know when he had run to my side, and was now lewdly poking his head out from the edge of the rock.

"That was when Dr. Charlie was still in their hands.

"How do you say that?"

"Dr. Charlie is a very powerful talent, and he is also an expert on T-virus and G-virus, which is very rare and very useful. If it's in my own hands, then I can bear it no matter what he does. But the only thing I can't bear is that he is out of my control and is going to rebel against the enemy! Such a powerful man would rather kill than let him help the enemy. I guess the boss of UBM told these mercenaries the same way.

"I don't know if Dr. Charlie has a boxed lunch.

"It should be fine, it looks like I hit the foot. "

I see that Dr. Charlie is still moaning over there, and it seems that he can still speak when the M4 rifle hits, which means that he hasn't hit the fatal part yet. I guess it was hit in the leg.

After Dr. Charlie fell, while moaning in pain, he

also used a whistle to blow twice, "Beep~Beep~",

and then raised his hand and pointed at several mercenaries who rushed over.

At this time, these zombie ladies outside had all rushed in, and after hearing Dr. Charlie's command, they rushed towards the four mercenaries in front of them in a frenzy.

Of course, these mercenaries are not vegetarians.

Seeing that these people rushed over were ordinary zombies, because they were not important people like Dr. Charlie, they had no scruples, so they raised and didn't grab it, "

Papa~ Papa~ Papa~"

and fought.

Although now the zombie lady has the upper hand for the time being by virtue of her numerical advantage, but in fact. Kate's side is not false at all.

After all, killing a zombie is one less zombie, and I look at the bullets they are carrying now, killing all these junior zombies, it should not be a problem.

Therefore, the current zombies trained by Dr. Charlie can only be a delaying tactic, and they still can't solve Dr. Charlie's problem at all.

Because Dr. Charlie is now injured, I think the best solution for him now is to surrender directly than to command the zombies to fight against the UBM special operations team.

At least in this way, these UBM special combat members had to send him back to see a doctor and recuperate.

That's right, senior scientific researchers, in UBM company, life is a little more expensive.

After all, in the apocalypse, with such a serious gunshot wound and no professional medical team, it must be a boxed lunch.

But Dr. Charlie was clearly not the kind of person I thought he was, and he chose to fight to the end, that is, to break up completely.

"Fatty, the young ladies are about to lose their time, let's go over and help him.

"Do you use

RPG?" "It's the stone cone area over there, use RPG to trim down the stone cone on the top of the cave, although these UBM mercenaries shouldn't be able to escape, the stone cone blocks the road, but we can't get out." "

Damn, Dao Chief, then I have memorized so many RPGs, it's not for nothing. "

Haha, don't worry, it will be useful later. With

that, the fat man and I felt out from behind the rock in the faint light reflected by UBM's flashlight and walked towards the north side of the cave.

As I walked, I laughed and muttered softly,

"I'll show you what it's like to be dawn!"

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