After the fat man and I were blown away by the strong wind, we all hung on the branches of a pine tree about 10 meters in front of the cave.

After eating several bites of pine needles and pine cones, it took about 10 seconds before I slowly regained some consciousness.

"Fatty, fatty?"

I don't know at this time, where the fat kid has been blown by this demonic wind, maybe he has already gone to the sky.

"I'm here!"

came the cries of the fat man from the woods on the side.

Since it was the middle of the night and there was no moon in the sky, I guess it was blocked by the clouds, and my flashlight was lost. I can't be sure where the fat man is.

I changed into a more comfortable position on top of the tree, and just as I was about to come down, I thought the earthquake was over, and

suddenly the whole mountain shook.

Immediately after, from the inside of the mountain came the sound of a huge rock breaking and grinding.

"Damn, fatty, the mountain is about to collapse, hurry up and hold on to the tree!" Before

the words fell, a strong wind carried dust and gushed down from the mountain.

I hugged the pine trees tightly, and I thought that on such a sunny day, there would be such a mudslide from top to bottom, sweeping the entire mountain.

The first thing that washed down was the strong wind and dust, and I also ate several bites of dirt, but it was nothing.

Immediately afterwards, there is a huge stone block on the mountain

, "cool motion ~ cool motion ~ cool motion ~"

slowly smashed down, this kind of big stone is slow to fall at first, but after a while, it is rolling faster and faster

, and then from top to bottom, rushing out of a road.

If I were in the middle of the road, then I would have 10 lives, and it would not be enough to crush such a crush.

At this time, I deeply felt the power of nature. Say what people will win the day, now you win one and show me.

I just clung to this pine tree, oh no, it was this life-saving straw, praying that these stones would not fall on Lao Tzu's head.

This scene of shaking the earth and shaking the mountains lasted for a full 2 minutes.

After 2 minutes, the mountain calmed down. But the huge dirt dust did not dissipate, and I was surrounded by dirt and dust everywhere.

It is estimated that all this dust is the dirt on the top of the mountain, and this time after the cave collapsed, it was sprinkled like this.

If you look at the mountain from the outside, the height should have been reduced by half, which is spectacular.

But now, I and the fat man in this mountain are not in this mood.

After waiting for no big rocks to roll down around, I loosened my arm holding

the trunk of the tree, my arm was now bleeding several times from the thorns on the trunk of the pine tree, but now, I can't control it at all, I can save my life, I am already thankful that I was not hit by these boulders.

"Fatty, fatty, dead!" Anyway

, there shouldn't be any zombies here now, and even if there were, there was a high probability that they would be stoned to death, so I had the audacity to shout at the fat man.

The explosive air flow just now, I don't think the fat man will die.

But this time the sky collapsed, the mudslide and the boulders rolled down, and

it was normal for the fat man to sacrifice at this time.

But the fat man is my best friend, and I still hope that he doesn't die here. There is also a glimmer of hope in my heart.

"Fatty, fatty, come out for dinner!" I

thought, now that the fat man had been hit by a stone and fainted. And the fat man who falls asleep or faints, as long as you call him for dinner, he will usually wake up immediately.

"Ahem~ahem~ Eat a soft seed!TMD is all dirt!"

A voice suddenly came from under the slope behind me.

"Damn, you're not dead yet! I thought you were dead!" I

slowly walked down. Now on this slope, there is mud everywhere, and it is impossible to distinguish between the road and the road, and it is all a mud road.

But it's not a way to go so blind now, and it's not realistic to go looking for a flashlight, but fortunately, I still have a baby - a mobile phone!

I took my phone out of my trouser pocket, and God forbid, don't be crushed by me.

I took out my phone, blew the dust with my mouth, and then pressed the power button, and the screen instantly lit up

, "This is stable!"

After I unlocked it, I turned on the flash on the back and shone it around.

Now the air is filled with yellow dirt, and the visibility is only 2 or 3 meters.

Judging from the fat man's voice just now, the fat man should be in the slope below me.

I walked down this slope, and the mud here had accumulated almost 1 meter, and now the mud was still loose and not compacted, so I stepped down like this, and

the whole person sank, as if I had stepped on top of snow.

I walked down with a foot deep and a foot shallow.

"Eh~ Dao Chief, don't go any further, you're going to step on me!" Suddenly,

the fat man's weak voice came from below me.

I flashed the flashlight and shone it downward, and

I was obedient, "Fatty, why did you get

under the soil?" "TMD is Lao Tzu drilled into?" Just now I saw a mudslide about to rush down from the mountain, Lao Tzu thought that it was too dangerous under the ground, so he hugged this tree and climbed to it, who ever thought that this tree was too TMD to be strong

I hadn't climbed two meters before the tree fell, but luckily I hid under the slope below, dodging the big rocks, and then I was buried by the dirt that washed down from above. This TMD is really a bit of luck today! Why is such a RPG so powerful

!"""I said fatty, you don't grunt here, you just thank God! This mudslide, if it lasts for another 5 seconds, when the mud buries your head, at that time, it will really not be saved.

"Hehe~ It's also true, it seems that the sky is endless! Dao Chief, do you have

spiritual food?" "All of them are dying, and they are still thinking about spiritual food... "

But people are good at dying, and I can't refuse the fat man's request, so I took out the spiritual food that was squeezed into a ball from my pocket, picked out a relatively intact one from it, lit it,

and then put it into my mouth. When I took my first breath, I realized that there was a fat man waiting to be fed underneath this.

Hurriedly took out a broken piece of spiritual food from it, lit it, squatted down and sent it to the fat man.

Nima, this cigarette for the fat man buried in the ground with only one head left, how is it a bit like Qingming incense.

I have to find a way to get the fat man out, otherwise, when the zombies from all over the world come over to see the excitement, then when the time comes, I can run, and the fat man will really want to get a box lunch.

When the time comes, Qingming 15, but you really have to incense the fat man.


The author has something to say

: Dao Chang: How to get it out, it's very urgent, online, etc

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