The fat man and I hurried down the hill and down the hill.

Judging from the flash that exploded just now, we are not very far from the col at the foot of the mountain, less than 50 meters away.

When the fat man and I walked below, the whistling sound in the fog was getting louder and louder.

I don't know where these zombie armies are rushing to now. It could be a few hundred meters away from us, or it could be right behind us.

This feeling of being overwhelmed by the army pressed me and the fat man to not be able to relax in the slightest, and when we reached the bottom of the mountain, we pulled out our legs and ran outside.

Our car was parked at the bend in the outer corner of this col, and now it was a little difficult to find out with just the flashlight of my phone.

I also had a flashbang pinned to my waist, as well as a few smoke grenades and a high-explosive grenade.

I unleashed a flashbang, pressed the fuse, and threw it hard behind me.

"Fatty, watch out for flashbangs behind you!" I

shouted, 2,3 seconds after the flashbangs exploded in mid-air behind us.

With a "boom~",

the splitting flashbangs dragged 5,6 pieces of red-white flames like a waterfall and floated down from mid-air.

The ground, within a radius of 3,400 meters, is illuminated in a transparent and snow-white light.

Since I didn't throw very high, this brief burst of light only lasted about 7 or 8 seconds.

However, it was enough for me to determine the location of our car and the situation of the zombies in the mountains behind it.

The good news is that we are now less than 30 meters away from our car, and if it weren't for the mud and gravel on the road right now, the fat man and I would have been able to get into the car in less than 5 seconds.

The bad news is that the zombie army behind us, the zombies at the front are only this distance away from us.

"I'm going to do it!"

I screamed in my heart, and then I ran in the direction of the car while the fireworks of the flashbang were not completely extinguished.

The fat man didn't say a word, he rushed straight ahead of me, and ran faster than me.

At this time, there is a good saying! If you run fast, you may not be able to win, and if you don't fall down, then it is called real success!

I watch that if it goes on like this, the zombies will catch up.

I didn't have time to look back and see what was going on, so I had to unhook a high-explosive grenade from my belt, press the fuse and throw it backwards.

3 seconds later, the

"Bang Dong ~"

high-explosive grenade exploded less than 30 meters behind me.

The sound of a high-explosive grenade explosion is different from that of a flashbang in that it is much louder and much sharper when it explodes.

But the only thing that is the same is that they all emit a dazzling burst of light. However, the light of the flashbang is a little longer, and the light of the high-explosive grenade is a flash.

I don't know if my high-explosive grenade just now put down the zombies chasing after us, but I know that when I lost this grenade, the fat man and I had no way back.

I even regretted losing these two grenades.


Originally, these zombies were all coming to the tomb of Dr. Charlie, but I had to make such a big move down the mountain. This is good, these zombies who came to the pilgrimage are all chasing after me and the fat man's position.

"Dao Chief, the car seems to be locked, do you have the key?" The

fat man had already rushed to the side of the car before me, and when he opened the door and found that the car was locked, he asked me anxiously.

I felt in my pocket before I remembered. When I got out of the car this time, the car was turned off, but I didn't pull out the key, and it was still in the car.

"Numb, if you are in the car, you will smash the window directly!" "


as soon as my voice fell, the fat man lifted the window and fell, and the entire driver's window was knocked down by the fat man.

I hurriedly reached in and opened the car door from the inside.


The fat kid gave the back window again, and after breaking it, he opened the back door and climbed in.

"I'll copy it! TMD knocking on a window is enough!" I

turned my head as I started the car, intending to teach the fat man a lesson, to cherish property, and this kind of destruction of other people's property is to eat prison food.

The fat man hurriedly raised an AK rifle in the car and headed it out. Shouted at me.

"Damn, the zombies are coming, hurry up!" Now

the car is also started, and the headlights in front of the car are also automatically lit up.

It was also at the moment when the fat man shot that I saw a large group of zombies, less than 10 meters away from me, rushing towards us.

"Nima!" I

hurriedly shifted the gears of the car to reverse, and in one direction, I stepped back, and then urgently switched the gears of the car to the forward gear, and hit the full direction on the right-hand side, and kicked the throttle hard. He turned a corner and rushed out the way we had come.

When I turned around, these zombie strikers were closest to me, but they were only less than a meter away, and if I moved a little slower, I would have to have a close encounter with the zombies.

But fortunately, Lao Tzu moved quickly, and this run was also a thrilling one.

Ever since I turned the car in this direction, and then kicked the accelerator to lift the speed of the car and shake off the zombies behind me, I have slowly let go of a hanging heart. I couldn't help but feel a little proud in my heart

, "Hehe, no matter how fast the zombie buddies run, is it faster than my car?"

After turning the next corner, I looked into the rearview mirror, and these zombies didn't catch up now, or they were too slow to get to that position.

At this time, the fat man slowly climbed from the back seat to the co-pilot position in front, and took an RPG rocket and a box of RPG rocket ammunition in his hand.

He hummed and chirped

, "Dao Chief, this time we have escaped death!

"What's wrong? The zombies in the back can't catch up with us again. "

Hmph, that's just a zombie in one direction, and the pilgrim armies from other directions don't know where they are waiting for us." I

lifted my weight lightly, my breath was calm, and I said in a relaxed tone with a nonchalant face.

But now, Dao Chief, don't worry too much, use RPG to blast out a bloody path!" said

the fat man, shaking the RPG rocket launcher in his hand.

"The ancients also said: the first army to fight, the second to fight, the second to attack the army, and the next to attack the city. RPG is very expensive, there is no need to waste on these zombies, and once we use weapons on a large scale, then the sound and action will be very large, so that zombies from all directions will come to chase and intercept, which is very unfavorable to us. "

Then what shall we do?" the

fat man asked me as he opened the glove box, looking for something inside, presumably food for thought.

"There should be other people on the side of the road, find a place to take shelter.

"Then what if I don't have it?" At

this time, the fat man didn't know where to find a spiritual food, lit it, took a sip, took a long breath, and asked me.

"Can't find it?


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the gift from my brother "LUNAraven"~ Thank you for your support!

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