Although the radio sound in this radio is now gone, the background noise of the radio station is still there.

"Hee hee what, hee hee what, hee hee what~"

kept reminding me that my radio was not broken, and this radio station was not closed.

Instead, someone cut off the recording signal.

What is the purpose of cutting off this recording signal at this time?

"For what?"

I muttered softly, it stands to reason that there is absolutely no need to cut off this repetitive broadcast signal, then there is only one possibility, this

person has something to say!

And from the radio came an old man's hurried

voice: "Hey, hey, can you

hear it?" and after this sentence, there came another young man's somewhat impatient voice:

"You think it's a phone call, and you still hear it, as long as you pick up the microphone, it will play automatically, and I heard it on the radio outside." Something to say, they're coming soon. The

old man paused, and then said

, "Well, yes, hello everyone! It doesn't matter who I am, it's important that you never come to the west again, the west line, I heard that it was lost today, and they have already attacked." The radio station is now empty. Now everyone outside is running for their lives. If you hear my message, then everyone should listen to me, don't come to Gyeongzhong City in the west, try to go to the north, I heard that the Yangtze River is taking advantage of the natural risk, and now the second line of defense has been built, which should be able to resist for a while. Bodhisattva bless

~" After the old man's words, the young man next to him immediately received:

"Grandpa, go quickly, if you don't leave, the Bodhisattva won't be able to save you

!" "Uh-huh, okay!"

After speaking, there was

a "click~"

from the radio I guess the old man didn't put the microphone back in place when he was leaving, and threw it on the table, which made such a violent and piercing sound.

And it is precisely this action that allows me to continue to listen through this microphone and listen to the sounds coming from near the defense line.

This sound is still very familiar to me.

This is the low roar of a large number of zombies gathered, not thousands of troops, but thousands of horses. In the apocalypse, the best way to hear this sound is to find a solid place to hide.

As the minutes and seconds passed, the sound over there gradually became noisy

, the roars of all kinds of zombies, the explosion of all kinds of rifles and light machine gun grenades. The shouts of all sorts of soldiers, as well as the screams of the wounded.

If I listened to it again, I was afraid that my heart would not be able to accept it, so I directly pressed the switch on the radio and turned off the entire radio.

"Numb, I haven't listened to the radio for a few days, so TMD gave me such a fierce big news?"

I turned around, burrowed the whole person into the quilt, and covered my head with the quilt.

It's not that I'm afraid of the cold, it's that I like this kind of closed environment. I can feel very peaceful and quiet in this environment, which allows me to think about what to do next.

First of all, there is a question about this matter, that is, why it is not the official news, but the old man who has sent us a message?

This is not impossible to explain, that is, it may happen suddenly, and the defense line suddenly encounters an emergency, thus collapsing.

Thus it is too late to broadcast the signal to everyone.

But there's more to it than that.

As soon as I thought of this, I immediately turned on the radio under the quilt again, put the speaker to my ear, turned the knob, and listened carefully.

It used to be a very noisy radio station, but now it is very deserted, and I have been spinning for a long time, but I can't find a single station.

But fortunately, Huang Tian paid off.

After turning around and doing several turns, I finally received an intermittent signal from a distance in one frequency band.


chirp, chirp~" The signal in the radio is intermittent, and some of them are still incomprehensible. I know that this kind of signal, nine times out of ten, is that the radio station does not transmit enough power to transmit the signal over long distances through the atmospheric ionosphere.

As a result, the signal will fade, and the clouds in the atmosphere will flutter, so the signal will be intermittent.

But even so, it kind of gave me a rough idea from it.

As I expected, this radio station is also recorded.

In the apocalypse, this is indeed a major feature, there is no live broadcast of the sweet-sounding radio host, and there is no audience interaction, there are just repeated replays.

However, it also has the advantage of not missing out on important information. After all, this signal is really not very good.

The content is probably as follows:

"Residents in the quarantine area, please do not go to the western defense line now, especially don't go to the Keizhong side, where zombies are gathering now, and the situation is critical. As for the residents of the west, if zombies and other unidentified creatures arrive, remember not to go out, hiding at home and waiting for rescue is the best way to survive. Residents in the west outside the quarantine ring should immediately move to the north of the Yangtze River. If you are unwilling to leave, please stock up on food, and the county armed forces department can directly receive defensive weapons. We will also continue to airdrop all kinds of weapons, ammunition, and supplies, and victory belongs to the people!"

"It seems that we can't go to the west now, we have to go north. "

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