It's not that I don't want to run fast, but this car, the fastest speed, that's the speed.

After 60, when the accelerator is stepped on, there is no power output.

It is estimated that this school bus is limited to the top speed.

And the fat man running in front of me, his car has no speed limit, plus it is a large displacement turbocharger, and one foot on the accelerator will throw me away.

Originally, I could call the fat man to wait for me through the walkie-talkie, but in the current situation, forget it.

After all, it didn't get to the point of life and death, it was just a little taste, and it wasn't like something from below would climb up and bite me. Call for support now, it will seem that Lao Tzu is very faceless.

I was intently driving while listening to the movement inside the car.

If something does climb up from the floor later, I'll be the first to know.

I carry my AK rifle with me and I carry it everywhere I go.

Therefore, as long as it is not attacked by zombies, I can turn around and give a shuttle bullet to the back, no matter what kind of zombie he is, he has to suffer the loss of Lao Tzu's shuttle bullet.

From Lin'an to Xiangyun Hotel, I was worried all the way, but fortunately, the car was very powerful, and I ran very happily on the provincial road, and in the blink of an eye, I drove the car to only about 3,400 meters away from our temporary base - Xiangyun Hotel.

If you drive to the front, you will reach the base, but now, it seems that it is not appropriate to drive such a large car directly into the yard.

For one, the car is too conspicuous, and if we stay in our yard, it is easy to attract the attention of others and be discovered by others.

Second, although our yard can fit such a large car, if you want to modify this car, I am afraid that you will have to go in and out, which is still a little inconvenient.

So, I'm going to choose a base for modified vehicles, close to our temporary base, and if it's secluded enough.

After thinking about it, I went through several nearby places and found that just 200 meters next to our Xiangyun Hotel, next to the provincial road, there is such a place suitable for modifying school buses, that is, the car repair shop where we place the generator!

Whoever sees it will not doubt it. Because car repair shops are meant to repair cars.

Second, there are abundant tools in the garage that can be provided for us to use, and modifying the vehicle is not too simple.

Third, if this place is exposed, then it will not affect our temporary base, Xiangyun Hotel. When the time comes, I'll just slip away with the fat man. Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian are very safe.

I picked up the walkie-talkie, pressed the call button, and said,

"Fat man, don't drive the car to the yard, you drive the car to the car repair shop where we put the generator, I'll wait for you there." "

The signal was delayed for about 10 seconds, and the fat man's side finally responded

, "Received and received~"

When I received this delay signal from the fat man, I had already turned the car in the direction and turned into the car repair shop.

As soon as I got out of the car, the fat man drove the car in. When he saw me, he got out

of the car, took half a spiritual food in his mouth, and said to me: "Dao Chief, why are you telling me to move the car here?"

"The car is parked in the yard of the house, going in and out all day long, and the fortifications are not easy to handle, and it will be dismantled and assembled all day long.

And these days, we may often use the car, so it is better not to park the car in the yard, just park here.

First, so that we could strengthen the gate more tightly, and then we would skip the gate and go around the embankment on the edge of the vegetable patch behind.

Second, if we are in and out of Lin'an City, if we are tracked and discovered, at most we will find a car repair shop, and we will not find the more hidden Xiangyun Hotel on the side. "

Yes, it's still thoughtful!" "


and the fat man talked nonsense for a while, but he forgot about the smell in the car.

I turned off the car, locked it, and walked north through the alley next to the garage to the edge of the embankment.

This is the first time I've walked this road, and maybe it won't work, who knows.

The embankment of a river should always be open. At least, when it comes to repairing, it must be through.

The embankment is not very wide, only about 1 meter, and it looks east and stretches all the way to the front.

However, among them, there are several fences, some are bamboo fences, and some are rusty iron gates.

The entire embankment was cut into sections.

However, these barriers do not seem to be used to block pedestrian traffic, but more like they are used to keep chickens in captivity.

Naturally, the fat man and I were also very relaxed, passing five levels and six generals, all the way to the east, to the front of our own small courtyard.

This Xiangyun Hotel is also set up with two fences, all of which are fence gates made of iron sheets.

In the middle is a piece of iron sheet, on the side is a circle of steel bars, plus two iron hinges, it is a fan that can prevent other people's chickens from climbing over the wall to steal vegetables.

Of course, these doors are easy to open, and naturally they can't stop me from having a fat lock picking expert.

When we pushed the door open, there was an exclamation from the vegetable patch in the courtyard.

"Why did you come from here?" The

vegetables in the vegetable field are hovering and growing very tall, and the fat man and I haven't seen it yet, but listening to the voice, I am sure that Zheng Yan is always right, so he returns:

"In the future, I will take this secret passage, and the gate will be strengthened and no longer leave."

At this time, Zheng Yan also walked out of the ridge in the small vegetable garden, still holding a handful of vegetables in her hand that she didn't know what it was. After seeing us, he asked

, "I thought the door on this embankment was very strong, how did you come here?"

"There is a fat man with a wonderful hand, what door can't be opened?"

I hurriedly flattered the fat man on the side, and the fat man smiled awkwardly at this time and said:

"It seems that the door of this backyard should also be reinforced, otherwise the next time Zheng Yan picks vegetables, he will be attacked by a sneak attack, and it will be troublesome." "


chatted with Zheng Yan for a while, and the fat man and I went upstairs.

What Zheng Yan was holding in his hand just now turned out to be a handful of green beans, but it was relatively small, so it couldn't be distinguished from a distance.

And in this row near the south side of this courtyard, all of them are planted, and it seems that if you stay here for a few more days, the green beans will be eaten at that time.

Get some bacon and stir-fry green beans, it's definitely an ultimate delicacy. The most important thing is that this dish is super delicious!

When I still have the fat man from the basement to the second floor, Zheng Qian is now washing vegetables in our temporary kitchen, preparing to cook lunch.

Staying in the kitchen with a little cook doesn't feel like a thing.

Go and help, I can't make the little girl feel that I can't believe it, but she still makes trouble for her.

If you don't go to help, you can watch it, and the girl is humming and chirping in her heart, saying that my old man knows how to squeeze her as a maid.

So at this time, it's better for me not to stay here, and to find something else to do.

So what? The

most urgent thing of course—to reinforce our southern gate.

I took a rough look upstairs, and the temporary base we have now, in front, that is, near the side of the provincial road, the fence is very high, maybe it is the family who runs a hotel, and is afraid that the dust on the side of the road is too big, so the fence is very high.

However, the gate is not very tall, only about 3 meters.

It is estimated that the general iron gate is designed and cut in the factory, and there is no such super-high gate at all.

So this family also installed this gate, and the proportion of the wall is not very coordinated.

From here, our weakest point is the gate.

A 3 cm thick steel bolt in the middle of the gate, the opening and closing of this gate is also all on this bolt.

That's enough for normal times. But this thing is not against the gentleman and not the villain, and it is still far from the level of doomsday defense.

My reinforcement method is simple, not to add a few more deadbolts. Even if you add it, it's not very useful.

After all, the strong impact force will directly shake out several bolts that hold the big iron door in the wall.

My idea was that behind this iron gate, there would be a pile of things, not the couch that the fat man had brought over, of course, but a thick layer of sandbags.

In this way, this iron gate is like a small mountain, no matter how you hit it, it will not be broken.

Because, what he is relying on now is not the iron gate, but the entire sand dunes behind it.

And once our gates are reinforced, our safety factor is much improved.

Our house was about 15 meters from the front wall, and behind the windows on the second floor, we also had a heavy machine gun.

We also have a heavy machine gun in the back of the house, which can also be transferred if needed.

When the time comes, two heavy machine guns will fire a salvo at the side of the provincial road, and the power will not be covered.

And to maximize the power of heavy machine guns, then keeping a certain distance is absolutely the most critical.

Through the blocking of our walls, we can keep the zombies at a certain distance from us.

So that we can go upstairs and strafe from a distance.

And once these zombies crawl in from outside the wall, the heavy machine gun will be very difficult to do, because of the problem of pitch and elevation, the machine gun will not be able to hit at all.

As for the problem of reinforcing the backyard gate mentioned by Zheng Yan, it is easy to solve it, which is to use sandbags to pile up.

Of course, from the back door, there are only a few zombies who have come over the difficulties, so the defense settings don't have to be too tight.

It's too tight, and it's not very convenient for me and the fat man to go in and out.

Of course, these are the defenses around the house, and the interior of the house is also engaged in a layer of defense.

The method is the same as described below.

It is not enough to just engage in defense and not to engage in early warning.

After all, when I repair RVs and renovate school buses, we may use welding machines, cutting machines and other machinery.

If there is no one to stand sentry, we will not know when they get to the door.

So, when I and the fat man were renovating the RV, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, two little girls, this is also going to be a small screw for the doomsday survival team together.

The idea is this:

Zheng Yan, take the walkie-talkie, go to the east 1 kilometer away from us, find a high place to hide, observe the situation in the east, whether there are zombies, whether there are UBM people coming. If so, report to us immediately.

Zheng Qian is in charge, our west, 500 meters away from us, is mainly responsible for observing whether there are large groups of zombies or mutants coming.

If there is anything abnormal, report it to me and the fat man immediately.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the gift from the big guy "Chenxiao1978"~

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