I don't know how long it was, but I guess it took me half an hour.

Just as I was waiting a little anxiously, a cacophony of background sounds of a hand-held radio swept through the basement, a deathly silence in the dark.


, rustle, rustle~rustle, rustle~rustle, rustle~" The voice came from nowhere else, from my shoulder.

I hurriedly removed the walkie-talkie and turned the volume to the lowest.

The radio sound, though not very harsh, was not very harsh.

But in such an absolutely quiet environment, it immediately woke up several girls around.

"Dao Chief, what's wrong?" Zheng

Qian asked.

"Someone pressed the intercom call button. "

I'm back.

"Zheng Yan Zheng Qian, did you bring your walkie-talkie?"

Zheng Yan hurriedly returned.

"No, I was in a hurry. "

At this time, someone pressed the button of this pager, this person may be fat, but it may also be someone else.

We are in one channel, there should be a total of 4 walkie-talkies. Corresponding to me, the fat man, Zheng Yan, and Zheng Qian.

Originally, it was one per person. But now that Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian didn't bring it, it is very likely that the walkie-talkies of the two of her have fallen into the hands of UBM's people.

They got it, turned on the walkie-talkie to talk, and that was also highly likely.

"Well, listen to it first~

" I waited for a while, and the fat man's voice came from there:

"When is the bright moon?"

You have to be on guard here.

And the fat boy probably thought about it too, so he shouted this kind of code

now! And under normal circumstances, if there is no problem, I should answer - look up and see for yourself!

But now that our conversation may have been monitored, I just have to use some charlatans to encrypt our conversation. These UBM mercenaries from abroad should never be able to understand the black language handed down by our ancestors.

Thinking of this, I hurriedly pressed the walkie-talkie launch button and returned:

"Landing on Ma He, there is a secret hanging." Shoulder to shoulder, let's read it short! Outside the kiln, there is an eagle's talon Sun Liu"

(Polishing your eyes a little, brother, don't speak, there are UBM's minions coming outside the room.)

When I finished reading, the fat man paused for a moment and then came back:

"Release the cage, and pull out the filthy orchid." After

listening to the fat man's words, I couldn't help laughing, this kid is quite bright now, and he knows how to set up a trap for UBM.

The meaning of the fat man's sentence just now is:

"Report false news to the people of UBM and deceive them."

So, I followed and said, "Damn, Comrade Tom, we have now run to the top of the mountain, have you come up?" After a slight reaction from the fat man's side, he immediately returned:

"Dear Comrade Jerry, I have now successfully run to the intersection at the foot of the mountain

, and I

can turn with you later."

"Well, okay, okay. I'm waiting for you at the top of the mountain, hurry up. I'll give you 15 minutes, if I don't reach the top of the mountain in 15 minutes, I'll have to go first, and now there are a lot of people in the base. "

Uh-huh, I understand that, that's it. After

the fat man said this to me, there was no more signal.

I also put down the handheld radio here.

This double reed between me and the fat man made Alice stunned for a moment, and she didn't know what the fat man and I were talking about.

It can be seen that this Alice should be interested in my words. But because of her tsundere personality, I'm embarrassed to ask me.

And at this time, I also explained to her with a smile:

"What I said just now is a dialect of the ancient Celestial Empire, which means the code for the next one.

At this time, Alice also understood, and said

, "Oh, no wonder I don't understand what you are saying. And where is that friend of yours now?"

he didn't say. "


Alice hehe, and then continued to sit down against the wall.

Yes, why did this fat boy contact me with a handheld radio, and there was no useful information for me on the radio, what was his intention?

But whatever, wait until he comes back, this kid has a lot of ideas, and as for what he is going to do, I am too lazy to think about it.

It was probably another cigarette, and a dark red dot floated towards us in a flash.

I have a flashlight on my side, tied to my belt, but at this time, I don't want to use it.

For one, I'm in the dark now, and the red dot is in the light, and I'm not afraid that he will find me.

Second, if I turn on the flashlight, although I can immediately see who it is, but in this case, we will immediately expose the target.

This flashing dark red dot slowly floated towards this side unhurriedly, and at this time, Alice, who was sitting on the side, also noticed this unusual red dot, slowly stood up, walked towards the front quietly, hid behind a pillar, and pulled out her half-moon scimitar.


the red dot over there now also stopped in front of the pillar and said softly:

"Dear Yang Meinu, are you going to murder Wu Yanzu in western Zhejiang? Lao Tzu can't die, if he dies, it will hurt the hearts of thousands of girls around the world!"

This Alice should know the character of this fat man now, but the quarrel is not as good as the fat man, so she has to say viciously:

"Say it again, be careful that I cut off your mouth." With that,

Alice gathered the half-moon scimitar and sat down again.

"Numb, fatty, you don't say hello when you walk by, follow the ghost.

I hurriedly asked.

At this time, suddenly a dazzling light shot from the direction of the fat man, almost blinding my eyes.

"Numb, don't turn off the flashlight yet!" After

saying that, the fat man spit out a circle of cigarettes outside, and immediately turned off the flashlight, and returned:

"Isn't this afraid of shaking your old man's house? haha~"

Alice obviously didn't like people smoking around her, and when she saw the fat man swallowing clouds and spitting fog here, she stood up alone and walked to the side.

I hurriedly said: "The fat man rushes to extinguish the cigarette! Don't smoke in front of other little girls, you smoke your own girls, and cause the girls to smoke second-hand smoke, then it will be too much of a sin!"

Although the fat man likes to make this little femme fatale happy, but in his heart, he still hopes that people will be good, so he immediately extinguished the cigarette and said:

"Don't be sorry

, I'll put it out."

Then the fat man put down a box he was carrying in his hand and said,

"Dao Chief, your old man is really Zhuge Liang alive! I found a room to eat in the next room next door, which makes us not have to worry about food." However, there is one thing that seems to be a little problematic.

I smirked and said

, "Win the prize, win the prize, what's wrong?" "

Well, it's just these things to eat, it seems that I've been sitting for a long time, I don't know if I can eat them~"

After speaking, he turned on the flashlight again and took out all kinds of canned food and all kinds of bagged food in the box.

Since he has adapted to the strong light flashlight just now, now the fat man turns on the flashlight, which is still adaptable.

I took a box of canned food from it and looked at it.

This is a box of canned saury with the words "

Production Date:"xxxx-xx-xx" with a shelf life of 48 months.

It's 2020 now, and this thing has expired... It's been 5 years. I

pulled out a rectangular box of canned food, which looked like it contained compressed biscuits or something.

This kind of compressed biscuit in cans, in addition to the outside can seal, there is also a thick layer of plastic tin foil inside, so the shelf life will be very long, and even if it is a little past the shelf life, it will be fine to eat.

I saw this one written on it, production date: "yyyy-yy-yy" shelf life 120 months.

Although this box of biscuits was produced 10 years ago, it is still within the expiration date, so you can still eat it with confidence.

I just opened this biscuit and threw it to Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, so that they could eat it first.

After Zheng Qian got the biscuits, she beckoned Alice to come over and eat the biscuits together.

After a series of inspections, most of the things brought by the fat man were canned biscuits, and some were canned saury that had expired for five years.

In addition to these, there are also 5 bottles of purified water that have expired for 5 years.

In fact, as long as the shell of pure water is not damaged, there is no expiration date for the water itself.

I opened a bottle and drank it straight away, and it tasted okay.

Mineral water and biscuits alone can actually fill your stomach. As for these remaining canned saury, which are five years old, it is better not to touch them.

If you eat a bad stomach, it's really a bad thing!(Doomsday survival guards three: never eat something that is not dry and clean, rather hungry!Remember! Rather eat a simpler meal, but also to ensure absolute safety.) Because in the apocalypse, I have a bad stomach and get sick, but there is no place to give you a doctor!)

After sorting out these, the five of us gathered together, each with a bottle of mineral water, and ate the biscuits.

And I'm taking advantage of this time to ask Alice a few questions.

There are three soul questions in total, and I said while eating:

"Little sister Yang, I have three questions, which may be more soul questions, if you are not easy to answer, you can not answer."

After I finished speaking, I secretly muttered in my heart - hehe, even if you return, I may not believe it, I just get together to eat now, it's boring, I just want to hear the story.

"You ask, I know everything~"

Alice said without raising her head.

"Uh-huh, okay, the first question is, who are you? The second question is, where are you from? The third question is, where are you going?"

I don't have anything to hide. My name is Alice Young. It's the head of security of the security department of the UBM headquarters in the United States!"

When the girl said this, we were all taken aback!

I hurriedly lifted the AK without hesitation and prepared her.

Although I guess this kid should be an unlucky experimental pig caught by UBM. It has some relevance to UBM.

But I didn't expect that this kid was actually his own person of UBM, and he was also the security captain of the security forces! In terms of rank, he was a person with a higher level than Comrade Asso and Comrade Chekov! Couldn't this be the spy of the American enemy hidden next to our comrade!

And the fat man also took out the crowbar at once, ready to go down with a stick at any time. If the fat man goes down with a stick, then this girl's body will definitely be cold.

Seeing me and the fat man so nervous, Alice burst out laughing, and then said lightly:

"Ex-employee, ex-employee, don't be nervous, UBM is my nemesis now." The

author has something to say:

If this Alice is an enemy, then don't blame me for destroying the flowers with sand grains! Readers who want to save the life of Alice's little sister can give a reward to the sand grains, and as soon as I am in a good mood, I will let her go. No jokes.

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