Sometimes, I blame myself for being too big. I just handed over my beloved two girls to such a femme fatale who is full of problems, unknown origin, mysterious background and combat effectiveness, and is alone.

I have a hundred doubts about her, and a thousand distrusts of her, for now.

But at this time, I am very sure, at least in terms of Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian's safety, I don't have to worry.

even felt that with her, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian would be very safe.

Of course, my current idea is a bit dangerous.

(Doomsday Survival Rule No. 5: Never expose your back to anyone.)

It's better to find a place early, and then pick them up with you, the night is long, the night is long, the night is long.

Thinking of this, I also quickened my pace and ran after the fat man.

Due to the lack of blood in my thighs just now, although I have been massaged by Zheng Yan, I have recovered to be able to walk normally.

But as soon as I started running, I felt that the blood supply was still insufficient, and after a while, I was a little sore.

Fortunately, the fat kid didn't go so fast now, otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to keep up.

Passing through this door in the stairwell, we are faced with an enclosed hallway.

The hallway leads in two directions, one to my left and one to my right.

The fat man is now walking in the direction of the left, and the flashlight is naturally shining on the left.

On the right, it's pitch black now, and it feels bottomless.

I glanced at the corridor on the right behind me, felt a shiver, and hurriedly followed in the direction of the fat man.

The walls of this corridor are very plain and unpretentious, that is, the bricks are pasted with a layer of cement, so to speak, there is no decoration at all.

So tidy up a corridor and it's all gray.

There is no decoration on the walls on both sides of the corridor, and there are no windows.

If a claustrophobic person comes here, it's hard to go crazy.

Walking here, I was also deeply impressed by the leopard courage of the fat kid, of course, it can also be interpreted as recklessness.

You know, the first time he came here, he came alone!

We walked about 3 or 40 meters along this strange corridor to my left, and we came to a corner, and after turning this corner, it was the same corridor again.

I leaned against

the wall around the corner, took a breath and said, "Damn, fat man, did the designer of this building get kicked in the head by a donkey, TMD here can't be a labyrinth!" The fat

man saw that I was leaning against the wall and didn't continue to move forward, so he also stopped, and said with a smile:

"Haha, coincidentally, when I first came in, I thought the same way."


fat man took a flashlight and shone it in front of him, and said,

"Turn seven or eight corners, and you'll be there!"

Hearing the fat man's words, I almost fainted, and this TMD is also called fast!

I deeply suspect that there is definitely something wrong with this corridor. And the deep corridor that the fat man found, that storeroom, is also absolutely problematic! As for the things that we eat that have expired for several years, needless to say, there is also a problem.

I suspect that a secret is about to unfold in front of me.

There are already too many secrets in my heart that I need to crack, and I really just want to find some supplies, find a blanket, find a Simmons mattress, and then sleep well.

But sometimes, you don't want to get into trouble, but things are always going to mess with you for no reason.

"Heaven's will is hard to disobey!"

I whispered, and then thought in my heart: I'm someone Xun, I'm not afraid of heaven and earth, since it's heaven's will, let's go.

After resting for a while, I took out the spiritual food from my jacket pocket and lit it.

Then he accompanied the fat man and walked towards the front together.

Although this spiritual food, in the dark, there is only a dim red star.

But this bit of fire, this bit of temperature, also gave me a lot of moral support and supported me to continue walking.

At this time, the fat man still seemed to be a nobody, humming a little song in the corridor, and walking forward.

I was in the back, not as casual and bold as the fat man, but just walking in it, the atmosphere was a little too depressing, and when I walked through a three-way intersection, I hurriedly stopped

the fat man: "Damn! Fat man, how do you know to go over there?"

After the fat man heard my shout, he immediately turned around, pointed to the ground with a smile, and said,

"Isn't there a map underneath?"

I took a look at the ground with the fat man's flashlight, and it turned out that the boy had drawn an arrow under the ground.

"I didn't expect you kid to be quite careful...

I smiled and said to the fat man. But then I thought about it again, no

! How did this kid know to go this way the first time! This arrow can only be used the second time, and who knows which way to go the first time?

I hurriedly grabbed the fat man who was walking in front, took his flashlight, and then shone it in the other direction.

I saw that there was an identical arrow on the ground at the intersection over there. After seeing this arrow, I also had two big heads, and I couldn't help but ask

: "Damn! Fatty, you're sure you're not going wrong this way!"


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