"Dao Chief, what's the matter? Can this door be opened, I just kicked a few feet, and found that this one is tattered, old and strong. "

At this time, it's not the time for me to put a lupine towel on 13, so I don't dare to blow too big, as the so-called, don't pretend to be unprepared 13, is to return:

"Panic, there are still 2 minutes left, let me study it again!"

At this time, Zheng Yan also handed over her flashlight, and Alice also took my kerosene lamp regardless of her previous suspicions, and illuminated the copper wall on this side together.

Oh no, it's an iron fence.

However, the more nervous I am, the more my thinking jumps, and it would be great if at this time, I would have played a song "Tears in the Iron Window" as a foil.

Circumference around the big iron fence was repeated, wasting 30 seconds of our remaining time.

It was found that the surrounding area of the iron fence was not the same dirt as in the robbery hole.

Rather, it is a thick circle of reinforced concrete.

And this iron fence, it seems that when it was poured, it was not considered to open this situation.

We don't have much time left. I'm not in a hurry, Zheng Yan, who is the most calm on the side, couldn't help but ask at this time:

"Dao Chief, what's going on?"

I looked at the table below, and there were about 4 or 50 seconds left, and the poisonous gas was about to be released.

However, Lao Tzu is not panicking at all now, but the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and he smiled: I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary programmer ape, but in exchange for estrangement

! Okay, I decided, I won't pretend, I'm having a showdown! I'm a resource tycoon in the last days, I'm a showdown!

I didn't have time to respond to Zheng Yan, Zheng Qian, and the fat man, Alice's question, so I quickly took off 4 gas masks from my belt, and then took out 4 acid filter canisters from another backpack and quickly handed them to Zheng Yan, Zheng Qian, Fat Man, and Alice.

The fat man naturally knew that I had this secret weapon in my hand, so this time I was trapped in this thief hole, but he was the most calm person except me.

He took my gas mask and immediately began to assemble it.

After handing over the gas mask and the canister, I hurriedly said

, "Let's quickly assemble this gas mask, rotate the canister into the screw, and then bring this thing to the face and seal it." "

Zheng Yan still has some experience of outdoor life, so she still has some understanding of this kind of thing.

But now, the time left is too intense.

In such a time of less than 30 seconds, in such a dim and crowded environment, it is impossible for ordinary people to complete the loading and unloading of this gas mask!

And for the average person, it is impossible to reach this speed.

Unless, he's just practiced,

and I'm the unless.

I saw Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian's hairy hands, it must be too late to go on like this.

I hurriedly threw my assembled gas mask to Zheng Yan and told her to bring it quickly.

snatched the gas mask in the hand of Zheng Qian's little sister, who was still researching, which side was positive and which side was negative, and said:

"Zheng Qian, I'll put it up for you." "

The time left was so stressful, I was in a hurry, and it took me about 20 seconds to put the gas mask in place.

"Zheng Qian, I'll bring it to you~"

Since Zheng Qian was behind me, I brought her a gas mask, although it was very cramped in this narrow thief hole.

But if you squeeze it, you can still barely complete this operation.

When it was determined that Zheng Qian's gas mask had been installed in place.


My watch rang suddenly.

At this time, the fat man also installed his gas mask in a daze, but before he had time to wear it, he hurriedly put the gas mask on his face, and he didn't even tie the bandage of this gas mask. Then he shouted at me through

the gas mask: "Oh my God, it's been a long time, you hurry up and put on

your gas mask!" "Not yet, there are still 10 seconds!"

Taking advantage of this time, I hurriedly crossed Zheng Qian again, climbed to the side of Zheng Yan, picked up a flashlight and carefully examined the gas mask for her.

Zheng Yan held the half-assembled gas mask in her hand and gave it to me, telling me to bring it quickly.

But because of the problem with her installation, there is no difference between wearing it now and not wearing it.

No, I'll have to remove this canister and reinstall it before I can wear it. It's really kind to help, I really want to hide my face and cry...

Therefore, at this time, I also ignored it, but continued to check on her, and after making sure that everything was okay, the hanging heart was finally put down.

At this time, suddenly there was a coughing sound from behind me, and I turned to pass.

"Damn, I forgot that there is a femme fatale in our current team!" I

hurriedly picked up the flashlight and shone it at her, only to see Alice's gas mask, she had already brought it to her face

, after my preliminary examination, she was wearing it very well

, hehe, this kid, there must be something to hide from me... If it weren't for the training, it would have been impossible to wear it in such a short period of time.

But she was faster than I did, and I had requisitioned all the lights and lighting equipment, and she did it alone at the end of the line, in the dark!

However, I didn't have time to worry about these things with her now, so I checked her, hurriedly took the gas mask handed to me by Zheng Yan, and assembled it in a hurry.

"Dao Chief, hurry up, you're still grinding like this!" Now

even the fat man couldn't look at it, and roared in front.

However, at this time, I was not very panicked, and returned softly:

"The more panicked, the more chaotic, the more panicked!" (The fifth guard of doomsday survival!Don't panic!) "

The poison gas is coming!" The

fat man yelled in horror.

Suddenly, a sound of

"every time ~ Sisi

~ every time ~ ~ every time ~

I hurriedly brought the assembled mask to my face and said,

"Five minutes, just the time to release the poison gas." It will take at least some time for the poisonous gas to reach us, so what a fuss! The passage we just came through is so long, and the poisonous gas will drift over, I'm afraid it will take a little time!" As

soon as I spoke, a cloud of dark green gas came from the other side of the iron fence and splashed my face.

Oh no, it was splashed with a gas mask on me.

"Damn! Where is this spraying poisonous gas, this TMD is spraying poisonous water! If this TMD doesn't have this gas mask, I'm afraid it will be disfigured in seconds! Fortunately, Lao Tzu's hands are fast!" Because

at this moment, the slightest voice was very loud, so the others did not hear my complaint.

Therefore, my image is still great


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the "Lin 17706178992" boss for sending a heart, and thank the boss for his continuous support! The experience is late, and the comrades who are chasing the update have worked hard! From Monday to Friday, I have to work remotely, so it is relatively late~

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