Here, I still have the fat man and Alice, no matter who is fooled here, then their own self-protection is still not a problem.

And now, all three of us are here, so if we are united, it is not as simple as self-preservation.

The person in the secret is very likely to lose his wife and lose his soldiers.

As soon as I thought of this, I also put my heart down a little, and

said, "It seems that I can only start with this child!"

Alice heard my words, and it seemed that the meaning contained in these words was a little unfriendly, so

she hurriedly said: "What are you going to do with him?"

I hurriedly smiled awkwardly and said

"Hey, don't get me wrong. This kid is not a great traitor, and I will definitely not punish him. I mean, Alice, you'll get over to the cliché later. Oh no, it's a question to see if we can figure out where he came from. Otherwise, staying by our side is also a hidden danger. "

I said this sincerely, so Alice also put her heart at ease with me, I guess I watched too many TV series on this kid, and thought I was going to torture this kid.

After listening, he nodded and returned:

"It should be, it's going to be like this~"

and then walked towards the corner with a flashlight.

"Handsome little man, where are you from?" Alice

asked as she walked.

And the children over there are now staring at us tightly, and I am a little embarrassed to see it.

"Why don't you speak, little handsome boy?" said

Alice, who sat down beside the child.

After glancing at Alice, the child raised his hand, pointed to me, and said,

"I'm afraid~"

Numb, this is really, people are sitting by the fire, and hats come from the sky.

Did I do anything, why is this kid afraid of me~

After Alice heard this, she gave me and the fat man a look.

I had no choice but to stand up boredly, pull

the fat man out, and said: "Fat man, let's go out and have one~"

The fat man has no objection to this hat, maybe, he has long been used to this evaluation.

He stood up, removed the door panel, and swaggered out the door.

And I packed my things and walked out together.

I wanted to smoke at the door, but the fat man continued to walk towards the south side of the square, and I was bored to smoke by myself here, so I followed.

As he walked, he said

, "Why are you running so far, wait for Lao Tzu!"

After saying that, I also hurriedly chased after him.

At this time, the fat man did not take out the cigarette, but took out the lighter from his pocket.


lit up.

Then he shone it on the ground.

I took out a flashlight from my pocket with a smile and said,

"You kid's spiritual food fell to

the ground?" At this time, the fat man saw that I had high-end equipment here, so he immediately extinguished the lighter, took my flashlight, and found it on the ground without replying to my words.

When I saw the fat man like this, it didn't look like he was joking with me, so I followed suit.

After about 20 seconds, the fat man suddenly shouted:

"Dao Chief, come and see

, this footprint!" I hurriedly walked over, and sure enough, the location of this place is the position where I suspect that someone is secretly watching us, and the direction of this footprint extends... It's towards the house that Alice is bombing right now.

I looked at it for a moment and said

, "Look like be careful, that guy is coming towards us." But I don't know if it's a zombie or a human

," the fat man didn't wait for me to finish, but he hurriedly said:

"Look at the size of this footprint." "

I was looking at the direction of this footprint just now, but I didn't carefully study the size of this footprint.

Now after such a reminder from the fat man, I have re-examined it.

The length of this footprint is only about 15 centimeters, which is obvious... A man of short stature, or rather the footprints of a small child.


I asked, softly, in surprise, as I turned my head toward the fat man.

The fat man on the side nodded, and said with some indignation:

"Just now, I was in the house, close to the child, just to take a closer look. But Comrade Alice, it seems, is now on the wrong side.

I hurriedly snorted and said

, "Protecting children is a basic characteristic of girls, especially women. Licking the calves is deep, don't worry too much. Do you mean, the one who walked with the zombies in the dark, and the one who took you for a walk in this village

, was the child?" The fat man was naturally a little unhappy when he heard me say that he was taken by this child, but now he didn't talk to the poor, but continued with a deep face:

"How can a child have such good physical strength. "

I thought about it, the fat man's words also make sense, although the fat man's figure is not suitable for long-distance pursuit, but the short distance should still be very incomprehensible.

If such a small child has short legs, he can't run fast, and with the current state of that child, he can't be the opponent of the fat man at all!

The fat man saw that I still hadn't understood, so he continued:

"Only zombies have such good physical strength!"

The fat man held back to the end, and came out with such a sentence.

After listening to this, I smiled and said

, "Have you ever heard a zombie still talk? I also checked just now, although this child is going to die, but there is no sign of a zombie." And people can still talk, and they will be afraid of you. How can there be zombies who are afraid of people~ Don't wronged good people!"

After listening to my words, the fat man also felt reasonable.

Then, I continued

, "Even if he is a zombie, what is it? And if he is a zombie, why don't you attack us directly, it won't be good for him to turn around like this~"

At this time, the fat man didn't understand it for a while, and the twists and turns were to take out a spiritual food from his pocket, and then lit it.

So, I and the fat man were on the south side of this square, and they smoked.

"Just now, I told Alice to talk. Let's see what he says~ Fox Tail, with us, I'm afraid he won't show it~" I

took a puff of cigarette and said.

And at this time, the fat man was also relieved

, and said: "What the Taoist chief said makes sense, if it is true, then there is no need to look for it, it is also trouble-free, haha~"


The author has something to say:

The author has something to say: (The following content is not included in the billing) Today, I was angry and worked hard, and wrote three chapters, is there a big guy who rewards the sand grains ~ sit and wait~

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