Judging by the degree of decay of this zombie, it should have been dead for less than 7 or 8 days.

It seems that just a week before we arrived, there was still a heavy garrison on this side.

Although the degree of decay is not so high, but on such a mountain, the wind and the sun are exposed, and the smell is not to mention.

Careful body search, then I don't want to do it. If it's a young, beautiful and slender girl who is alive, I can be more serious, this kind of zombie, forget it.

I searched roughly, but I still gained a lot.

Untie the zombie's belt with a 9mm Loroc automatic pistol.

This pistol has a relatively large magazine and can hold 17 9mm pistol bullets, and crucially, this fully automatic pistol also supports burst mode.

Switch the mode switch to bursting, as long as you press the trigger, then you can't underestimate the firepower of this gun, this sudden protrusion, it's completely a small AK.

This kind of high-end goods, I naturally know about it, and I have used it.

If you're lucky enough in the chicken game, you can pick it up, this gun has a fast rate of fire and very little recoil.

But when I removed the pistol's magazine, I found it empty.

I don't know, but what happened to these people, they ran out of bullets.

Check the zombie's chest again, as well as the waist, except for a few empty magazines, nothing else.

It doesn't matter, I have a 9mm bullet on my side. This Loroko, I'm like staying.

The idea was made, so I removed 3 or 4 magazines from the zombie's chest, wiped them on my clothes, and put them directly in the backpack.

Just when I was about to turn this zombie over and see if there was anything good behind it.

Suddenly, a small, boxy notebook fell out of the zombie's breast pocket and rolled right in front of me.

I guess I unbuttoned my jacket pocket when I was in the magazine, and the booklet inside fell out when I was flipping through the body.

"Let me see, what is this!" I

picked up the booklet from underneath, and then sat down on the steps and flipped through it.

Turning the first page, the

two big words "diary"

come into view.

This is obviously a diary, but in front of these two big characters, it is later supplemented with two small characters


the two words are written relatively far to the left, and ordinary people write words, generally written in the middle of the left and right symmetrical.

So these two words were obviously added later.

I think there is some truth to calling this era the end of the world, after all, after the outbreak of Resident Evil, survival has become increasingly difficult.

Flipping through the back, it is a record of some trivial things about the deceased's life:

"I participated in military training today, and my leg was about to be broken, but it was very comfortable when I soaked my feet at night" and so on.

For example, "I heard that the Yangtze River defense line is urgent, I don't know if we will be sent to defend it" and so on.

In the last few articles, it begins to tell how this new recruit Danzi was sent to this mysterious and strange village:

"Today, a group of more than 20 people, together with Dr. Liu's researcher and his assistant, carried equipment, took a helicopter together, and came to a closed village with gossip diagrams.

The boss said that our mission was to keep this researcher safe. The

next one reads:

"This village is surrounded by cliffs on all sides, and there is a passage to the north, and we have set up very solid fortifications here, and it is absolutely impossible for zombies to enter." But the supply helicopters can't fly in, the electromagnetic interference here is too serious, and our supply has become a problem. Do you want to transport

from the cliff?" In the following articles, it is not as optimistic as the beginning, and the content is much simpler:

"The road is slippery in the heavy rain today, and we can't get down from the fortress, and the food we bring is almost finished. It doesn't really matter, and we're running out of bullets. What to do next. Why are there so many zombies here!

" The last one is:

"Tomorrow, the headquarters will send a helicopter to transport supplies, and prepare to take the road on the cliff to receive it, hoping that everything will go well." "

At the end of this last article, I looked at the blank paper, but there were still a few words printed.

But I don't see it very clearly.

A closer look at the diary reveals that the page after this last entry seems to have been torn out.

"It seems that this ghost place has a lot of stories!" I

gently closed the journal, threw it into my bag, and whispered.


I called out softly, but there was no response.

When I looked back, I realized that there were no fat people here, not even a ghost.

"Heck, this kid won't leave Lao Tzu and retreat first!" I

hurriedly stood up and checked if the hole in the secret passage above my head was still there.

Fortunately, the 3,40-centimeter-wide opening was still there, so I shouted


and after about a second, the fat man's voice rang out:

"Dao Chief, I'm here!"

But this voice did not come from the small thatched hut overhead, but from the bottom of this secret passage, that is, from the direction of the cliff.

I hurriedly walked down the secret passage again.

This secret passage, that is, there are a few steps near the house, so it is easier to walk, and when you get to the bottom, there are some suspended plank paths.

These plank roads are different from those in the scenic area, and there are railings around them.

This plank path is crisp and simple, with only a few wooden steps under the feet, and no railings around it.

One wrong step, he is really an abyss.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the "AFO wolf pack" brother for sending the heart*5, thank you for your support!

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