And when the people on Asso's side dispersed, the people on the other side who were shooting towards this side didn't want to let go so easily, and each took up all kinds of weapons and shot towards the gate:

"Papa~ Papa~Papapa~"

The deafening gunshots rang out one after another at the base, tracer bullets and ricochet bullets, grazing the fire, flying everywhere in the basement.

Since there is no lighting in the basement, the scene reflected by these fires does not look like a shootout, but more like the workshop in a blast furnace steelmaking plant.

Every 5 rounds of these UBM's current mercenary rifle cartridges are a tracer bullet, a special rifle bullet with a flammable fuse embedded in the warhead, such as white phosphorus.

When it is launched, it rubs against the air and begins to burn, emitting a white glow.

The stray bullets and ricochet bullets were when they touched the big iron gate made of steel, and they sparkled with the big iron door.

The whole basement is really lively.

But these bustles are all our bystanders, Comrade Asso and his party, and now they are really in a hurry.

Comrade Asso hid behind the console and glanced in the direction of the way he came, and it was this glance that almost killed Comrade Asso!

"Bang Bang~"

Two rifle bullets, as soon as Comrade Asso came out of half of his head, they were fired towards Asso's side.


After Comrade Asso cursed, he immediately turned to the side, although Comrade Asso was wearing a beautiful and high-grade bulletproof helmet on his head, these small rifle bullets, hitting the helmet, tickled even more as if they could not threaten Asuo's life at all.

But Comrade Aso instinctively avoided these two fatal bullets.

"These rabbit cubs, why were they ordered as soon as they appeared?"

Asso lay on the back of the console, thinking that this was amazing.

And at this time, a Yue country monkey on Asso's side is really not even big, and he is not small.

In the midst of this rain of bullets, sticking to the dead corner of the wall, it is quickly moving in the direction of the enemy.

Although there are also a lot of stray bullets towards this Yue Guo monkey, but fortunately, this Yue Guo monkey is even flexible, and the body is relatively petite, these bullets, either dodged, or lucky did not hit, or although the bullet hit the monkey's body, but because of the relatively wide clothes worn, the bullet slipped directly through the gap.

So this monkey along the way can be regarded as frightening.

When the monkey was only 2 or 30 meters away from the enemy, he saw that these people on the opposite side were firing fiercely at their side behind several infantry fighting vehicles.

Through the glare of the muzzle, I also saw that these people were wearing not only bulletproof helmets, but also four-eye night vision devices with green light.

After the Yue Guo monkey saw this, he also suddenly understood why the people on his side suffered a loss. If you suffer a loss, you will suffer a loss, and you will lose money if you don't have high-tech equipment.

When I looked over again, I found these people hiding behind infantry fighting vehicles, assembling a mortar, and it looked like it was about to be assembled.

If a mortar comes, the people on their side will not be reimbursed immediately.

Thinking of this, the Yue Guo monkey didn't have time to react, so he couldn't care so much, so he just shouted:

"Captain, they have night vision devices and mortars, run!" Fast! "

Originally, the UBM mercenaries on this side didn't notice anyone here, so they squatted 2 or 30 meters in front of them.

After hearing this sound, he was first shocked, and then immediately turned the muzzle of the gun, and hit a shuttle bullet at the position of the Yue country monkey here.

"Papa~ Papa~ Papa~"

Although this Vietnamese soldier has hidden his body very secretly, he still can't stand the many people and guns here.

It's just that less than 2 seconds later, he was shot several times in his body and vomited blood and died.

After hearing the sound of his own people, Asuo saw that the firepower on the opposite side was attracted by this Yue countryman, so he hurriedly got up and stuffed a card on his body into the console.

"Bibibi, Bibibi~"

After Asso's card was stuffed in, the entire console was activated.

Then Asso pressed a red button, and thousands of tons, tens of thousands of tons of stainless steel cast iron doors slowly opened towards it.

"Everyone, get inside!"

Asso ordered everyone.

After hesitating for a while, everyone immediately ran into the gate.

And at this time,

with a sound of "coax~",

a mortar was fired in this direction.

Impartial, right in the middle of the big iron gate.

With a sound of "Bang~",

the huge explosion shock wave blew up Comrade Asso, as well as some people who had not had time to retreat to the iron gate.

However, as well as the people who ran into the iron gate, because of the big iron gate, there was nothing to do.

After seeing that his captain was blown away by the bomb, Chekov and the others immediately refreshed their wine. Hurriedly rushed out of it, grabbed Aso's calf with one hand, and dragged him towards the door.

After Aso woke up, he felt that something was tugging at his calf, and when he looked closely, it was Chekov, looking behind him - the big iron gate was now open, and the pursuers behind him were less than 50 meters behind him, and they were approaching very fast, and they would be caught up in a few seconds.

"Let me down~"

Aso shouted.

When Chekov saw that Aso had come to his senses, he immediately put Aso down, and then he raised his gun and fired a shuttle of bullets in the back.

The bullet hit the infantry fighting vehicle that was catching up from behind.

But infantry fighting vehicles, not ordinary cars, windshields, are bulletproof.

Although Comrade Aso's AK47 assault rifle is very powerful, it cannot penetrate the frontal armor of the infantry fighting vehicle. Only a few shallow bullet marks were left on top of the bulletproof glass. The driver inside, of course, is still safe and sound.

"Numb, the boat capsized in the gutter!"

Asso looked at the infantry fighting vehicle that drove by, hid behind a post, and complained softly.

At this time, Chekov did not have Aso's melancholy, but like a nobody, he took out a wine jug from his pocket, put it in his mouth and took a small sip, and then said:

"If only there were peanuts!"

After Chekov's words, on the side, the vigilant Jim squad leader snorted and said disdainfully:

"You'll have peanuts to eat later!"

When everyone heard this, they all laughed.

Really, everyone knows the current scene.

Later, not only Chekov, but everyone here will probably have to eat peanuts.

But everyone didn't have vodka, and everyone laughed so much, not only not like they were laughing at Chekov, but they were laughing at themselves.

Chekov had at least vodka to drink, and he was afraid that he could only eat peanuts.

Aso looked at his brother, at this time did not leave him, it can really be said that he took care of each other, and he couldn't help but be moved in his heart, seeing everyone regard death as home, Aso was also relieved at once, and then everyone said softly:

"Don't panic, everyone, we still have reinforcements!" Let's find a strong place and hide first, I'm afraid that if these bunnies see that we don't come out, they will bombard us with mortars again! Remember, no matter what happens, don't move, don't shoot, and don't make a loud noise!

Just after a burst of laughter from the people on Asso's side, the current UBM mercenaries who came did not move forward again.

One of the little leaders looked at these people, and seemed to be hiding behind the pillar, and did not flee again, nor did he dare to chase after them easily. If there's an ambush, that's bad.

Anyway, everyone came out to work, and they couldn't take any risks, so they ordered:

"Take out the mortar and bomb me directly!"

Since the mortars have been assembled, they are immediately loaded when they are taken out, and

with a "bang~"

sound, they are fired towards Asso.

But fortunately, the people on Asso's side, due to their thorough preparation, were not injured.

"Why is it so quiet!"

The little head of the UBM mercenary, with his legs crossed, sat in the cab of the infantry fighting vehicle and looked ahead.

At this moment, in a cloud of smoke, a gray-black shadow seemed to emerge.

"What is this?"

After seeing this shadow, the UBM mercenaries did not panic, because they now want people and guns. To mortars there are mortars.

If only others are afraid of their share, how can they be afraid of others?

"Came out and surrendered?"

The first thought of this little boss was that the uninvited guests who infiltrated here saw that they were outnumbered, and they came out to surrender.

But gathered here, from this fog, there was a very discordant dog barking:



Whether it was a junior brother on Asso's side or a worker on the UBM mercenary side, after hearing this burst of dog barking, they all rushed to a burst of surprise.

Fortunately, the little head of the UBM mercenary side is not a dry eater, and he has usually learned various precautions from the UBM Research Center.

One of them is that it is strictly forbidden to enter the eighth basement floor.

In a hurry, I chased in, but I found that this place was not only the eighth layer, but also the ninth floor.

And I also asked why I was not allowed to enter. The explanation was that there was a very dangerous woman inside.

But here, if there is a woman, this little head will naturally not believe it, and if you think about it with your toes, you know that there must be dangerous mutants down here. And what the boss said to himself about the woman, after thinking about it, it made people laugh.

After hearing this dog barking, he hurriedly shouted:

"TMD, don't shoot, withdraw, give Lao Tzu out!"

But, alas, this sentence is still a step too late.

Before the words fell, dozens of rifles exploded.


After a shuttle of bullets, I didn't see anything hit.

After a round of shooting, the shadow did not disappear, but took a step closer.

And behind him, dozens or even hundreds of figures are surging towards this side.

"Hurry up and reverse Lao Tzu! Fast!

As soon as the words fell, the little head sat on the co-pilot, and before he had time to explain, he broke the gear directly to the reversing gear, and then stepped on the accelerator:


the infantry fighting vehicle fell out of the back.

Seeing that his boss has run away, these migrant workers under his hands, who receive much less wages than the boss, naturally have no reason to stay and work hard.

Immediately, he ran out after the infantry fighting vehicle.

Still, it's a step slow.

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