Spray the entire east side, gable, west wall behind. The three of us were too tired to do anything, so we sat together on the steps at the entrance of the house and the courtyard to rest.

10 buckets of paint, each bucket can't be poured cleanly, so if you go to get it again, you can give the small half bucket everywhere.

The fat man was a strict thrifty person, so he went to get the remaining paint out and collected it in the sprayer.

He said, "Drink yogurt, don't lick the bottle cap, that yogurt is soulless"

So the fat man went to lick the paint cap...

After the fat man collected the remaining paint, he activated the compression sprayer again, and then began to press in. He shouted to me

, "Why are you still stunned, come and spray the surrounding courtyard wall"

It turned out that this kid was going to paint the entire courtyard wall once to use it for waterproofing?

This is not easy to be detected by the outside world.

Yes. After our spray painting, the whole house blends with the mountains and meadows here.

And the wall tiles facing south are also green, so if you don't look closely at this house now, you can't find it from afar.

I didn't spray three or six layers of paint on the fence, first, we don't have much paint left, and second, this fence basically doesn't need waterproofing work. We don't live on top of the walls.

So I sprayed a layer and asked it to do its covert mission. And the two silver iron doors that were a little rusty, I didn't do anything, and directly picked up the trolls and touched them, turning the silver iron door into a green iron door.

While doing the exterior painting work, I also carefully observed the surrounding environment:

this house is on a mountainside, near the west of the house, is a loess mud path, this path does not end when the house reaches me, but continues to extend into the mountain. As for where it will extend, I haven't studied it yet, but I'll see it when I have time.

My house is at the bend of this dirt road. There are two forks in the road at this turn, one of which leads to my house. My house is not visible at this fork in the road, because there is a tall and dense forest between this path and my house, and I am thinking that when the time comes, the path into my house will be sealed off with dead branches and vines at this fork, so that no one will know that there is anyone inside.

To the south of this house is a very high cliff, and it is a bit inappropriate to say that it is a cliff, or more precisely, a steep slope. Because there are still a lot of trees and weeds growing on this steep slope. It's just that the slope is a bit steep. These trees are also tenacious and can grow in such a steep place.

Let's become a cliff for the time being. It's still a bit difficult to climb up from below.

Below this steep slope is a forest, and at the end of this forest is Qingshan Lake. Qingshan Lake is big and clean. Looking from the second floor of this house, the Qingshan Lake outside is like a dark green mirror, and the shadows of the mountains opposite are clearly reflected on the lake.

In the morning, a layer of mist will float up on the surface of the lake, so that the whole lake will look very fairyland.

To the east of this house is a bamboo forest, and the bamboo here looks like it hasn't been pruned for a long time, and no one has come to deal with it. So it grows very densely. One by one. It is estimated that the bamboo planted by the owner of the Zheng family in the past was used to eat or sell bamboo shoots by himself. But now there is no one to take care of it, so this side is everywhere.

At the end of the bamboo forest, you can vaguely see other houses in the village, but the nearest house is estimated to be 1 kilometer away.

The back of the house is the back of the gable.

The first is a vertical dirt slope. This estimate is that when the house was built at that time, due to the limited flat land on this plane, a flat land was shoveled out of the side of the mountain, so this vertical soil slope appeared.

There was nothing to do with this dirt slope, and I was a little worried about the collapse at first. But then I felt that this house has existed for more than 20 years, and it has not collapsed, so now that I live here, it will not collapse. (Hehe, what about my logic.)

The dirt slope to the north of the gable is now also overgrown with weeds and vines. Above there were shrubs, and a rose had grown. It is estimated that it will be beautiful when it blooms. I guess it was the former beauty-loving mistress of this house planted a rose.

There was a small flat area next to the rose, and when I climbed up to look at it, I found that it was also a vegetable patch, but now it was overgrown with all kinds of weeds. It is estimated that this is also the vegetable plot of this house in the past. This vegetable plot is half an acre by visual measurement, which is still quite large, but it is crooked and not wide, but it is very long.

Hehe, since you don't come back, then I'm embarrassed to requisition these vegetable plots.

At the end of this vegetable field is a mountain stream, and there is a small waterfall, a babbling stream, flowing with a crystal clear, snow-white and transparent stream, this cool stream, at first glance, is the clean mountain mineral water. In the end, I was also making sure that the source of this stream water came from a spring in a cave on this mountain.

Further up are some tall trees. Mostly pine and cypress. Towering and lush. There are a lot of dead branches and weeds on the ground.

After looking around and looking at the surrounding environment, I sighed that although the city is convenient, clean and beautiful, the living environment in this countryside is not bad.

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