After thinking about it for a long time, the girl at the front desk finally remembered who Li Shan was. Usually they are called general manager Li. Suddenly someone comes to look for Li Shan. She is really confused.

"Sir, are you talking about Mr. Li? Sorry, Mr. Li's whereabouts, I can't tell you. " The little girl at the front desk said in a business tone.

"I'm he Linqing, Li Shan's boyfriend. I want to know if she is still in the company now?" He Linqing is a little anxious.

"Oh, it's brother-in-law. Why didn't you say it earlier?" The little girl at the front desk giggled. He Linqing has been to the moonlight Hotel many times. They all know him.

Dizzy. I didn't expect these people to call themselves brother-in-law. At this time, He Lin halal is not in the mood to joke with them. He hastily urged: "I said beauty, you have not answered my question now? How about Mr. Li? "

"Yes, yes, I forgot your question." The little girl at the front desk laughed and said, "Li always comes home from work before five o'clock. Why? Haven't got home yet? You won't lose Mr. Li? "

He Lin Qing was shocked when he said this. She hung up the phone in a hurry and didn't even say thank you.

He called Li Shan again, or turned off the phone. He Linqing was already restless at home. He got up quickly and was ready to look for it along Li Shan's way home.

However, from home to find the moonlight Hotel, even Li Shan's shadow has not been. He Linqing had never felt such despair, and he didn't know what to do.

Maybe, by now, Li Shan has returned home. Maybe there was something else on the way just now, which was delayed. He Liqing decided to return.

Thinking of these, he Linqing and hurried back home, but still no Li Shan shadow. He Linqing is a little desperate.

At this time, he Linqing's phone rang, he looked, it was Li Shan who called, and he quickly picked it up, "wife, where are you?"

"Hehe, who is your wife? Listen carefully before you speak. " A man's voice came from the other end of the phone and said with a grim smile.

"Who are you? How could Li Shan's mobile phone be in your hand? " He Linqing was on guard.

"It doesn't matter who I am, it's the owner of the phone that's in my hands." The other man said languidly.

"Do you know who I am? Do you know who you kidnapped? If you dare to touch a hair of her, I will definitely make you regret being a person in your life He Linqing can only warn him at this time.

"He Shao, don't you get excited? Your girlfriend is really beautiful. I can give he Shao a face, but I can't control my wolf like brothers. " That's what the other person said on purpose.

"Listen to your tone, you should know me, and you should know the identity of the kidnapper. What exactly do you want? As long as I can do it, you can speak. " As long as Li Shan can be safely rescued, he Linqing has nothing to give up.

"He Shao, don't you say so bad? What kidnaps don't kidnap? I'm inviting her to be a guest. All of them are friends. There's no need to use a knife or stick. Besides, it's a girl. We'll certainly take good care of it. " The other side is like an old friend chatting with his family. He Linqing is chatting with him.

"You know that your behavior has already violated the law, and there is no good end." Although he knew that such words would not have any deterrent effect on these fugitives, he Linqing had to say it again.

"We know that. How can people in this business not know? However, I advise you that it's better not to call the police, or I really can't guarantee that this beautiful little girl will live to see you Facing he Linqing's words, the other side appears more confident.

"Yes, I promise you, I won't call the police. Tell me, what do you want to do He Linqing asked the other party's request again.

"This one? Let me think about it. " Finish saying this, the other side is ready to hang up the mobile phone.

"Wait a minute. I want to hear Li Shan's voice first." He Linqing needs to confirm what happened to Li Shan.

The other party obviously considered it for a while, and finally said, "he Shao, you can't ask too much."

After that, he put the mobile phone on Li Shan's mouth. He Linqing only heard Li Shan's anxious voice coming from the mobile phone, "Linqing, I've been arrested by several people. Do you want to help me..."

"Wife, are you ok? Where are you? " He Linqing anxiously asked, but the mobile phone has come to the blind voice.

When he Linqing dials the phone again, it shows that it has been turned off.

Anyway, whether it's good news or bad news, there's news. The next thing is to find a way to rescue Li Shan.

However, he did not know what was going on. He did not know where Li Shan was locked up and who did it? Now, the only thing he can do is to wait.At this moment, apart from waiting, he really doesn't know what to do. He carefully analyzed that he Linhan and Wang Haoran were the most likely to know him and Li Shan and dare to do it. But now the other party has not made any conditions. Even if he guessed who is the mastermind, he still has no way.

After dinner time, he Linqing was tired and hungry at this time, but he didn't want to eat anything. He sat powerless on the sofa and buried his head deeply between the two retreats.

He had been waiting for the phone to ring again, but it never rang again.

He Linqing has been sitting on the sofa, the night has been very deep, he did not know when he was, actually fell asleep. In the morning, he woke up again. The first thing, he quickly grabbed the mobile phone, I am afraid there is a missing message or missed calls.

But, no, nothing. He Linqing dials Li Shan's mobile phone number again, but it is still turned off.

Put down the mobile phone, he Linqing tried to move his numb arms and legs, found that the legs have been completely numb, no sense. It turned out that he had been in this position all night without moving at all.

He stretched his legs slowly, trying to ease the situation, but tried several times, but failed. At this time, the mobile phone finally rang, he Linqing quickly picked up, "Hello, what do you want?"

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