Cang Yang respectfully faced the melon seed peel in front of him and bowed three times.

Suddenly, the head of the Li family became cold, as if a terrifying existence was staring at him.

But he couldn't see anyone!

"Sir, it's that person, please do me a favor..." Cang Yang showed a flattering smile: "Look back. The poor monk is willing to send hundreds of babies as sacrifices."

"Don't worry, adults, offerings can be negotiated."

"I know, a hundred babies, a hundred virgins, I will prepare it for the adults when I turn back, and ask the adults to take action..."

Obviously, only the Li family's head and Cang Yang were present!

The teeth of the head of the Li family began to tremble.


On the other side, Lin Xian is...

Being carried by the ruthless man, Yujian was running away.

That's right, it's just like carrying goods.

Lin Xian: "..."

In fact, this posture has been going on for a long time, and the ruthless man is worthy of being a ruthless man. Lin Xian is rarely industrious, and he has repeatedly said: I can stand on your sword, this posture is not very elegant.

However, the ruthless man didn't even look at him. Instead, he continued to fly and said calmly and objectively, "No way."

"I don't have time to stop and wait for you now, someone is chasing me behind me!"

Well, after so long, the ruthless man also made things clear to Lin Xian.

The sales of demon pills were exposed, and then they were chased and killed.

Honestly, it's a bit of a disaster.

But Lin Xian didn't care, nor did he have any resentment involved.

Not to mention that the demon pill was sent by Lin Xian to the ruthless man, just saying that the ruthless man could run directly by himself, but he still had to take the risk of going home and taking Lin Xian with him would be considered a blessing.


Lin Xian still has to beat people, how troublesome!

And now...

At a very close distance, the faint scent spread into Lin Xian's nostrils, and the ruthless man's little face seemed to float with two red clouds.

Well, when she fought against Lin Xian, she fought head-on.

That is to say, Lin Xian's stomach was held against her shoulders, her legs were in the direction of her back, and the two little cats...

Ruthless people have always been strong, so naturally they won't imitate that little daughter's attitude at this moment.

But this can't make people ignore the identity of her daughter's family, especially such a beautiful little girl.

But now Lin Xian is not enjoying the process of escaping, the reason is...


Feijian continued to accelerate, and Lin Xian's face was pressed down on the ruthless little cat by the acceleration...

Lin Xian: It's still a little small. Although it's soft, it's not big enough... It really is the reason why I didn't eat meat.

If the Ruthless Man knew about his current thoughts, he would definitely throw him away without hesitation, and maybe even make up for it twice.

Suddenly, Lin Xian was stunned, turned his head hard, and looked at the direction beside him.

"What's the matter?" The ruthless man asked, sensing Lin Xian's movements.

"Can't you see?" Lin Xian asked with a blink of an eye.

"What can't you see?"

"No, it's alright."

Lin Xian looked at the black smoke that turned into evil spirits and beasts for a while...

So, what is this?



Chapter [-] Why do you have to force the salted fish to turn over? (Second, ask for flowers for evaluation and collection)

Chapter [-] Why do you have to force the salted fish to turn over?

Lin Xian was silent for three seconds. Although he was a salted fish, this kind of thing that obviously followed him and occasionally made a few weird and gloomy laughter didn't look like a good thing, right?

Then he looked at the demon, let out a wicked laughter, and began to cover himself.


A second passed.

Ten seconds passed.

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