"I just ran out of mana. After meditating for a while, I will start again."

"But you are a mortal and can't be inedia...you eat this."

Saying that, he threw a pill over him.

"What is this?" Lin Xian asked, looking at the medicine pill in his hand that looked like a snack called Huahua Dan.

"Bigu Pill, you can take it for a day's food." The ruthless man explained bluntly.

Lin Xian was silent for three seconds and silently put it into his mouth.

no taste.

Not hungry.

I don't feel at all...

"Ruthless man, this kind of escape..." Lin Xian thought about it and asked, "How long do we have to escape?"

"It depends on whether the other party is chasing or not. I estimate that it will take at least half a month to completely escape the pursuit..."

In other words, for the next half month, you can only eat this thing?

Lin Xian was silent for a moment, then stood up.

"What are you doing?" The ruthless man asked strangely.

"Go to the toilet." Lin Xian sighed.

Then he looked in the direction of Cangyang.

Really, why do you have to force the salted fish to turn over?



Chapter [-] Daxian spare your life! (Three more flowers for evaluation and collection)

Chapter [-] Daxian spare your life! (Three more flowers for evaluation and collection)

"Well?" Cang Yang looked at the young man who appeared in front of him, paused for a while.

Although Cang Yang started a little slower, he was a great power in the Yuan Ying period.

The speed of the light escape is much faster than that of the ruthless man.

At the same time, before being caught by Lin Xian, that Demon Sha also passed on the position of Ruthless Man early, which saved him a lot of time.

So in fact, Cang Yang was not far from Lin Xian.


"Fortunately, you're not far away, otherwise I'll have to work hard to find you." Lin Xian slumped on the ground and sighed.

In order to eat in one bite, his salted fish is rarely turned over.

Wait, let the ruthless man make a good meal for him!

"It's you? That man?" Cang Yang frowned, and then suddenly showed a sly smile: "Alright, since you took the initiative to bring you to the door, wait for the poor monk to smash your soul—"

"Why are you chasing her?" Before he could finish speaking, he heard Lin Xian ask.

Cang Yang was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Those who have virtuous treasures—"

"Do you know that I didn't have a good meal because you chased her?" Lin Xian continued.

"Eat?" Cang Yang glanced at Lin Xian, and then suddenly said: "So you are a mortal? So, that ruthless man left you? It's ruthless, I—"

Lin Xian: "It's a big sin to disturb people's meals!"

Cangyang: "..."

Can your special code let me finish a sentence?

"It seems that the treasure is not in your hands, a mere mortal with no spiritual energy, how could it be possible to destroy my demon?" Cang Yang sneered and said: "So, it should be in the hands of ruthless people. in..."

Saying that, he raised his head slightly and looked into the distance.

There, is the direction of the ruthless.

"Haha, my darling!" Cang Yang laughed out loud, then looked down at Lin Xian.

"It's an honor for a mere mortal to die in the hands of a poor monk!"

"I said..." Lin Xian frowned, "Can you be quiet?"

Laughing loudly.

Cangyang: (╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻

"Good! Good! Good!" Cang Yang suddenly became angry: "I'll make you quiet right away!"

"The forever kind!"


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