After all, he stretched out his hand a little.

An extremely fast moonlight passed by the ruthless man, and even if she hurriedly dodged, a bloodstain was cut out of her arm.

There is no way, now the moonlight is more and more, the speed of the destruction of the ruthless, has completely failed to keep up with the speed of the summoning of the Immortal Venerable.

Brush! Another moon blade, a bloodstain was hung on the delicate face of the ruthless man.

"You know what my favorite thing is to... destroy new people like you."

Seeing this, the young Immortal Venerable had a sickly happy expression on his face, his teeth were biting his nails, and his eyes were full of excitement.

"Even in the fairy world, there are not many beautiful people like you... It must be very interesting to kill!"

Brush! Brush! Brush! The ruthless man was expressionless, but his clothes were already stained with blood.

"Liu Shen, admit defeat!"

Zi Yan looked at it, a little unbearable.

"You can't fight like this!"

The moonlight was getting more and more, and the young Immortal Venerable had put his hands upright, covering and watching, watching the ruthless man fight.

"hold on......"

Liu Shen narrowed his eyes and bit his silver teeth lightly.

"A ruthless man, it's not that he can't speak, and it doesn't seem like he's impulsive..."

It seemed that the ruthless man still performed the immortal sword dance with an astonishing momentum.

However, there were more and more wounds on her body, and the young Immortal Venerable had relaxed and commanded the Moon Blade to fight.

"The big picture is settled!"

Immortal Emperor Ye Lei raised the corner of his mouth.

"This match, the ruthless lose!"

Immortal Emperor Qiongzhi sighed inwardly: "With the power of Immortal Emperor, she has done very well."

"Unfortunately, the difference in level has become a foregone conclusion after it cannot be made up by other means."


Tong Yashuang's lips moved slightly, she couldn't help it, she wanted to admit defeat for the ruthless.

But looking at the ruthless man who was continuously cut through several openings and continued to fight, he finally failed to open his mouth.

At the moment when almost most people felt that the result of this battle had been determined, a sudden change came up! Om!!! A bright sword cry! The best immortal sword! The immortal sword is a means of transportation that many people are accustomed to. Good at flying short distances.

And the best immortal sword, the speed is surprisingly fast! When no one reacted, the ruthless man appeared in front of the young immortal! Everything happened too fast! The expression on the young immortal's face was still stagnant. For a second, he showed a triumphant smile.

But the next moment, an extremely bright sword light filled his eyes.

And in his mind, there was only one thought in his mind-"Impossible! I have so many moon blades to protect, how did she avoid so many moon blades and break through"

This is his last thought... This question, he has no way of knowing, but countless audiences can see it clearly.

That is... the ruthless man did not hide at all.

She just found a route that won't die in constant defense, and then rushed out... Her clothes were tattered by the moon blade, but not even a bit of skin leaked out, Because...has been covered with blood.

There was a huge hole in the arm, and blood poured out like a small spring. There were definitely more than a hundred holes on the body, and the whole person was completely... a bloody person.

Only her face was still extremely calm.


The one hundred and fifty-ninth chapter grows quite strong fruit (the first is more automatic)

Everything is changing, happening too fast.

The last second, the young Immortal Venerable was still there: pressing down on the ruthless and beating.

In the next second, he was rushed by the ruthless man and beheaded with one sword.

The change was so fast that it caught me off guard.

Even the two great Immortal Emperors did not expect this result.

The ruthless man was still expressionless, her entire movement was very fast, and it had been planned for a long time.

From closing the distance a little bit, choosing the moment when the moon blade is less, to making a good sense, rushing forward! "It's actually a top-quality flying sword... This son is a great man!"

Immortal Emperor Ye Lei's eyes flashed a dignified look for the first time.

Even when Zi Yan defeated three Immortal Sovereigns in a row, he didn't have much fluctuation.

But now, it is completely serious! The reason why the ruthless man can kill Immortal Venerable is very simple, relying on the speed of the best flying sword, taking advantage of the moment when he is negligent because of his own defense, just take its head directly.

"So that's the case. At the beginning, the ordinary fairy sword was only used to confuse others..."

Immortal Emperor Ye Lei narrowed his eyes.

Even if it is a top-quality immortal sword, if you take it out from the beginning, it will definitely not have such great results! Young Immortal Venerable himself has high-level immortal weapons. In the face of top-quality immortal weapons, even if he loses, he will not have no resistance at all. Guerrilla, he must be victorious! If it wasn't for the ruthless being suppressed for so long that even he was could he have been defeated! But all the coincidences put him together, and he died! The ruthless man Still standing! A surging force is applied, sending it out of the arena.

"So decisive, so scheming, so... ruthless!"

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