The flesh and blood of the dead demons will pollute the land.

The escaping demonic energy will cover the sky and the sun.

If it is not dealt with, it will turn into demon soil and be assimilated by the demon world.

Although...the casualties were enormous.

But if it goes on like this, I will definitely not be able to support it! "Are those... devil cubs crazy?"

Xiansheng gritted his teeth and said: "So many demons, just rushed over"

"Aren't they afraid of dying?"

Whether the demons are afraid of death, Xiansheng does not know.

But Xiansheng knows that the demons are experts, representing the several human races in front of Hundred Flowers City, and they have all fallen! Based on past experience, I am afraid that this moment has been transformed into... "Not good, my lord."

A messenger face ran over in exclamation.

"The troops of the Demon Race have already passed our Hundred Flowers City and attacked towards the rear!"


Immortal Saint's face changed, and he appeared in the sky over Hundred Flowers City in the next second.

In his line of sight, the dense, ant-like demons divided a lot of troops and attacked towards the rear.

There, it's the baggage team! It's the team that transports supplies! "Can we send troops?"

Xiansheng's face was ugly, and his voice was hoarse.

Another immortal saint next to him sighed: "Fellow Daoist, we have too few troops."

Actually it's not much.

In the entire City of Hundred Flowers, almost everyone is a monk, and there are also many immortals.

Even if you count the number of immortals alone, there are still [-] people! But there are too many demons! Now it is difficult for us to defend even the Hundred Flowers City, let alone rescue those who transport materials. The mortal army is over... the leader of the fairy sage has a solemn expression, biting his lip.

In fact, how could he, the leader, not know the strength of his own side? But even if he only held a glimmer of hope, he was also eager for an answer of 'can send troops'! It's just a pity... Suddenly, the teleportation circle suddenly flashed. A white light.

An elegant figure appeared, and Xian Sheng's eyes suddenly burst into a brilliance.

"Lord Qiongzhi Immortal Emperor!"

The person who came was not the Immortal Emperor Qiongzhi! Behind her, there were Ruthless people and others.

Originally, Ruthless and the others were planning to go to Immortal Emperor Ye Lei, but since Immortal Emperor Qiongzhi also had a city attacked by demons, they came here.

After all, they are not very familiar with Immortal Emperor Ye Lei...

"How's it going... well, I don't seem to need to ask, I can see that it's not very good..."

Immortal Emperor Qiongzhi narrowed his eyes and glanced around.

"Yes, the demon cubs on the opposite side are going crazy. I'm afraid all the cities in front will fall, and even the baggage team in the back will be attacked by demons..."

The headed fairy smirked bitterly and said.

"But since the Immortal Emperor is here, that's fine."

"Also ask the Immortal Emperor to preside over the overall situation!"

Immortal Emperor Qiongzhi was not polite and nodded.

She first took over the war information during this period, and at the same time sent reinforcements to rescue the baggage team in the rear.

Although she had already arrived, she did not dare to make a direct move.

With such a large demon clan, there must be a demon emperor inside! You must know that the demon clan respects power, and if there is no demon emperor suppression, they may have already fought themselves.

Immortal Emperor Qiongzhi himself was a relatively late Immortal Emperor, and his strength was relatively weak.

Facing the Demon Emperor who came from the mad slaughter in the Demon Realm, he was absolutely incapable of it.

"Fortunately, I also brought a few allies here..."

Immortal Emperor Qiongzhi breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Lin Xian and the others behind him.

Of course, to be precise, her eyes are mainly focused on the linden tree! So this divine tree can play... With its strength to hang down Immortal Emperor Ye Lei, this wave is stable! And Qiong The Bodhi tree that Immortal Zhi was watching... "Yeah."

It tried its best to use the branches to shade the tree, and gave Lin Xian an umbrella.

Lin Xian yawned.

"It's fighting again... I'm sleepy."

"Can I hide and sleep?"


Chapter [-]: Salted Fish Group, Entering the Immortal Realm (the third is for automatic)

Beneath the City of Hundred Flowers, a large amount of demons is still there: a frantic attack.

There are thousands of kinds of demons, and the one attacking in front of them is a kind of demon that looks like a beetle.

The head has an acute angle, and it has six arthropod-like arms.

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