Then he saw Lin Xian couldn't help but said, "Well, it's almost time."

"We're all a little tired."

If the ink goes on like this, it won't be time for dinner!

Jian Qing was stunned for a moment, then patted his head—he almost forgot!

"Come on, boss here, please." Jian Qing said: "The cafeteria of the inner disciples of Wanjianmen is right in front."

"Well, let's hurry up, I'm hungry."

With that said, Lin Xian pulled the ruthless man and walked out directly.

Well, in case Wan Jianmen's food is not good, they can let the ruthless people borrow their cafeteria. . . . . .

Ruthless was also taken aback for a moment, and then let Lin Xian drag him away.

But maybe she felt that it was not good not to answer the door owner. When she was about to be pulled out, she opened her mouth.

"There is indeed a teacher's door down there!"

"Teacher Lin Xian!"

Lin Xian: I think I heard someone say I'm handsome?

. . . . . .


Chapter [-] Good disciple! (Second, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation)

Chapter [-] Good disciple!

Wanjianmen Canteen......

To be honest, after the cultivator established the foundation, he was already able to inediate, and he did not need to eat at all.

Although the monks need to eat during the Qi training period, with the wealth of Wanjianmen, they can all be attached to Bigu Pill to solve the food problem.

In reality, however, that’s not to say that diets are completely useless.

Dishes made from Linggu, Lingguo, Monster Beast Meat and other materials can be eaten by monks with low cultivation, which can completely promote their cultivation.

Of course, this is only eaten at the Jindan stage and below. For the great masters above the Nascent Soul stage, unless it is the food of a real fairy chef, they rarely eat those things.


Because the amount of aura they swallowed is too large, unless they feed on golden pills, or even monsters in the Nascent Soul stage, they are almost useless.

And let's not talk about the issue of no waste, just whether this level of monsters can be fully supplied is a big problem.

Therefore, in the cafeteria of Wanjianmen, most of them were disciples of the Foundation Establishment Period or Jindan Period.

And now...

"Big brother, I wonder if my Wanjianmen's dishes meet your taste." Jian Qing asked.

Lin Xian only focused on stuffing vegetables into his mouth crazily, how could he still have time to get back to him?

After half a day, he squeezed out a sentence; "It's okay."

Ruthless and Jian Qing: "Then why do you eat so fast?"

In fact, in Lin Xian's view, it can only be said that it is not bad.

The ingredients for the dishes are affordable, but unfortunately the craftsmanship is completely incomparable to that of the ruthless little loli.

If anything is an advantage...

There's meat in the dish, right?

Of course it does!

Although Lin Xian doesn't dislike eating vegetarian food, he is also a man who doesn't like meat!


The corners of his mouth twitched, unable to stop.

The table full of dishes was quickly swept away, and of course, new products were constantly on the table.

Of course, Jian Qing paid the bills, but Lin Xian had no money in his pocket!

What's more, this is also one of the conditions for Lin Xian to come to Wanjianmen.

"Cough, so what, fellow Daoist eat first, I'll go to arrange accommodation for you and fellow Daoist ruthless." Jian Qing waited for a full hour, seeing that Lin Xian hadn't stopped, he couldn't help but understand.

Then, as if someone pressed the pause button, Lin Xian paused.

Then, as if pressing the fast-forward button, Lin Xian's mouth quickly chewed and chewed, and in just one-third of a second, he swallowed all the food in his mouth, and said.

"Remember to choose a kitchen-sized one."

After saying this, he quickly picked up the vegetables and chewed...

Ruthless Man, Jian Qing: "..."

"Okay, I'll pick a kitchen...the biggest one." Jian Qing laughed dryly, got up and left.

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