Zi Yan was rushed by the momentum, her face turned pale, but she still gritted her teeth.

"That's my mother's name!"


The next moment, the figure of Hei Qin suddenly appeared in front of Zi Yan.

"You are the daughter of the Dragon Emperor, which means...the princess"


Including the several immemorial Void Dragon youths who were crushed to the ground behind them, everyone's expressions changed drastically.


The [-]th chapter is full of love (the second is more automatic)

"You said, what am I"

Zi Yan said blankly.

"Dragon Emperor, his real name is Zhuyin."

Hei Qin said solemnly, "Only a very small number of people know this name."

"For example, the four island masters of Taikoo Void Dragon."

"Another example is the patriarch of the five vassal races who swore an oath with the Dragon Emperor and pledged allegiance to the immemorial virtual dragon forever."

"Besides that, there are only a few of the Dragon Emperor's peers, and even they may not remember the Dragon Emperor's real name..."

The Dragon Emperor is the name given to the Emperor of the Immemorial Void Dragon by outsiders.

However, this name is too loud, and the person who really remembers the real name of the Dragon Emperor has scales and phoenix horns instead.

Even the juniors in the immemorial virtual dragon clan rarely heard of it.

"That is to say, I belong to the Dragon Emperor..."

Zi Yan suddenly widened her eyes.

"As long as you're not lying."

Hei Qin said coldly, "It is not a small crime to pretend to be the bloodline of the Immemorial Void Dragon."

"Enough to kill your parents, companions, and friends!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was angry.

Especially the Heavenly Frost Wolf King, even if the Demon Sage was in front of him, he wanted to kill him! Zhuyin was the name that the Demon Emperor himself admitted back then, how could it be fake. "Of course I didn't say panic, and—"

There was a look of anger on Zi Yan's face, just about to say something.

"If I didn't lie, then I apologize to you. You can ask me to apologize, even if I give you my head."

Hei Qin's face was solemn: "But now, please give me a drop of blood."


Everyone was stunned for a moment, but one of the three immemorial Void Dragons who were pressed to the ground and stood up just now laughed.

"Hei Qin, don't you want to take the dragon's blood test?"

"Just them, they can also pass the dragon's blood test to see how she looks. It's not bad to have an achievement in purity."

"Don't say that, I think it's one point five."

"Anyway... it's all rubbish, how could the bloodline of Lord Longdi suddenly run out... or at this critical moment..."

For a time, the eyes of the three of them were a little gloomy.

Everyone looked at each other, what the hell was going on.

Also, that dragon blood test...what is it? "Dragon blood test is a test that every immemorial imaginary dragon will go through."

Hei Qin said solemnly: "It can directly detect the blood concentration of the first generation ancestors on you."

"One for the clan, three for the core, seven,."

"If it is the heir of Lord Dragon Emperor, it will definitely be the royal family!"

Lin You next to him explained in a low voice, letting everyone know that this is what every demon clan has to experience - testing blood! The demon clan is essentially born from beasts.

Those...there are species: the group of beasts is fine, if it is a unique alien species between heaven and earth that wants to reproduce, it can only be combined with other bloodlines.

Besides, the power of love is great, even if it is a racial herd, there are often people who fall in love with the existence outside and combine them in pairs.

But the blood of the demon race is about power.

Of course, cultivation can purify blood.

Combining with foreign races does not mean that the bloodline is directly divided into half, but often the powerful bloodline still occupies the majority.

However, for the sake of strength, almost every race is advocating its own internal solution.

However, with the passage of time, the blood concentration of most clansmen tends to decline... Detecting blood concentration is something that almost every demon clan will experience! Zi Yan nodded, her fingers were pierced, and a drop of blood flew away. out.

That Hei Qin, who regarded it as a treasure, took it over and used a magic trick.

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