She came to find her mother, not to go to Longdao to mix things up! Hei Qin's face changed greatly: "The boundless sea of ​​blood is a place of death, even... a demon emperor-level power... and there is no return. The Lord must never think so."

"Dragon Island has the most formal inheritance of immemorial dragons. As the direct daughter of the Dragon Emperor, including the position of the Dragon Emperor, it should also belong to the young master. Why does the young master not want to go to Dragon Island?"

How terrifying the boundless sea of ​​blood is, Zi Yan is not afraid, but rather.

But go to Long Island... Look at the young people whose faces turned extremely cold when Hei Qin uttered the words 'Dragon's Position', everyone understands that when they go to Long Island at this moment, there must be No trouble! There may be an immemorial Void Dragon inheritance waiting for her, but there will definitely be a lot of unnecessary things! Zi Yan has a hesitant look on her face.

"How can the young master hesitate?"

Hei Qin's face changed greatly: "The patriarch of the Primordial Void Dragon should have been inherited from the bloodline of Lord Dragon Emperor. If the young master does not come, is it possible to give it to that group of people who are not three or four?"

"Hei Qin, who do you think is the third generation?"

The youth of the immemorial virtual dragon looked cold and hummed.

Hei Qin didn't look at them at all. In his opinion, the current dispute between Long Dao is completely... the following.

If it weren't for my lack of strength... I would have learned the way of a mortal and come to Qing-Jun's side.

In his eyes, Zi Yan was like the prince of the dynasty.

How could the crown prince not inherit the throne! But at this time, the Tianfrost Wolf King was a little hesitant.

Looking at the appearance of the three young immemorial virtual dragons, it would be very troublesome to think about it.

Although he is also a fan of the brain, but he also cherishes Zi Yan more! "Do you have meat?"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

"Ah yes."

Hei Qin subconsciously said.

"Okay, let's go then."

Lin Xian calmly swallowed and said to Zi Yan, "How can you throw away your mother's inheritance because of some small things?"

Everyone: "..."

...In the end, a few people decided to go in the past.

Hei Qin glanced at the three immemorial Void Dragons, and then swiped his palm in the space in front of him, tearing a space crack.

Everyone's figure flashed and they got into it.

Inside the space crack, is a strange passage filled with faint silver light, and the passage extends to an unknown end.

And everyone is flying fast in this passage.

"As expected of the ancient virtual dragon, even if it is just a vassal, he can easily build such a long-distance space transmission channel with the power of one person"

Looking at the surrounding space passages, Liu Shen and the others also had some surprises in their hearts.

This kind of ability, even a peak Xiansheng powerhouse who specializes in the laws of space, I am afraid it is somewhat difficult to do.

Of course, Hei Qin was not an immemorial Void Dragon, but everyone could see it very clearly. When he was doing it, a piece of jewelry that looked like a bone chain flashed in his hand, which was obviously a magic weapon in space.

It is estimated that some ancient virtual dragon's magic is attached to this chain.

In front of Zi Yan, Hei Qin led the way with a slightly dignified expression on his face. He didn't say anything along the way, as if he was on guard against something.

And because of his influence, the others had to keep silent, but their brows were slightly wrinkled because of this. What happened to make Hei Qin so solemn and several people shuttle through the space passage for nearly For more than an hour, Lin Xian had already laid lazily on the furry back of the Heavenly Frost Wolf King.

Suddenly, the speed of Hei Qin in front of him suddenly slowed down, and everyone's eyes followed the distance, but at the end, there was a faint silver aperture emerging.

"Is it coming?"

Seeing the aperture, everyone's spirits were also lifted, and they rushed into the silver aperture following Hei Qin.

The next second, after a moment of blurring, the vision suddenly became brighter.

Seeing that scene, Lin Xian twitched the corners of his mouth and asked.

"This is the Dragon Island of Taikoo Void Dragon"

"Donglong Island."

Hei Qin said in a deep voice.

"You're sure we're not in the wrong place"


"Okay, you lead the way, you have the final say."

Lin Xian raised his head, looked into the distance, and sighed.

"But why do I always feel as if we strayed into the amusement park"

Yes, looking around, the most conspicuous thing is a legendary... roller coaster!  …

Chapter [-] The innocent smile of a child (the fourth is more automatic)

Chapter [-]::::Child-like innocent smile Fourth more: Seeking to be automatic is not just a roller coaster.

There are also a series of projects such as high-altitude catapults, haunted houses, and pirate ships.

There are also many young immemorial virtual dragons playing there, making hahaha laughter.

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